[arrl-odv:19299] Re: ARRL Member Recruitment Telemarketing

When the position was first created, I assumed the "Membership Manager" would actually interact with members and lapsed members. I assumed that the person would telephone some of the lapsed members, asking them why they did not renew membership, and was there anything that the League should have done to retain them. If five phone calls were made each day, this would amount to over 1000 per year. This would give us feedback and likely result in some of them continuing. To me, it seems more likely that a phone call from a person identifying him/herself with a callsign and position at ARRL, and asking for reasons for non-renewal would be much better received than a call from someone in Mumbai. I now assume that calling of members is beneath the level of the Membership Manager position, and that others must be hired to do such work. I've also noticed that the new membership application forms lack telephone numbers, something I've found quite useful when trying to contact a member. However, I've solved that by putting a callsign and the telephone area code into Google search. I have not included Mr. Inderbitzen on my reply as I don't think I should be making this type of comment to anyone below senior management. They can act on it if they fell it is appropriate. Also, note that I've never received a single complaint about solicitations made by the League's affinity partners. Oddly enough, a few years ago I responded to Met Life's auto insurance mailing, and am now a customer because they gave me a better rate than anyone else. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 10:50 AM, <dick@pobox.com> wrote:
20 AUG 2010 - 1249 CDT
I support proactive ARRL member recruitment except when it generates poor results and potentially angers some amateur radio licensees receiving the phone call. I do not know the detailed results of our first telemarketing trial (see IN-Newsletter excerpt below), but the general assessment of this trial leads me to believe that telemarketing will be counter-productive; it will not be worth the expense.
I receive a small, but continuing, number of negative comments about our affinity partners' marketing activities. I know of nobody who welcomes junk U.S. mail, but at least we are not forced to read it. However, virtually everybody hates telephone sales calls because they are intrusive and disrupt the recipient's activities.
I support four non-amateur radio charitable (501-3c) tax-exempt organizations and I have "trained" them to not call me. Two tax-exempts would not put me on a no-call list. They no longer receive any support from me. I don't want the ARRL to be put in the position of having to filter (at extra cost) it's potential member market because this would mean we would have permanently lost a percentage of this market.
- Dick Isely, W9GIG
========================================================================== IN-Newsletter
Vol. 33, No. 33
August 18, 2010 -- Covers the period August 8-14.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
September 27-October 1 – ARRL HQ
Executive Committee Meeting
October 23 @ 9:00am in St. Louis, MO
Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections
November 19 in Newington, CT
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
A large membership campaign is being prepared for mailing in September.
Diane Petrilli is exploring a second telemarketing trial (one was conducted last year with mixed/poor results)involving a telemarketing firm that has experience making outbound calls for membership organizations.
We are pleased with the high response rate to an on-line Membership Benefits Survey. The survey invitation was sent by email to a sample group. The survey was also mailed to members that did not respond, and to another sample of members without known email addresses. Results will be analyzed and reported in late September.
Our affinity benefit partners are all gearing-up for program mailings during the next 2 months: ARRL Visa credit card (US Bank), ARRL Equipment Insurance Program (Marsh), and group-rate home and auto insurance (MetLife).
participants (1)
Richard J. Norton