[arrl-odv:24777] Update from the Strategic Planning Working Group

All: Attached is an update from the Strategic Plan Working Group (SPWG) as of October 30, 2015. We are nearly finished with our deliberations and believe we have a both a substantial and workable Strategic Plan for your review and deliberations. As a side comment, I presented a summary of the planning process during a seminar at Pacificon two weeks ago. It was well received by the 26 attendees. No one left the meeting early! And, I got some good feedback from an attendee who routinely mentors and conducts the Strategic Planning process. As noted in the past, please direct comments or questions to me or the Working Group. We believe you will see the dedication and commitment of the SPWG to our assignment. 73 Jim K9JF James E. Fenstermaker K9JF 2nd Vice President American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372
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