In-Newsletter Vol. 25, No. 30 July 31, 2002 In Loving Memory Steve Mansfield 1947-2002 * Visiting hours will be Fri, Aug 2, 4-7 PM, at Sheehan-Hilborn-Breen Funeral Home, 1084 New Britain Ave, W Hartford. * * Memorial service will be Sat, Aug 3, 3 PM, at The First Church of Christ, Center Church, Gold St, Hartford. * * In lieu of flowers, the family invites contributions in Steve's name to a food bank of your choice or (in Steve's memory) to The Burris School, Ball State University Foundation, PO Box 672, Muncie, IN 47308. Development It's been a busy two weeks in the Development Office. We were pleasantly stunned at the award of a federal grant through the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) of $181,900 for year one of our three year proposal for the expansion of ARRL's ARECC training program. While CNCS is still developing detailed reporting requirements for program results and financial accountability, we have been at work refining the implementation plan, goals and objectives for the grant year which is scheduled to being September 1, 2002. These goals and schedules will be submitted to CNCS by August 5 and then we will receive a Notification of Award from CNCS. The grant has generated extensive press coverage that give Amateur Radio and ARRL and all emergency communications volunteers well deserved recognition (see Media Relations). Grant awards for year two and three of the proposal will be funded based on our performance toward our goals in year one and on fund availability. The timing of the White House announcement couldn't have been better, coming on the weekend when the Board and staff family were gathered for the annual dinner. Subsequent to the CNCS grant, we have been in discussions with UTC in their review of a national grant. They have requested a review of the proposed budget which has resulted in a reduction in our request to UTC. The proposal which is under consideration now for implementation in January 2003 is for $223,000. Rosemary Salerno from the CT Department of Public Safety called to get more information on the CNCS grant. She had been receiving calls and emails and needed details. She spoke to Jennifer Hagy about media-related items and Development spoke to her at length about Amateur Radio and the rich tradition of public service. Rosemary is the Grants Administrator for the Dept of Public Safety's Division of Protective Services, the department responsible for Homeland Security for CT. A package of materials including the UTC and CNCS grant press releases was sent to Rosemary along with an Annual Report and other background information. The new W1AW Endowment campaign was mailed to 7700 donor to the 1988 W1AW refurbishment campaign and 2500 randomly selected active members. With about 4 days of returns, the campaign has attracted nearly $7,200 from 167 donors with an average contribution of $43. The goal is to raise $150,000 to cover operating expenses and capital needs for W1AW. If successful a much larger campaign to the entire membership may follow. The Education and Technology campaign has topped its membership goal by reaching $198,356 from 3,389 donors with an average contribution of more than $58. The goal was to raise $150,000 from members. At the July board meeting the Directors approved three Development initiatives -- 1)The Planned Giving policies that provide a general outline of the terms of accepting planned gifts by ARRL and the type of gifts that ARRL will accept. The A&F committee will serve as an advisory committee to the Planned Giving program. 2) The creation of an ARRL Endowment as a repository for planned gifts. The Endowment will be composed of funds that reflect the several missions of ARRL. Legal counsel will be sought to create this instrument that will provide for investment of funds and the use of limited earnings to support education, research & technology, defense of frequencies, the history and traditions of Amateur Radio and more. 3) The creation of a premium membership program that includes higher level renewable memberships from $75 per year to $9999 per year with benefits packages at each of six different levels. The program also includes lifetime giving levels for the Maxim Society beginning at $10,000 of cumulative giving up to $100,000 or more. Each of the four levels has a benefit package. Finally, the program includes the Legacy Circle that provides recognition and benefits for those who have chosen to remember ARRL in their estate plans. Media Relations Media attention surrounding the federal grant remains high. Jennifer wrote and distributed a national press release via PR newswire. That garnered several media calls during the week. Jennifer was interviewed by reporters from The Christian Science Monitor and The Post-Standard & Herald-Journal (Syracuse, NY). In-person interviews coming up include one with Newington (CT) Life magazine and an in-studio interview at Connecticut's WDRC-AM radio. Jennifer will be joined in the taped interview by Dan Miller and Joe Carcia. The piece will run on Sunday morning, August 11, on WDRC-FM, WDRC-AM and three other WDRC affiliated stations. The Hartford Courant interview went well and the story appeared on the front page of the Connecticut section on Sunday, July 28. Overall it was a good piece, although the reporter missed the mark on a few things. We're also seeing the story pop up in internet newsletters, such as one from the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association and one called "Coffee-Talk", which includes various news stories for subscribers on a daily basis. Jennifer composed memos for the HQ staff and the ODV, SM, SEC and PR reflectors which included a copy of the national press release. It is inevitable that some of our field volunteers will be talking to the media about the grant and how it could affect emergency preparedness in their communities. But, we want to do our best to make sure everyone is on the same page and that we're all telling the same story. So far, one member has contacted the PR department seeking help in answering a local reporter's questions on the grant. Jennifer supplied the answers and made note of the reporter's and the publication's name, The DeSoto County Tribune in Mississippi. Jennifer (with Lisa's help) is in the process of fulfilling the nearly 100 requests we've gotten for the 2001 Annual Report. Sales & Marketing The Sales & Marketing team expects July Adverting and Pubs/Product sales to be on target to meet Year-To-Date billing forecasts. Membership figures will be available after August 5. We conducted an email solicitation for the new ARRL Image Communications Handbook on Wednesday. The solicitation included an offer for a "free Amateur Radio Lanyard" for any order placed online through Sunday, July 28. By Friday morning, 212 orders were received. 89 orders included the new book; an excellent launch for this new ARRL publication. Discovery work was begun to develop a comprehensive plan to market ARRL membership to the huge number of Technician license class hams. Ideas under consideration include a new QST column, new handy Tech Special Operating Manual, mail and email solicitations, poster and other marketing tools. The team also stated investigating the feasibility of using field sales personal, possible part -time, to dramatically increase the number of new ARRL memberships obtained from conventions, hamfests, local meetings and other gatherings. Regular meetings attended by the Sales and Marketing group, Steve Ford, and Jan Carman, have started to focus on publication planning for 2003 and 2004. This new coordination is generating a valuable exchange of ideas, with interest in bringing books from-manuscript-to-market in the most effective manner. Deb Jahnke, Bob and Dennis Motschenbacher participated in a 2003 Handbook cover meeting, organized by Dana Reed. Dennis recommended the ARRL change the title of the Handbook by substituting "Amateur" with another word that would allow the book to be more easily marketed outside traditional amateur radio outlets. The current plan is to change the name to "The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications." ARRL's online sportswear catalog has been updated with new product descriptions and images (please visit http://www.barkerspecialty.com/arrl). The product line now includes a Maglite flashlight with ARRL logo laser-engraved, and optional personalization with first name and call sign. Other activities last week include: Two items have been added to the ARRLWeb Products Catalog: ARRL Flag - http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=5137 ARRL Tote Bag - http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=8767 Bob Inderbitzen coordinated September QST house advertising with Carol Patton. Bob and Dennis met with Jan Carman, Book Team, to discuss preliminary plans for a future, 20th edition Antenna Book. Bob organized a second mailing for the summer edition of the ARRL Publications catalog. 10,000 copies will be mailed early next week. Lisa Tardette and Bob updated publication dealer listings that are available on the ARRLWeb. Deb and Bob developed new strategies for approaching prospective advertisers via email. We have sold out of the 1998 Microwave Update conference proceedings. Membership Services Awards Branch WAS QSL Cards Checked 250 WAS Certificates 4 WAS Endorsements 7 WAC QSL Cards Checked 54 Long Term Member Inquiries 5 A-1 Operator Nominations 1 A-1 Operator Certificates 1 Friendship Awards 5 VUCC Initial Apps 4 Grids (Data Entry) 414 VUCC Endorsement Apps 4 Grids (Data Entry) 161 Thirty-five 50 & 60 long term member pins and letters were mailed out, plus one 70-year award. Processing Status: Current or within three weeks. For the coming week-WAS Specialty, U.S. WAC, RCC, and OTC awards, Extra Class certificates, and VUCC awards processing and mailing. QSL Branch QSL service status: Current. Cards mailed year to date as of 07/28/2002 - 1,242,575. Cards mailed on 07/26/2002 - 63,700. DXCC Branch Weekly Report July 28, 2002 Beginning Cards 74,758 Cards Received 8,979 Cards Processed 20,635 Ending Cards 63,102 Applications Pending 491 Processing Time 4 Weeks Year-to-date Cards Received 364,008 Cards Returned 410,714 QRP Issued this week 9 QRP YTD 224 DXCC is currently mailing applications received on June 29, 2002, and has finished entering Friedrichshafen. Once these applications move through the system, the processing time should show a reduction. DXCC has been working on the 29th for almost 2 weeks. DXCC is currently auditing 2 applications. 2 DXCC Card checkers were appointed this week. Contest Branch Data entry for 2002 Field Day continued, with numerous requests for help being handled via telephone and email (deadline for submission is this week). Final checked scores for 2002 DX CW contest were received and is being processed into the master database. Numerous problem files from the IARU HF champion-ships are being handled by branch staff. The June VHF QSO Party paper log list was merged with the electronic Logs Received page and posted to the web. W1AW Scott Gee worked on fast and slow code practice runs for the early part of the month of August. He also handled some evening phone sales in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot, and worked the Friday early afternoon shift for a vacationing Joe Carcia. Joe constructed an amplifier switch box for the Yaesu radio. This box allows for the BAND DATA connection on the Yaesu radio to be used to control both the amplifier and the external antenna switch box. (Previously, the BAND DATA connector was used to control either the amp or the switch box, not both at the same time.) He also installed and tested an additional backup Harris exciter that was returned from Harris Corp (after being repaired). W1AW telephone sales year to date (2002): $6,042. Field & Educational Services Rosalie did a final proofreading of a presentation the ARISS team made for the upcoming World Space Conference. Regulatory Information John Hennessee assisted amateurs with local zoning restriction problems in Ruidosa, NM (W5EJ); St. Germain, WI (N9CZG) and Anne Arundel County, MD (KB5NHM). He posted information on the Ham-Law Reflector concerning the antenna zoning workshop to be held August 23, in Boxboro, MA. He received questions on the legalities of amateur participation in emergency communications at a company's request. John is working with Marsh, the ARRL insurance administrator, to update the Equipment Insurance and Club Liability Plan Web pages. CCE Jerry Ellis continues to process Boxboro enrollments (11 thus far), answer CCE correspondence, and maintain the normal flow of classes, mentors and students. He is also finalizing the formatting for the new RFI course. Dan Miller took part in interviews for the Christian Science Monitor and Hartford Courant about the CNCS grant. He reports 22 students enrolled this month in the Level lll Emcomm on-line course, and 10 students for the HF Digital course. He continues to follow the UTC-funded online training and watch other course enrollment closely. The Big Project Jerry Hill completed the Unit 4 lesson plans, and sent them to the curriculum team for review. He completed the textual material for Unit 5, and began work on activities for the worksheets. Field & Educational Support Team Jean Wolfgang has been making arrangements for F&ES annual Educational and Technical award plaques, checks, letters, and their presentations, plus contacting the winners for more information and pictures to use in QST articles. Jean signed up a new ARRL Educational Advisor and handled a few calls pertaining to HandiHams. Margie Bourgoin reports that the EC approved, by email vote, 6 new ARRL affiliated clubs. She added these clubs to the TASS database, sent congratulatory letters, paper supplies, and certificates to the new clubs. Margie prepared a master of a "Last Chance" reminder postcard card for lapsed Volunteer Instructors, and that has gone to Pronto Printer. She assisted Jean with notification letters to Award nominees. Gail Iannone sent 8 hamfest approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director's approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, processed 19 door prize orders, 3 label requests, and sent 26 handout packages for upcoming events. She also sent 3 initial hamfest application packets to the sponsoring clubs requesting ARRL-sanctioning for their events. Mary Lau forwarded two new grant requests to the ARRL Foundation Proposals Committee and wrapped up the ARDF vote. A check will go out for signatures to reimburse ARRL for an ARDF wire transfer. She also produced contribution acknowledgments. Mary relayed e-messages for the following Sections: KY =6; AR, SDG = 2, NLI, MT, SJV, OH, ID, NFL = 1, and 1 GL Division relay. With summer vacations in full-swing, Jo-Ann Arel conducted tours for vacationing Janet Rocco, assisted Comptrollers with regular mail, Contest with Field Day mail, and helped Penny with phone breaks. Jo-Ann also updated records for 34 clubs and 4 instructors, and mailed 2 Exhibit Kits. Field Organization/Public Service Team Debbie Kirkbride, KA8YKK, was appointed Michigan Section Manager; she replaces Dick Mondro, W8FQT, who became Great Lakes Division Vice Director. Leona and Steve have been working on this SM transition. Leona is in the midst of working on an abundant increase of Field appointments. This week alone, there were 40 appointments, 36 cancellations and 20 changes made to our database. Nomination petitions were sent to James Fuller, N7VMR, who expressed interest in running for SM of Montana. After the Board Meeting, Steve Ewald posted news to the SM Reflector about the Board of Director's decision about Section News. Nearly 20 SMs posted their reactions. Here's one quote that seems to represent the comments of several SMs: "I know this issue has been greatly discussed, and I will move forward to utilize the ARRL Section Web page to its potential." Steve worked with Mary Hobart and Jennifer Hagy in spreading the news about the grant for emergency communications training to SMs and SECs. 73, Sincerely, Dave Patton, NT1N Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer DCP:lk Staff Absentee List Name Date(s) Reason Dave Sumner 7/25-8/1 RAC National Convention & vacation Dave Patton 8/1-8/5 Pacific NW & DX Convention `` 8/20-8/26 Tokyo Ham Fair `` 8/23 JARL HQ Mark Wilson 7/29-8/2 Vacation Ed Hare 7/24-8/2 Arizona Section Convention & Vacation 8/23-8/25 West Virginia State Convention John Phillips 8/2 Vacation Karen Isakson 8/5-8/12 Vacation `` 8/16 Vacation AnnMarie Pinto 8/12-8/23 Vacation MaryAnn Macdonald 8/12-8/14 Vacation Joel Kleinman 8/1 Vacation Bob Schetgen 8/5-8/7 Vacation Rick Lindquist 8/22-8/25 NM State Convention Bob Inderbitzen 8/19-8/23 Vacation Steve Ewald 8/8 Seminar Scott Gee 8/5-8/9 Vacation Wayne Mills 8/5-8/16 Vacation Dennis Motschenbacher 8/13-8/18 TenTec & Huntsville Hamfest `` 8/23-8/24 Boxboro Hamfest `` 8/25-8/30 SoCal Advertisers
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ