[ARRL-ODV:9764] In News

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Lisa Kustosik and the Election Committee would like to thank Greg Kwasowski, Mark Dzamba, Lynne Anderson, Helen Dalton, Jeri Forrest, Karen Isakson, and Gail Iannone for making ballot counting go so smoothly this year. Thanks also to the managers who also contributed to the effort by supplying the staff. Development The 2004 Spectrum Defense campaign has reached $98,819 from 2,233 donors. The average contribution is just over $40. The Diamond Club renewal contributions continue to come in. The program now totals 910 active members. Development is finalizing a grant application to the Office of Domestic Preparedness for over $2 million in a two-year program. The thrust of the grant is to further the goals of Citizen Corps by convening Leadership Forums in Citizen Corps locales to present the fundamentals of Amateur Radio and its Emergency Communications capabilities, and to extend those forum to train teachers and youth organization leaders in Amateur Radio and Emcomm and reach school-age kids to get involved in Amateur Radio and public service. Production/Editorial The January 2004 issue of QST has been released to the printer. Production work is wrapping up on the January/February issues of QEX and NCJ. A new printing of Digital Processing Technology has been released to the printer. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol 22, No 46, distributed Nov 21 to 66,784 subscribers, up 172 from the prior week. Because of the holiday, the next edition of the Letter will go out Wednesday, Nov 26. Rick wrote/edited several news stories during the week, including a report on the FCC Report and Order in the expansion of 5-GHz Part 15 spectrum, the ISS turns five (and the permanent presence of ham radio in space marks three years), ARRL Pres Jim Haynie's attendance at a Homeland Security confab in Austin, TX, Nov 4-6, and the Hudson Division balloting. Rick also edited "The Amateur Amateur" Web column for November and wrapped up "Happenings" for the January issue. With voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy, Rick voiced, produced and edited ARRL Audio News for Nov 21. The list of repeater owners, etc who have indicated they're using ARRL Audio News in full or in part has grown to 140. Dave Hassler put the finishing touches on his QST column, "ARRL in Action, and worked with Dave Patton and Wayne Mills on a Logbook of The World update story for the ARRLWeb. Sales & Marketing Like many retail businesses, ARRL enjoys a jolt of direct sales around the Thanksgiving holiday. To get the most out of the buying climate, there is a heightened marketing and advertising effort: catalogs, display advertising, mailings, email solicitations, and associated special promotions. On Thursday and Friday, Bob Inderbitzen crafted two email solicitations sent to ARRL members. He included new product offerings and a couple of ARRL e-Store promotions. The 4-day period following these e-mailings generated $25,000 in gross sales. ARRL e-Store Holiday specials are posted online at HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/catalog" www.arrl.org/catalog. The winter edition of the ARRL publications catalog has been shared with the Internet search company, Google. They will soon post the catalog to their searchable catalog site, catalogs.google.com. Some additional updating was completed to the ARRLWeb information for advertisers. Included is the 2004 ad reservations schedule and sworn circulation statement, HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/ads" www.arrl.org/ads. Bob turned in material for designing the cover of the 8th edition of The ARRL Operating Manual. The book will be available in February (ARRL Order No. 9132). Bob and Di produced new ads for January QST featuring some new products. ARRL receives a quarterly commission for sales of ARRL sportswear and related merchandise sold and fulfilled by Barker Specialty Company. The third quarter commission just posted at $1,941 ($7,204 YTD). The following new items are all available for ordering via the ARRLWeb Catalog: International Antenna Collection, IN STOCK, HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9156"http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9156; Passport to World Band Radio, IN STOCK, HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9135"http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9135; Radio Amateur Callbook CD-ROM (2004), AVAILABLE LATE-NOV, HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9194"http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9194; 2004 Super Frequency List CD-ROM, AVAILABLE MID/LATE DEC, HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9185"http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9185; 2004 Shortwave Frequency Guide, AVAILABLE MID/LATE DEC, HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9172"http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9172 Bob attended the radio club meetings of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Wireless Association and the Central Mass ARA. Our own Ed Hare, W1RFI, was a guest speaker at the CMARA meeting, presenting on the topic of Broadband over Power Lines. Bob videotaped Ed's excellent presentation, hoping we can make copies available to other clubs. Carol Patton is out of the office on an extended leave of absence. Any advertising related matters usually addressed with her should go to Deb Jahnke. Membership Services Awards Branch WAC QSL Cards Checked66Code Prof. Certs.4RCCs525-Year Member Awards1740-Year Member Awards1250-Year Member Awards2860-Year Member Awards1170-Year Member Award1 LTMA Inquiries2A-1 Op. Noms.2Awards Mailed61 Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming weekPackage and mail all the LTMAs, VUCC, and foreign WAC awards. Contest Branch We continued data entry for the 2003 November Sweepstakes and continued mailing foreign certificates for the 2003 ARRL DX contest. We printed replacement certificates and began mailing them. The 2003 June VHF QSO party results for the web were finalized and opened to the membership. The lines scores for inclusion with the PDFs of the June and August contest QST articles were prepared and sent to Production. DXCC Branch For the week of: November 23, 2003Beginning Cards150,550Cards Received5,253Cards Processed11,698Ending Cards144,105 Applications Pending1,198Processing Time8.4 Weeks Year-to-date (2003) Cards Received587,601Cards Returned656,652 DXCC is currently mailing applications received on September 25, 2003. DXCC is currently entering cards received on September 30, 2003. Heather Dzamba spent 2 hours conducting tours around HQ. QSL Bureau QSL Service Status: Current. Cards mailed as of 11/23/03: 1,220,225. No cards were mailed this week. W1AW W1AW performed another Frequency Measuring Test on Wednesday (11/19) at 9:45 PM EST. There were simultaneous transmissions on four (4) HF bands (80, 40, 20 and 15 meters). To date, two (2) submissions from participants have been received. A very special thanks to Mike Tracy, KC1SX for his conducting the initial frequency tests on the Harris equipment and actual frequency measuring performed during the FMT. Joe created the texts for the December W1AW Qualifying Runs. He updated the web code practice files as well as began troubleshooting some problems with the M-Squared rotator control boxes. For the 2003 FMT, Joe had to control the actual keying of the Harris equipment for the transmissions. He also worked the Friday late afternoon/night shift for a vacationing Scott Gee. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the latter part of the month of November and early December. Scott was also the official frequency logger during the FMT. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot. W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2003): $32,217. Field & Educational Services F&ES had a meeting to share ideas on handling spam and the high number of members' email. The Russian ARISS team worked on clearances needed for hardware to fly, and should be done in about 2 weeks. Linda and Rosalie sent NASA's new ARISS lithograph, along with thank yous, to schools whose photos were used on the litho -- one school is continuing with its space activities. Mark and Rosalie met with Mary Hobart on grant ideas for youth programs involving curriculum and public service. EmComm Grants Dan Miller is doing the seminar for nearly 150 ARES/RACES people in Salt Lake City during an event sponsored and presented by the Utah Department of Public Safety. The newly revised Level II books have arrived in time for courses that start November 25. Rosalie and Dan reviewed an article by Gordon West on our courses for possible use in CQ. Graduate totals follows: UTC graduates Level I 448 Level II 499 Level III 274 Totals 1221 CNCS graduates Level I 81 Level II 25 Level III 5 Totals 111 Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program Mark Spencer sent letters to Big Project teachers who didn't respond to previous messages, and one has already responded. Mark provided help with presentation development for two hams wanting to pitch ham radio in their schools; the SMs were informed. He participated in concept development for a grant proposal encouraging emcomm instruction in schools. He received a request from the French equivalent of QST to publish the no-solder CPO story. Field & Education Support Team Gail Iannone sent 6 hamfest approval letters and 1 convention approval letter to sponsoring committees confirming the Division Directors approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, and coordinated travel for Dan Miller to be the HQ rep at the New York/Long Island Section Convention on January 18 in Oyster Bay, NY. She helped count ballots for the Tennessee and Kansas SM elections and the Hudson Division Director election. Jean Wolfgang has received JOTA survey/reports from all but 7 states: RI, MD, IA, DE, AR, AK, HI. She has received a total of 107 returns to date. She has also responded to emails pertaining to awards, ARISS, Kids Day, and SCR. Linda Mullally updated 24 club records this week, with 4 reactivations. She also registered 11 Volunteer Instructors and 1 schoolteacher. Mary Lau prepared contributions acknowledgments and consulted with Tom Frenaye on Bill Orr Award balloting and upcoming Foundation Board preparations. Mary completed file reorganization on Margie's workstation and processed the following SSC renewals, by Section: Citrus Belt ARC (Orange); Mount Tom ARA (WMA); and Shreveport ARA (LA). Tom Cote of West Hartford will assist part-time for a few weeks with club data processes beginning November 24. Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams headed up SM election ballot counting for Tennessee and Kansas; thanks to Chuck Skolaut, Gail Iannone and Mary Lau for assisting. Larry Marshall, WB4NCW, was elected SM of Tennessee, and Kansas SM Ron Cowan, KB0DTI, was re-elected. An article for the ARRL Web and a bulletin were prepared when results were known; the SMs' terms begin January 1. Chuck Skolaut compiled the monthly ARRL Monitoring Report. An OO in WNY relayed a thank-you note received from a ham to whom the OO had recently sent an Advisory Notice. The ham was out of the band, and wrote (in part): "Now that I'm aware there are problems, I'll be spending the weekend doing a full alignment. I appreciate your dedication and the notice as this is the first indication I had that there was still a problem with my radio." Chuck saw a large increase in OO reports this week -- nearly 60 were received. Steve Ewald finished January QST work including the two-part article about ham radio and the Incident Command System by Dave Thorne, K6SOJ, Sacramento Valley SEC. The first part in December's Public Service column generated interest among those active in emcomm including editors of the Amateur Radio Emergency Communication Courses. Over the last couple of weeks, a dozen SMs have sent 21 e-mails to their Section's members by way of the ARRL Web. This time period corresponded with their monthly Section News schedule, so many more SMs opted to report timely news in this format. Regulatory Information John Hennessee has completed the Reciprocal Licensing FAQ to be posted soon on the Web. This is part of review of all regulatory pages maintained by F&ES. He also assisted an amateur with a local government zoning problem in Bronx, NY (W2RUB) and covenant problems in Cypress, CA (N6ZIU) and Palm Desert, CA (KA6BJO). CCE Jerry Ellis prepped weekly graduation certs and ID cards for mailing with grant refund checks. He did mentor placement and roster preparation for Tuesday's opening of the Level II course. He processed field exam paperwork that has recently been submitted. 73, Sincerely, Mary Hobart, K1MMH Chief Development Officer MMH:lk Staff Absentee List All Staff 11/27-11/28 Holiday All Staff 12/25-12/26 Holiday Dave Sumner 11/26 Vacation Mark Wilson 11/26 Vacation Jennifer Hagy 12/24 & 1/2 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 11/25-11/26 Vacation Mary Hobart 12/2-12/3 Citizen Corps Conference `` 12/24-12/26 Vacation Rick Lindquist 12/22-12/26 Vacation Zoe Belliveau 12/29-12/31 Vacation Kathy Capodicasa 12/2 Jury Duty Mark Dzamba 12/1-12/5 Vacation Pam Dzamba 12/1-12/5 Vacation Lisa Tardette 12/24pm Vacation `` 12/29-1/2 Vacation Jean Wolfgang 11/26 Vacation Cathy Stepina 12/23-12/24 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 11/24-11/26 Vacation Rosalie White 11/24-11/26 Vacation `` 12/3 Jury Duty Steve Ewald 12/1-12/8 Vacation Scott Gee 12/5-12/8 Vacation `` 12/29 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 12/4-12/5 Vacation Deb Jahnke 11/26 Vacation `` 12/24 Vacation `` 12/29-12/31 Vacation Dan Miller 11/24-11/26 Vacation `` 12/1 Vacation ()*13EFPRS|}~¯°²ÃÄƯ Ü i j k x ÃÅÆËÌúôúïúïêúôäôÝÑÝôÈÀž¥¥¥êxpxp_xp!Hh[Ê{FhY hY CJaJhš5ÒCJaJhY hY CJaJhÊ9ÅhÊ9ÅCJaJhÊ9Åh®VCJaJh®Vh®VCJH*aJh®VCJaJh®Vh®VCJaJh®Vh®V5hpCJaJhØ8h*©CJhØ8h*©>*CJH* h*©>*CJ h*©aJ hY 5 h?r 5 h*©CJ h*©5%123EFn|}~6 7 i j k w x ð ñ ÷òòòòòíòäääßÚÚÚÚÚÕÕÕÕÌÌ 7$8$H$gdY gdÊ9Ågd®Vgdp 7$8$H$gd*©gd*©gd*©$a$gd*©<?ýñ YZe f { | Œ œ _`ôõ¥Š§¹ºÚÛPQôööñìììììììììììììçâââââââââgdõQRgdpgdÊ9ÅgdY 7$8$H$gdY Ìd e f { | þ <`wÝÞ45_o{|ŸÍ#&Š§¹ºßàõíèàÔɜɜɜɱ£±±£±±±±£±±£±£±rhrhhõQRCJ^JaJhõQRhõQRCJ^JaJhõQRhõQRCJaJhõQRhõQR5h®VCJaJhÊ9ÅCJaJhhÊ9ÅhÊ9Å6CJaJhhÊ9ÅhÊ9ÅCJaJhhÊ9ÅhÊ9Å6CJaJhÊ9ÅhÊ9ÅCJaJhÊ9ÅhÊ9Å5CJaJhÊ9ÅhÊ9Å5 hY 5hY hY 5hY hY CJaJ(à>?®¯789MN¿Àiwº»ßàáñò,.:óéóéóÓóÂó®Â Âóéóó}óÂói Âó[óhõQRhõQRCJH*^JaJ'j©hõQRhõQRCJU^JaJhš5ÒCJ^JaJ1hõQRhõQR5>*CJ^JaJÊ[Ê{F*5>*hõQRhõQR>*CJ^JaJ'jhõQRhõQRCJU^JaJ!jhõQRhõQRCJU^JaJ+hš5ÒCJ^JaJcHdhdhdh[Ê{FhõQRCJ^JaJhõQRhõQRCJ^JaJôõÞß«¬ÑÒ()ÀÁÂÖ×åûþúúúúúúúúúúúúúõõõõìì $IfgdpgdpgdõQR:SUVœÀijü()[\]¢®¯áâã )FGyz{¡¢©ÄÞßðãÙãðãÙãðãÈãŽÈŠÈãðãÈãÈŠÈãðãÈã~ÈŠÈãðãÈãjÈ'jhõQRhõQRCJU^JaJ'jÈhõQRhõQRCJU^JaJ'j hõQRhõQRCJU^JaJhõQRhõQR>*CJ^JaJ'jJhõQRhõQRCJU^JaJ!jhõQRhõQRCJU^JaJhõQRCJ^JaJhõQRhõQRCJ^JaJhõQRhõQR6CJ]^JaJ)9:AZtu§š©ÏÐMNÇÈÁÂÖ×åY`gh Ó Ö !ñàÓÃÓàÓ¯àñàÓ¥Ó¥ÓssesZNhõQRhp6CJaJhõQRh?r CJaJhõQRh?r 56CJaJhõQRhp56CJaJhõQRhpCJaJhõQRhp5!Hh[Ê{FhõQRhõQRCJaJhõQRCJ^JaJ'jFhõQRhõQRCJU^JaJhõQRhõQR6CJ]^JaJhõQRhõQRCJ^JaJ!jhõQRhõQRCJU^JaJhõQRhõQR>*CJ^JaJþÿ $Ifgdpqkd$$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl $Ifgdpqkd$$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl25 $Ifgdpqkd3$$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl56LO $IfgdpqkdÊ$$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölOPfi $Ifgdpqkda$$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölij $Ifgdpqkdø$$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl $Ifgdpqkd$$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl¯ $Ifgdpqkd& $$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl¯°ŸÀ $Ifgdpqkdœ $$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölÀÁÏÒ $IfgdpqkdT $$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölÒÓÔXYh!!!$!6!7! $Ifgdpgdpqkdë $$IflÖÖ0~ @~ ÂÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl!!!["\""""Õ"×"Ø"Û"â"ã"L#Q#' '£'À')ª)¯)Œ)œ)2+?+[+j++Ž+Î+ã+òäÙÎÙÎÙÎÙ³€³ÙäÙÎÙzn`T`T`hõQRh*©>*CJaJhõQRh*©6CJ]aJhõQRh*©5CJaJhõQRh*©56CJ]aJhš5ÒCJaJhõQRh*©CJaJhõQRh*©5hõQRh?r 56CJaJhhõQRhp56CJaJhhõQRhpCJaJhhõQRh?r CJaJhõQRhpCJaJhõQRhp56CJaJhõQRhp5CJaJh 7!8!H!P! $Ifgdpqkd$$IflÖÖ0Œ@ŒÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölP!Q!`!f! $Ifgdpqkd$$IflÖÖ0Œ@ŒÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölf!g!w!~! $Ifgdpqkd°$$IflÖÖ0Œ@ŒÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl~!!!! $IfgdpqkdG $$IflÖÖ0Œ@ŒÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl!!!«!±! $IfgdpgdpqkdÞ $$IflÖÖ0Œ@ŒÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl±!²!Â!Ì! $Ifgdpqkdu$$IflÖÖ0ŒôŒ8Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölÌ!Í!Î!â!ã!ò!ú! $Ifgdpgdpqkd$$IflÖÖ0ŒôŒ8Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölú!û! 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