Hi, The new Web site has now been live five weeks and we continue restoring functionality to the site. Most of the launch issues with logins, permissions, the search engine and passwords have settled down. Over the past two weeks, a number of areas in the site have been cleaned up, edited and fixed. The LAC area has been activated and is now being debugged and revised. These overall site revisions will continue to be an ongoing process. At this time, most of the issues about the display of VEC sessions, Special Events stations, Hamfests, License Classes and club information have been updated and/or fixed. Updates, based on user feedback, have also been made to the News and Features pages. The major issues that remain are assuring the accuracy of the data from our internal systems to the new Web site and vice versa. This affects membership, clubs, distance learning courses, and the field organization, particularly, appointments. Jon Bloom and his staff, along with Fathom personnel, are reviewing the data transfer processes and the remaining errors should be corrected within the next weeks. The SMs have been the most vocal group. With Jon Bloom, Katie Glass and Steve Ewald's help, we have been trying to work our way through SM problems one step at a time. In addition, there are still a number of internal database that need to be updated and/or connected to the new site. New back end control systems also need to be installed and updated in these areas. In general, these are ARRL internal issues, not Fathom. We have learned that the Field Organization Appointment Certificate Maker software program is more complicated than anticipated due to the need to completely update the Adobe pdf generating software across the entire site. This also affects printing membership certificates, labels and other reports that rely on pdf software. It's going to take extra time, maybe another month, for this functionality to completely return to the new Web site. In the meantime for the Field Organization, if requested, (requests go to Steve Ewald) we can make the certificates here at HQ and mail them to the end users. If you have any questions, or areas that we have not identified, please let me know. I am taking a few days off, so I wish everyone a good Memorial Day Weekend in advance. 73, Harold Harold Kramer Chief Operating Officer ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 (860 594 -0220
participants (1)
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B