[arrl-odv:27272] Retirement

Good afternoon ODV: I have notified President Roderick of my intention to retire as Director of the Northwestern Division at the end of my term on December 31, 2018. The decision was not easy, but after listening to my family and turning 75 on the 27th of May, I realized that the traveling and other stress issues associated with the position, were having an impact on my health; not serious but certainly an impact. I have enjoyed serving on the Board and various committees (especially the ARRL Foundation) and will always cherish the great memories and friends because of the experience. Certainly, the negative side of things including filthy language emails and attacks on my faith/religion, had some influence on my decision, but the major reasons were emphasized by my family. Vice Director Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ and Eastern Washington Section Manager Mark Tharp, KB7HDX, have stepped up, announcing their intention to run for Director and Vice Director during the upcoming election cycle; They will make a strong team in the board room and will represent ARRL and Ham Radio with passion. Bonnie is being opposed by one other Ham from Oregon. I intend to serve the balance of my term with the same zeal and effort that I have given thus far. We have much to accomplish in balance of this year, not the least of which is the engagement of a new CEO. Some of you have or will receive a personal email from me soon. To all on the ODV, I leave you with the following quote that I use often: Nobody wants change except babies and bus drivers. Realize this in you future deliberations and be sensitive to the membership in your communications. 73 and good Hamming to all. I’ll see you on the air Jim

Jim, I hate to see you go but I do understand. Bonnie and Mark will make a great team and I think you leave the NW Div. in good hands. 73 ES GL, CU in July David A. Norris, K5UZ Director, Delta Division ARRL The National Association for Amateur RadioTM -----Original Message----- From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> On Behalf Of Northwestern Division Director Sent: Monday, June 04, 2018 5:09 PM To: ODV <arrl-odv@arrl.org> Subject: [arrl-odv:27272] Retirement Good afternoon ODV: I have notified President Roderick of my intention to retire as Director of the Northwestern Division at the end of my term on December 31, 2018. The decision was not easy, but after listening to my family and turning 75 on the 27th of May, I realized that the traveling and other stress issues associated with the position, were having an impact on my health; not serious but certainly an impact. I have enjoyed serving on the Board and various committees (especially the ARRL Foundation) and will always cherish the great memories and friends because of the experience. Certainly, the negative side of things including filthy language emails and attacks on my faith/religion, had some influence on my decision, but the major reasons were emphasized by my family. Vice Director Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ and Eastern Washington Section Manager Mark Tharp, KB7HDX, have stepped up, announcing their intention to run for Director and Vice Director during the upcoming election cycle; They will make a strong team in the board room and will represent ARRL and Ham Radio with passion. Bonnie is being opposed by one other Ham from Oregon. I intend to serve the balance of my term with the same zeal and effort that I have given thus far. We have much to accomplish in balance of this year, not the least of which is the engagement of a new CEO. Some of you have or will receive a personal email from me soon. To all on the ODV, I leave you with the following quote that I use often: Nobody wants change except babies and bus drivers. Realize this in you future deliberations and be sensitive to the membership in your communications. 73 and good Hamming to all. I’ll see you on the air Jim
participants (2)
David Norris
Northwestern Division Director