[ARRL-ODV:7486] VRC July Report

Attached is the July VRC report in two forms. Immediately below it's given in text form. A more nicely formatted Word version is also attached. 73. Jim, W6CF VRC Chair Volunteer Resources Committee Report To The ARRL Board of Directors July 19, 2002 The following summary report is submitted to the ARRL Board of Directors on behalf of the Volunteer Resources Committee. The year, thus far, has been an extremely busy on for the VRC. The committee has had two in-person meetings thus far, one in January, the second in June. One more is scheduled prior to the Board meeting on July 18, 2002. In addition, ten one-hour teleconferences have been held. A document containing the minutes of all 2002 meetings thus far is available from the Chair, upon request. 1. Minute 35 of the 2002 Annual Meeting Minute 35 reads as follows: 35. On motion of Mrs. Craigie, seconded by Mr. Walstrom, it was unanimously VOTED that the following resolution is adopted. WHEREAS, Amateur Radio's emergency communications capability ranks first among the bases and purposes of the service set forth in the FCC's Rules; and WHEREAS, non-emergency public service communications events are training experiences which prepare Amateurs for service in both natural and man-made disasters; and WHEREAS, since the founding of our League, the ARRL has sponsored programs which train, organize, and enable Amateur Radio volunteers to provide emergency communications support to charitable agencies and government authorities; and WHEREAS, in these challenging times not only for our country but also for the entire civilized world, it is essential for Amateur Radio to offer the most efficient and effective emergency communications systems, including support for Homeland Security; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ARRL's Volunteer Resources Committee is directed to perform an in-depth study of the League's programs related to emergency communications and non-emergency public service communications, and to report recommendations for modernizing, streamlining, and increasing the effectiveness of these programs to the Board at the Annual Meeting in January, 2003. Our response to Minute 35 is still under development. A number of significant steps have been taken, however. A. As a result of several committee discussions, a list of issues has been prepared, appended to the June 8, 2002 VRC meeting Minutes. Among the more significant conclusions thus far are a) ARES needs to be more focused on training; b) We need to project an image of greater professionalism than we do at present; c) ARES training materials needs to be updated; d) As a result of more local and national interest in Homeland Security we will in the future have opportunities to serve a wider mix of agencies than in the past; e) We must identify those new agencies and build sound relationships with them; and f) In order to build sound relationships we must improve our ability to "sell" ourselves. B. In support of these conclusions the VRC has urged, by written letter, that HQ develop a booklet, similar in quality and size to the 7MHz booklet prepared last year. The purpose of the booklet is to inform potential "customers" of the services that Amateur Radio can provide C. Also in support of these conclusions Director Race has prepared a PowerPoint presentation and CD which indicate the scope of Amateur Radio services already provided to a wide range of government agencies. Director Race will provide a briefing and sample CDs at the Board meeting as part of this report. 2. Structure of the F&ES Department As a result of a request by 2001 A&F Committee chairman Walt Stinson, the VRC is reviewing the organizational structure of the F&ES Department. No conclusions are available at this time. 3. Section News The VRC has become concerned with the proposal to remove Section News from QST, and to rely instead on the web to provide local Section information to members and others. At the June 8 in-person meeting the committee took the position that a) the development of Section News on the web should continue, but that b) Section News should remain in QST for the time being, and that c) alternatives to removing Section News should continue to be studied. This position is still under review. A brief questionnaire was released on the SM reflector (smlist) on July 10. At the moment, July 13, 41 (of 71) SMs have responded, with 82.9% opposing removal of Section News from QST. 4. Other Activities A variety of other topics has been studied by the VRC, of which the following are the most significant. A. ARES apparel. HQ staff designed and VRC reviewed, an ARES apparel line consisting of a vest and windbreaker. B. Several comments have been received following the Board's approval of the Rules and Regulations of the ARRL Field Organization in January, as well as the revised criteria for the Public Service Honor Roll. The committee decided that it was premature to recommend additional changes, preferring instead to give the new rules a longer tryout before considering new changes. C. An increase in the stipend for the Hiram Percy Maxim award from $1000 to $1500 was discussed. A motion to increase the stipend will be introduced at the July Board meeting. D. A concept by Director Walstrom was discussed, which would increase the stature of the ARRL web site by designating it "The Official Internet Journal of the ARRL. It will be further discussed at the July VRC meeting, and may also be introduced at the July Board meeting. E. The functions and responsibilities of the State Government Liaison and Local Government Liaison were discussed, and a survey related to the matter was released to the ARRL SM reflector (smlist) on July 1. Respectfully Submitted Jim Maxwell, W6CF Chair
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