The following is from W6VR's "CGC Communicator." 73. Jim, W6CF ***************************** CONSUMER-FRIENDLY VERSION OF FCC'S ELECTRONIC COMMENT FILING SYSTEM LAUNCHED The FCC has launched "ECFS Express," a simplified version of its very popular Electronic Comment Filing System ("ECFS"). ECFS Express is designed specifically with the consumer in mind. It is easy to use, focuses on topics rather than docket numbers, and requires minimal input by consumers wanting to participate in the Commission's public rulemaking process. People wishing to comment simply click on a topic, fill in their personal information, write their comments and hit "send." To access ECFS Express, users just click on the "File Comments" logo found on the front page of the FCC's Web site <http://www.fcc.gov/>. http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-230234A1.doc
participants (1)
Jim Maxwell