[arrl-odv:12900] Re: FW: The ARRL Task Force for Growth of Amateur Radio

In a message dated 8/31/2005 12:01:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, n5zgt@swcp.com writes:
Harold et al.,
A few comments below:
How Do We Make It Easier For New Licensees To Get On The Air? How Do We Attract New Members From New Licensees? Our research tells us that 25% of new licensees never get on the air. What can we can we do to fix this? How can we increase awareness and benefits of ARRL membership to new licensees?
Team Leaders: Jon Bloom, Dennis Motschenbacher
Deadline: October 1, 2005
One solution I can think of is to target these new Hams right when they become Hams – i.e. at VE exam sessions.
By the way, that statistic, 25% of new hams never get on the air, speaks volumes about the current Technician as an entry level license and the need to change (1) the exam and (2) the privileges. Harold, we will need the evidence for that statistic for our filing in docket 05-235. Nice work. Chris
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