[arrl-odv:21734] IN-News

<<060513.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 36, No. 23 June 5, 2013 -- Covers the period May 26-June 1. Upcoming Meetings and Events Vice Director Orientation July 17 in Newington, CT Administration & Finance Committee July 18 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Programs & Services Committee July 18 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT Annual Board Meeting July 19-20, 2013 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Bob Allison completed testing of a high end, HF and six meter transceiver. The transceiver required extra testing since it had two individual receivers with different performance levels. The data table, charts and other information was compiled and sent to the Product Review Editor. The manufacturer also got the initial data table for their review. Bob tested an inexpensive software defined radio receiver. A data table was compiled and passed along to the Product Review Editor. Bob also tested a 2 meter mobile transceiver for advertising acceptance. This particular model originally had a "scrambler" feature, which cannot be used in the Amateur Service. The (advertising) distributor contacted the manufacturer and had them disable this feature for all future shipments. Bob's tests confirmed the scrambler function was disabled on a recently imported unit. The transceiver also was tested for FCC emission compliance. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Diane Petrilli reports that May ended with 161,415 members-growth of 152 members over April. 76% of May 2013 expirees paid on time (vs. 73% last May). We are continuing to sustain a higher membership total than predicted year-to-date; 1,556 members over May's membership goal. Jackie Ferreira reports that May product sales were $337,571, exceeding the months sales forecast of $329,375 (this amount has been adjusted for coupons and promotions applied to sales in Dayton). Direct sales were $228,259; dealer sales were $109,312. Direct sales are up almost $10k from May 2012. Year to date, sales are ahead of forecast by $86,828. Sales at our exhibit in Dayton contributed $60,240 to direct sales ($66k in 2012, $67.5k in 2011, $65k in 2010, $64k in 2009). There were 1,203 membership applications collected (1,175 in 2012), contributing dues of $70,525 ($65,380 in 2012) and total membership years of 2,077 (1,845 in 2012). There were 164 applications received from new and lapsed members. The 2013 Field Day product line (t-shirts, hats, pins, patches, mugs) contributed $31,902 in sales during May ($29.4k in May 2012). Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa): Week of Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 5/28/2013* 1,359 662 * May 27 was a holiday (Memorial Day) Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 5 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 3-5 Business Days W1AW On Saturday and Sunday, seven members of the US Power Squadrons (USPS) were on hand to operate W1AW. The theme of the activity was to promote the 100th anniversary (in 2014) of both the American Radio Relay League and the United States Power Squadrons as well as the 75th Anniversary of W1AW. This event also commemorated those who founded these organizations. It also celebrated the partnership between ARRL and USPS and their shared century of public service. The USPS presented ARRL with a Certificate of Appreciation, congratulating the ARRL on its 100 years of service. Their activity was on 40 to 6 meters. This included some PSK31 contacts and D-Star contacts (made via the W1HQ-A 23cm module). In all, 926 QSOs were made. In addition to hosting US Power Squadron members all weekend, prior to it Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate and one endorsement. He updated the web code practice files and web qualifying run schedules. He also created the texts for the June W1AW Qualifying Runs. Joe also began the process of obtaining quotes to have the upstairs conference ceiling and walls repaired and painted. On Friday, Joe and Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, made scheduled contacts between W1AW and a few members of the RSGB staff. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 7/4 Holiday Leona Adams 7/5-7/12 PTO Joe Carcia 6/28 PTO `` 7/1-7/5 PTO `` 7/12 PTO `` 7/19 PTO `` 7/26 PTO Steve Ford 6/10-6/11 Assoc. & Media Pub. Conference, Washington, DC Scott Gee 6/7-6/11 PTO `` 6/21-6/26 PTO Mike Gruber 6/3-6/7 PTO `` 6/21 PTO `` 8/26-8/30 PTO Mary Hobart 5/30-6/7 PTO Gail Iannone 6/28-7/5 PTO Bob Inderbitzen 6/25-7/3 Friedrichshafen Convention, Germany/PTO Harold Kramer 6/6pm-6/7 Guest speaker, Framingham ARA, Framingham, MA Sean Kutzko 6/6-6/10 PTO `` 6/27-6/30 Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Estes Park, CO Zack Lau 7/1-7/5 PTO Diane Petrilli 8/5-8/9 PTO Barry Shelley 6/7 PTO Dave Sumner 6/27-6/30 Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Estes Park, CO `` 7/3-7/7 RSGB Centenary, Bedford, England
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ