[arrl-odv:24103] Re: K1IW Article - April QST

Thank you Steve. I've copied ODV on this reply so that everyone there can read your email. 73, Doug K4AC From: Ford, Steve, WB8IMY [mailto:sford@arrl.org] Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 2:24 PM To: Rehman, Doug, K4AC; Famiglio, Bob K3RF (Vice Dir,ATL) Cc: Kramer, Harold, WJ1B; Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ Subject: K1IW Article - April QST Gentlemen: Dave Sumner forwarded your comments to me concerning Bob DeMattia's article in the April issue of QST on the topic of DMR, NXDN, etc. I don't have access to the ODV email reflector, so I am taking the liberty of responding directly. Concerning the capabilities of DMR, NXDN and P25 transceivers, I have no doubt that you are correct. All technical articles are reviewed by our Technical Editorial Committee before they appear in the magazine, but no one on the committee has broad experience in this area, so those inaccuracies were missed. The author is a repeater coordinator and has substantial experience, but it appears that his knowledge may not be fully up to date. A QST "Feedback" correction will appear in the May issue and the correction has already been posted on our Feedback page at www.arrl.org/feedback <http://www.arrl.org/feedback> . There appears to be considerable discussion about the spectral efficiency of DMR with a number of conflicting opinions. Technical Correspondence in QST serves as a forum for hashing out technical issues and if members wish to submit comment about the spectral characteristics of DMR, we'd be happy to consider them for the column. Finally, we have scheduled a much more in-depth article on the subject of DMR later this year. It was written by John Burningham, W2AXB, the author of the popular "Amateur Radio Guide to Digital Mobile Radio." 73 . . . Steve Ford, WB8IMY QST Editor in Chief and Publications Manager ARRL -- the National Association for Amateur Radio tel 860-594-0287 sford@arrl.org <mailto:sford@arrl.org>
participants (1)
Doug Rehman