[arrl-odv:28685] Hurricane Dorian

The ARRL HQ Emergency Response Team (ERT) met yesterday to review current ARRL preparedness for Hurricane Dorian. Dorian was located 690 miles Southeast of Miami, moving Northwesterly at a speed of 12 mph. Currently Category 2, Dorian is expected to make landfall as Category 4. Torrential rains of 6-12” are expected across the region, with significantly higher amounts near the main path of the storm. Ken Bailey, K1FUG, joined a Florida ARES Phone Conference Thursday. Summary: - Volunteer support is very much needed. - No self-deployment will be permitted. - Volunteers (who are formally deployed in the field by EC or SEC, etc) must have completed training that includes IS 100, 200, 700 and 800. o And those being deployed to be stationed with Served Agencies must have completed ICS 300 and 400. - Background checks/vetting are required. - Volunteers must apply online at http://www.tiny.cc/hurricanedorian (screenshot of form header below). Volunteer solicitation information (per above) is being announced in ARRL News, and on the ARRL2019 Hurricanes web page (http://www.arrl.org/2019-Hurricanes) We are considering adding thumbnail summaries each day sharing situational status. ARRL will announce that Emergency Communication over amateur radio bands is underway, and to steer clear of these frequencies (unless you are directly involved in or are monitoring emergency communications support):3.940 MHz (FL ARES Net); 7.268 and 14.265 MHz (SATERN); 14.325 (Hurricane Watch Net); and 14.300 MHz (International Maritime Net). Department of Homeland Security is seeking an STA from FCC for use of PACTOR4 during the duration of the storm and recovery efforts. Ken Bailey, K1FUG, today deployed two additional Ham-Aid communication kits to West Central Florida, consisting of two HF and one VHF/UHF kit. Recent deployments within the past four weeks included: - Two HF kits were sent to Atlantic side of Florida; - Two HF kits were sent to Gulf side of South Florida; - One HF and one VHF kit were sent to Mississippi; - One HF kit was sent to North Florida; - One HF kit was sent to Alabama; - Two HF and one VHF HT kit were sent to Louisiana. ARRL HQ ERT staff are on alert, and stand ready to assist our Section/Field Volunteer Leadership and/or Served Agencies to whatever degree is requested. If requested, ARRL will staff W1AW to assist with communications. Dave Isgur, N1RSN (and Michelle Patnode, W3MVP) are engaged in support to our local media channels as well as those in the affected region (with outreach to PICs/PIOs in the affected areas), to ensure media inquiries are covered, and that trusted/appropriate content regarding Amateur Radio, and it’s support role, remains on point. Please feel free to share this with any other HQ staff or ARRL representatives who may need such updates. Howard E. Michel, WB2ITX Chief Executive Officer ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio® 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0> Telephone: +1 860-594-0404<tel:+1%20860-594-0404> email: hmichel@arrl.org<mailto:hmichel@arrl.org>
participants (1)
Michel, Howard, WB2ITX (CEO)