[arrl-odv:31421] Arecibo’s central platform has collapsed

Hello All, Forwarding from a friend. The link to twitter at the bottom of this relay has an aerial view of the collapsed structure about the 3rd post in... —fwd— The Arecibo telescope's 900-ton platform has crashed into its disk below and destroyed the iconic radio observatory. The instrument platform falls before engineers could perform a controlled demolition. No one was near the dish when the platform fell. But he did not have all the details on how the structure came down. He believes it was because of a failure of one of the remaining cables connecting the platform to one of three support towers. These cables were carrying extra stress following the two previous failures. And since the Thanksgiving holiday, Lugo says, wires were breaking in these remaining cables at a rate of about one a day. He says he told NSF the structure only had a week or two remaining before it would collapse. https://twitter.com/search?q=%22RIP%20Arecibo%22&src=trend_click&vertical=tr... —-end fwd—- 73, Kermit W9XA Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
participants (1)
Kermit Carlson