RE: [arrl-odv:16376] Draft Board Meeting Minutes

Dave, Excellent timing and, of course, minutes. I reviewed the substance of the draft, only, so could have missed an unusual spelling or such, but they look good to me. 73, Jim Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director ARRL Great Lakes Division 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 E-mail: <>; Tel.: 513-459-0142 ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is! Members - The Reason ARRL Is! _____ From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [] Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:53 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:16376] Draft Board Meeting Minutes Here are DRAFT minutes of last week's Board meeting. Please let me know of any errors or omissions ASAP so the draft can be corrected and the minutes released. Here are highlights of the meeting: 1. All ARRL officers were re-elected unopposed. 2. Past Director Frank Butler, W4RH was elected an Honorary Vice President. 3. Members of the Executive Committee and the ARRL Foundation Board were elected, and other committees were appointed. 4. Effective in 2009, the bylaws were amended to eliminate the $3.00 dues rate discount for older members. 5. The 2008-2009 Plan was adopted as recommended by the Administration and Finance Committee. The Plan calls for essentially a break-even budget. 6. The VHF/UHF Advisory Committee was extended for another two years. 7. A progress report was received from the Programs and Services Committee on its study of Section Governance. New Field Organization positions of Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator and Assistant District Emergency Coordinator were authorized, as recommended by the committee. 8. The final report of the Ad Hoc Background investigation Committee was received. The remaining issues were referred to the Programs and Services Committee and to staff. 9. Board policies on confidentiality, discoverability, and relations with staff were adopted. 10. To address members' concerns arising from a new IARU Region 2 HF band plan, the Board affirmed its support for the retention of double-sideband AM as a permitted emission in the Amateur Radio Service and reaffirmed, without change, the 160-meter band plan as adopted by the Board in July 2001. 11. A new award for contacting all 488 grid squares of the 48 contiguous states on 6 meters was established in memory of Fred Fish, W5FF, the only person known to have accomplished this achievement to date. 12. A resolution of support was adopted for AMSAT's initiative seeking access to an Intelsat platform in geostationary orbit. 13. A memorandum of understanding with the Boy Scouts of America will be sought. 14. The Bill Leonard, W2SKE Professional Media Award was given to a television producer/reporter in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 15. A highlight for Pacific Section members is that they will receive membership ballots in the future by First Class Mail. 73, Dave K1ZZ <<2008 Annual Meeting Minutes DRAFT.doc>>
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