[arrl-odv:35757] EC FSC meeting - Thursday April 25 8pm

Hi Everyone, Our next EC FSC meeting is scheduled for this coming Thursday, April 25th at 8pm Eastern time. The Zoom information is below. The agenda for this upcoming meeting is attached. 73, Scott. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81202233227?pwd=dXhsOC9BbmNHNWRHSlRxdGhjMEVlZz09 Meeting ID: 812 0223 3227 Passcode: 870026 --- One tap mobile +13052241968,,81202233227#,,,,*870026# US +13092053325,,81202233227#,,,,*870026# US --- Dial by your location . +1 305 224 1968 US . +1 309 205 3325 US Scott Yonally, N8SY Director Great Lakes Division ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio <mailto:n8sy@n8sy.com> n8sy@n8sy.com 419-512-4445 419-756-5046
participants (1)