[arrl-odv:17524] Re:Forget CQ awards on LOTW

23 JAN 2009 - 1214 CST Since CQ magazine is now apparently willing to trash its operating award programs in an effort to increase its readership, I'm not to eager to have these programs serviced on LoTW. It's too bad that a lot of hams (both experienced and newly licensed) are being taken in by the eQSL operation. However, I think most experienced DXers and contesters understand that eQSL is easily abused with forged contacts and QSL cards and they are making this known to the newer enthusiasts. Below is a recent two-message exchange on the SMC reflector that shows this on-going process. I doubt if eQSL will ever go away. But I think CQ will eventually regret reducing the integrity and status of its award programs. - Dick, W9GIG ======================================================================= Delivered-To: dick@pobox.com Received: from www4.qth.com (www4.qth.com []) by maroon.pobox.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id CAB37772 for <dick@pobox.com>; Thu, 15 Jan 2009 18:07:09 -0500 (EST) Received: from localhost ([]:33592 helo=www4.qth.com) by www4.qth.com with esmtp (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <smc-bounces@w9smc.com>) id 1LNbHO-0004Gt-6E; Thu, 15 Jan 2009 17:05:38 -0600 Received: from imo-d20.mx.aol.com ([]:56434) by www4.qth.com with esmtp (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from <KI9A@aol.com>) id 1LNbHK-0004GT-NT for smc@w9smc.com; Thu, 15 Jan 2009 17:05:34 -0600 Received: from KI9A@aol.com by imo-d20.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v39.1.) id x.cf9.4cd5a052 (39954) for <smc@w9smc.com>; Thu, 15 Jan 2009 18:05:29 -0500 (EST) From: KI9A@aol.com Message-ID: <cf9.4cd5a052.36a11b39@aol.com> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 18:05:29 EST To: smc@w9smc.com MIME-Version: 1.0 Wow. Eqsl is so unregulated, it means now, to me at least, any CQ award isn't worth the paper its printed on. I have made more than one fake call, and, have 46 states, and 132 countries confirmed via EQSL!!! Oh well.. 73- Chuck KI9A ---------------------------------------------------------------- In a message dated 1/15/2009 12:29:22 P.M. Central Standard Time, k9wis@yahoo.com writes: I was just visiting the eQSL.cc website for the first time in a few weeks and read that CQ magazine will accept eQSL confirmations for their awards like WAZ WPX and counties awards. They're still working out the details but apparently you will be able to apply for an award in a fashion similar to LOTW in the very near future. eQSL has different levels of membership and membership is required to use the award service. Brian K9WIS
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