[arrl-odv:24240] Strategic Planning Working Group Update to ODV - April 2015]

All: Since my last update to you in March, the Strategic Planning Working Group has been quite busy and we have made substantial progress towards producing work products for review by the ARRL Board of Directors. Our charge during April was to establish the foundation for the creation of a Strategic Plan. To that end, we changed the meeting frequency from bi-weekly to weekly. During this time, we slightly revised the ARRL Mission Statement and created new ARRL Value and Vision Statements. These are the core statements needed for a successful strategic planning effort. Our Working Group spent a great deal of time and thought on developing these statements, and we believe that they accurately reflect the mission, vision and values of the ARRL. I am attaching a one-page "ARRL Mission, Vision, and Values" summary document as both WORD and PDF versions for your review and comment. During the course of our discussions, we moved from use of the phone bridge to the GoToMeeting platform. We also began to use a internet platform called "Dropbox" to manage our notes, agendas, and other documents. As part of our plan to involve other stakeholders in this process, an e-mail was distributed to Section Managers, via their reflector, to inform them of the existence of the Working Group and to solicit their input to the planning process. I was asked to present the current status of our charge to a meeting of the Section Managers during the Dayton Hamvention. We have also created a web page about the Strategic Planning effort on the ARRL website: www.arrl.org/strategic-planning-2015. There is a form on the page for members to comment on the Strategic Planning effort as well as a dedicated email address, strategicplan@arrl.org, to accept general input and comments. The membership will also be brought up to date about this effort in QST's June "Inside HQ" column. Now, the real work begins! The development of strategies which will drive (lead?) the organization into the future while being flexible enough to respond to changes in both the internal and external environment. These strategies will ultimately result in the creation of tactics and associated measurements that will determine the decisions made in daily operations by the Management Team. Thanks for your confidence in the Strategic Planning Working Group as we develop this important process and plan that we hope the Board will ultimately adopt. We have a great team working on this project! We are confident the Board will be pleased with our recommendations. 73 James E. Fenstermaker K9JF 2nd Vice President American Radio Relay League Chairman, Strategic Planning Working Group James E. Fenstermaker K9JF 2nd Vice President American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372
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