[ARRL-ODV:7483] IN-News

IN-Newsletter Vol. 25, No. 27 July 12, 2002 Upcoming Meetings July 18th in Newington, CT at 9:00am Volunteer Resources Committee July 18th in Newington, CT at 8:30am Membership Services Committee July 18th in Windsor, CT at 8:30am A & F Committee July 19-20 in Windsor, CT: Board Meeting Development The Education and Technology Fund has reached $196,033 from 3,312 gifts. The average gift remains high at $59. The W1AW Endowment campaign test is underway. Thanks to Tom Hogerty and Jon Bloom the web pages went active July 1, including the ad design created by Sue Fagan for the August QST. The goal is to raise $150,000. The 2001 Annual Report will be mailed this week to major donors listed in the report, including those wishing to remain anonymous. Copies will also be sent to those who have made commitments of planned gifts. Education proposals are on-going. Media Relations The 2001 Annual Report has returned from the printer. Copies were sent to all Board members and a case was shipped to Chwat and Company for use on the Hill. The McGan Award nominations for this year were mailed to the PRC members for their review. The VRC will review the committee's recommendation prior to the Board meeting. Jennifer was interviewed by a reporter from the Star Ledger in New Jersey. The New Jersey DX Association was making plans to host famous DXer Tom Christian, VR6TC, and the reporter was very interested in how ham radio operators become friends and how common it is for them to visit hams in other countries. Jennifer received a call from the Connecticut Post. A reporter couldn't make it to the June 18th press conference announcing the UTC grant, but the paper is interested in covering the story after the fact. Sales & Marketing Marketing The next edition of Advertising Matters has been submitted to Production for composition. A handful of new fraction ads were created for products carried by ARRL, to be placed in upcoming issues of QST. Bob conducted an audit of ongoing service difficulties involving the administration of carrying RSGB products. A laundry list of items was shared with their commercial manager. Bob is hoping to establish more effective communication and service expectations with RSGB, as the two organizations prepare to collaborate on future projects. A follow-up email solicitation was sent to members on July 3, to stir up additional online sales throughout the Independence Day holiday weekend. Sales Two new publication dealers have placed orders (pre-paid) with Lisa Tardette. Additionally, a handful of stores have contacted Lisa to begin carrying QST, or to increase the quantity of copies they carry each month. ARRL Lab The Lab has been asked to conduct field tests of the interference potential of 5.8 GHz wireless LAN devices. Transverters have been purchased from Down East Microwave and we are selecting some IEEE 802.11a WLAN cards and access points to do the testing. This project will be a high priority in the Lab between now and early August. With Rod Stafford's blessing, a new reflector, EMCIARU@arrl.org <mailto:EMCIARU@arrl.org> has been set up to allow those working on EMC for their national societies to easily communicate with each other and share information. Ed Hare reports that the list has been active. John Phillips reports that this week, he received 5 new power-line cases, drafted one letter for Riley Hollingsworth to send and sent out two letters from ARRL HQ to power-line CEOs. He has also been continuing to coordinate the RFI Services course to be held at ARRL HQ in August. With the advice of several outside consultants or Technical Advisors, Ed Hare and Mike Tracy have been investigating the best ways to test and report on the keying modulation products that produce key clicks as transmitters are keyed. The Lab has also been looking closely at the way ARRL tests and reports the third-order intercept point on receivers. Membership Services Awards Branch WAS Certificates 30 WAS Endorsements 22 WAC QSL Cards Checked 98 WAC Certificates 2 WAC Endorsements 1 Long Term Member Inquiries 3 A-1 Operator Nominations 1 A-1 Operator Certificates 1 VUCC Initial Applications 1 Grids (Data Entry) 113 VUCC Endorsement Applications 1 Grids (Data Entry) 25 VUCC Awards Mailed 6 WAS Awards Mailed 12 Processing Status: Extra Class Certificates 3 Weeks RCC Awards 3 Weeks OTC Awards 3 Weeks For the coming week - Extra Class certificates, RCC, OTC, and VUCC awards, and WAS and WAC QSL card checking. DXCC Branch Weekly Report July 7, 2002 Beginning Cards 57,297 Cards Received 5,228 Cards Processed 2,195 Ending Cards 60,330 Applications Pending 453 Processing Time 1 Week Year-to-date Cards Received 298,878 Cards Returned 369,559 QRP Issued this week 0 QRP YTD 213 DXCC is currently mailing applications received on June 26, 2002. DXCC is currently entering cards received on June 28, 2002. DXCC card checking stats for Germany shows 221 applications totaling just over 33,000 country credits checked. Contest Branch Proofs and editing of the RTTY Roundup article was done to meet QST space requirements. Data entry of paper logs for the 2002 June VHF QSO party and 2002 Field Day was begun. The online soapbox for Field Day is sparking interest. Over 40 submissions having been posted, with interesting photos and stories. The checked results for the 2001 10 Meter contest were received from the log checking team, and work on preparing that article has begun. QSL Branch QSL Service Status: Current. Cards mailed as of 07/07/2002: 1,095,400. No cards mailed this week. Janet spent 5 hours conducting tours around HQ. W1AW Scott worked on slow and fast code practice runs for the latter part of the month of July. He also handled some evening phone sales in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot. He worked the early afternoon shift on Monday through Wednesday for a vacationing Joe Carcia. W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2002): $5,311. Field & Educational Services C-CE Jerry Ellis reports that 50 folks registered for the new on-line C-CE satellite course, filling it up. Jerry recruited and solicited Mentors for them. He is sporting a new call sign -- WS1K! Regulatory Information John assisted amateurs with local zoning problems in Gresham, OR (KG7HT); Loveland, OH (N8RTY) and Pemberton Township, NJ (KA1AOR). John re-wrote the reciprocal operating information on file for the Bahamas, and he spoke to a number of amateurs about HR 4720. Field Organization/ Public Service Team On the holiday weekend Steve networked with the FCC and Brennan to announce the Emergency Declaration protecting Texas net frequencies handling flood messages. Steve had just worked with the FCC to rescind the Emergency Declaration protecting Arizona net frequencies for fires. Colorado SM Ryan received compliments for Pikes Peak ARES and Mountain Amateur Radio Club from the Teller County OEM for hams' work in the fire effort. Steve forwarded to SMs, via the SM Reflector, a VRC questionnaire asking them to evaluate the SGL/LGL positions; he forwarded to the VRC the initial responses. He was in touch with 5 SMs regarding use of their Section Web Page. The WMA SM encouraged SMs this week via the SM Reflector, saying: "If you didn't get out to the various clubs FD sites why not solicit for digital photos and put them on your sections ARRL web page...I'm hoping to get many photos to put on the WMA ARRL site. Remember, one photo is worth a thousand words." Leona set up for the four new Section Managers (IL, IN, OR, VT) starting July 1, their "arrl.org" e-mail addresses along with proper notation on their Section Web sites. She is in the process of sending out quarterly budget reports to the SMs. Also, she entered 17 appointments into our database along with other cancellations/updates. The Big Project In order for Jerry Hill to check on his home in Hawaii and take care of other personal issues there, he will work from Hawaii on July 8 through August 16. His e-mail address remains jhill@arrl.org. In particular, he will concentrate on finalizing the curriculum he is working on, besides handling routine Big Project duties. Because Jerry will be away for the Board Meeting, he will have a display set up to show Directors progress related to The Big Project. Jean Wolfgang assisted with the creative aspects of this display. Field & Educational Support Team Gail Iannone sent 3 hamfest approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director's approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, processed 9 door prize orders, 3 label requests and sent 13 handout packages for upcoming events; she also sent 3 initial hamfest application packets to the sponsoring clubs requesting ARRL-sanctioning. Margie Bourgoin sent 6 new club applications to the EC for a vote on affiliation with ARRL, and one club affiliation application to the Director/SM for approval. She sent the monthly report on new hams in the locale to Clubs. In Jo-Ann's absence, she has kept up with club updates and has sent out some orders. Jean Wolfgang wrote and submitted her QST article about JOTA, and began a list of things people would like for us to provide for future JOTA events. Some of this can be accomplished by downloads and links from our scouting web pages. Jean also received and responded to two applications for an ARISS contact. She and Margie handled the shipping of complimentary copies of Ham Radio...Planning for the Future to authors whose articles were included in the new edition. Rosalie submitted material about ham radio activity at Western states' fires to NVOAD, who plans to forward information on this from all its members' to FEMA. Rosalie and Margie worked logistics revolving around the C-CE review course to be held at Boxboro. Astronaut Peggy Whitson did her first ARISS QSO; it was with a German school -- TV station Suedwestdeutscher Rundfunk and newspaper Schwarzwaelder Zeitung both on hand. 73, Sincerely, Mark Wilson, K1RO Chief Operating Officer MW:lk Staff Absentee List Name Date(s) Reason Dave Sumner 7/8-7/16 Finland Dave Patton 7/8-7/16 Vacation Wayne Mills 7/2-7/16 Vacation Rosalie White 7/22-7/24 Vacation Helen Dalton 7/11-7/19 Vacation Lisa Tardette 7/8-7/19 Vacation Dennis Motschenbacher 7/2-7/16 Vacation LouAnn Campanello 7/22-7/26 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ