[arrl-odv:20161] Youth committee

It's taking longer than I expected to populate the Youth in the Second Century committee. Brian will chair it and Andrea will be on it, and we have two excellent young non-Board volunteers who have agreed to serve. However, it turns out that some other young folks who were invited to serve won't be able to participate. I would like to have 2 or 3 more volunteers, preferably late high school through college age and would appreciate your suggestions. Some of your Sections have Assistant SMs for Youth who would fit the bill, and you may know of others in your Divisions, too. I'm looking for creative-minded young hams who would work hard and work well in a committee environment. They need to be active ham radio operators, not just nice bright kids who happen to have a call sign. If a suggested person is under 18, it would be helpful to know that since parental approval would have to be obtained. Thanks and 73 - Kay N3KN
participants (1)
Kay Craigie