[ARRL-ODV:11013] ARES® Trademark

I think we should consider allowing (r) as a reasonable facsimile of the trademark symbol ®, especially in e-mail. This was the working rule in several companies I worked for, just because the symbol is so difficult to consistently reproduce in various systems, especially older e-mail systems. For those of you using Microsoft Word, there is a nice easy shortcut for the Trademark symbol Alt-Ctrl-R (alt + ctrl + the "r" key). Unfortunately, that doesn't work in Outlook or in many other Microsoft products. In my e-mail program (Eudora), I have to import the name from a Microsoft Word file. In other e-mail programs, people are going to have to remember a clumsy set of keystrokes (Alt and 4 numbers... I don't remember the exact values provided by Mr. Goddard). To make matters worse, you have to have num-lock on and use the numeric keypad for that "Alt" trick to work. On a laptop, the keypad is embedded in the regular keyboard, so when num-lock is on, you can't type those letters (on my keyboard, the numeric keypad is overlayed on letters m, j, k, l, u, i, o, and the numbers 7, 8, 9). Can we at least get a legal opinion on whether NAME(r) is the same as NAME® when written in e-mail? Andy Oppel andy@andyoppel.com andy_oppel@earthlink.net andy_oppel@comcast.net
participants (1)
Andy Oppel