[arrl-odv:15535] ARRLWeb Statistics

Some ARRLWeb statistics: For the five months from November 2006 through March 2007 our web site averaged 466,400 unique visitors per month. The top 10 outside web searches (from Google, etc) are ARRL, ARES, Ham Radio, QST, LoTW, Morse Code, ARRL Band Plan, Amateur Radio, DXCC, Hamfests The top 10 searches done on our web site are: Band Plan, Field Day, DXCC, Novice License, ARES, ARISS Katrina, LoTW, Repeaters, Contests, VE. Some of the top pages on the site are: ARRL Letter, News, F&ES, Contests, TIS, W1AW, FCC, Members Only, VEC, Catalog, LoTW, Awards. 95% of all of our outside searches come from Google. 466,400 different users per month is significant and underscores the power and popularity of our website. 73 Joel W5ZN
participants (1)
Joel Harrison