[ARRL-ODV:9013] Re: Polls

Tuck ably states one side of a debate that has been going on as long as there have political systems with elected representatives. That debates is: Are representatives elected to vote the desires of the majority of their constituents? OR Are representatives elected to inform themselves of the issues, and then exercise their best judgment when voting on matters that come before the representative body? My problem with counting heads is that without a formal ballot sent to every member in the Division I never know if I have an accurate count of the members or just the most vocal members. Clearly it is crucial to listen to members opinions as part of coming to your (my) best judgment. My belief is that I was elected to exercise my best judgment. Perhaps I might feel differently if the Dakota Division had a history of spirited elections and frequent turnover. I hope not, but...... In any event, I am suspicious of self-selected surveys. If we were to use the ARRL Web survey how would we determine how many of the voters were from each Division? One more thing, how would we limit the survey participants were ARRL members? If anyone, member or non-member can vote how would such a survey be helpful in determining the desires of the ARRL members of any particular Division? No matter how you come down on the question it is a perfect issue to discuss on the Fourth of July. 73, Jay, K0QB
participants (1)
John Bellows