[ARRL-ODV:7749] DS September travel

In my January report to the Board I mentioned that I expected to be away September 1-24 with meetings in Geneva of ITU-R Working Part 6E (broadcasting) September 1-11 and of ITU-R Working Party 8A (land mobile and amateur) September 18-24 (later rescheduled to September 17-23). As it turned out, there was nothing on the agenda of WP 6E that required an IARU presence so I am skipping that meeting. Walt Ireland of the ARRL Technical Relations Office is attending as a member of the US delegation, so we'll know if anything comes up that bears on WRC-03. However, another IARU-related mission is bringing me to Europe for much of the same period before the WP 8A meeting. I have been asked to attend a meeting on September 10 in the Sarajevo area of Bosnian Muslim, Croat, and Serb amateurs to discuss strengthening cooperation. Representatives of the amateur organizations in Croatia and Serbia are also expected to attend. As you can imagine, the war has exacted a toll on the relations among the amateurs in the area. It is encouraging that they have some desire to get together and talk about it, and I hope my being there will contribute in some small way to increasing the chances for success. The previous weekend, September 5-8, I will be in Ohrid, Macedonia, attending a High Speed Telegraphy Championship sponsored by the Radioamateur Society of Macedonia. RSM President Trajko, Z35A, has asked me to play some role in the opening ceremonies. I visited Ohrid in 1977 during the IARU Region 1 ARDF Championships in Skopje and am looking forward to returning. I'm confident that our hosts will make sure we stay well clear of the areas where there is potential for violence in advance of the Macedonian elections September 15. I will also meet with the executive committee of Savez Radioamatera Jugoslavije, the IARU member-society for Yugoslavia. SRJ is dealing with major organizational issues arising from the evolving relationship between Serbia and Montenegro, the two remaining entities in Yugoslavia. I fly to Belgrade Tuesday evening, September 3, from Belgrade to Geneva September 16, and home September 24. Linda has a different itinerary before and after, but she will be with me September 4-16. You may hear a couple of familiar American voices signing a YT or other Yugoslav call sign during the WAE Phone Contest September 14-15. I do not expect to have email access from noon September 3 until September 17. The office knows how to reach me in an emergency. 73, Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ