[arrl-odv:29976] Fwd: [SFDXA] Fwd: Don Search - W3AZD - Silent Key

FYI Jim Schilling, KG4JSZ Vice Director – Southeastern Division Serving ARRL members in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KG4JSZ/ Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message:
From: sherri brower <w4stb@yahoo.com> Date: March 26, 2020 at 3:08:46 PM EDT To: "ae4wg@cfl.rr.com" <ae4wg@cfl.rr.com>, Warren Rothberg W4WR <w4wr@arrl.net>, Clifford Miller <73fromme@gmail.com>, Doug Shields <w4das@comcast.net>, Jan Heise K4QD <k4qd@cfl.rr.com>, Don Winn <af4z@cfl.rr.com>, Dave&Nancy Moore <dnnmoore@hotmail.com>, Walter Deemer <kn4t@bellsouth.net>, Greg O'Neil AB4GO <ab4go@arrl.net>, John Or Susan Lundberg <lund5@infionline.net>, "James R. Schilling" <kg4jsz@tampabay.rr.com>, Eric Smitt <k9eseric@gmail.com>, John Sails <johnsails@hotmail.com>, Ted Huf <ted@w4ze.com>, Vincent Weal <k4jc@arrl.net>, James Laughter <vk8tx@yahoo.com>, David NN1N Patton <nn1n@arrl.org>, Dan N1ND Henderson <dhenderson@arrl.org>, Dave Heil <k8mn@frontiernet.net> Subject: Fw: [SFDXA] Fwd: Don Search - W3AZD - Silent Key
It is with much sadness that I report that Donald Search, W3AZD, resides no
participants (1)
James R. Schilling