[ARRL-ODV:7670] Re: Section News

Mark - Thanks for the update. I note that you are now planning to introduce a "highlights" box, to be prepared by the SMs as part of their Section web page. The contents of that box, and only that box will be emailed to all registered members who have opted in for receiving email bulletins and sent by snail mail to those members who have no electronic capability. That sounds good, but will it work? We have been encouraging SMs to use the web, making it possible for them to have more complete reports, even photos, no real limit in length. But now the SMs have suddenly been assigned a brand new monthly task: fill in the box. Will they do it? The only material to be emailed, mailed, or archived, will be that special text appearing in a special text box. Quesions: What appears in that text box if the SM doesn't choose to fill it? Will Steve Ewald fill it? What information will be archived from a Section whose SM doesn't fill the box? What evidence do you have to indicate that our hardworking SMs will be pleased with this new assignment? Incidentally, I understand your reason for requiring a written request from those who have no web capability. But that also excludes the possibility of Joe Ham asking Joan Ham if we would please drop an email to HQ in his behalf, asking for mailed Section reports, an additional reason for our members to become peeved. I assume that you will also require the request to be renewed periodically. 73. Jim, W6CF "Wilson, Mark K1RO" wrote:
There has been some traffic on the SM reflector regarding Section News after January 2003, and a number of questions and suggestions have surfaced. Steve Ewald and Rosalie White prepared the following summary of where we are headed and will be sharing it with SMs via their reflector today.
73, Mark K1RO
Hello Section Managers,
A number of you have asked about future changes to the electronic tools ARRL provides to SMs, particularly Section News, as one of you said, "in order to give the Field Organization a Section News change-over pitch." A number of you offered suggestions and questions and ideas, and here is where we are headed.
From the various discussions, it was apparent that there is still a strong desire to continue to distribute a monthly summary of the highlights in each section, much like the current QST Section News. Beginning in 2003, we are adding one more feature to the Section pages on the ARRL Web site, in addition to the Alerts, e-letters and the ability to publish expanded and frequently updated news and photo features.
The new feature is a special text box where SMs will be able to upload, on a monthly basis, a summary of the most important news from their Sections (much like the current QST Section News). These summaries will then be distributed in a several ways.
1) Highlights will be published in a special area on each Section's Web page and remain there for a month. We're considering a deadline target of the 12th of each month to upload the previous month's news, which is what you are used to for the current QST deadlines. For example, your highlights of December's news would be published on January 12 and remain there until the next month's news is published February 12.
2) The monthly text you submit for the Web will be emailed to all ARRL members who have signed up for the Section/Division e-letters when it is posted on the Web. As one SM put it, "Having this option would go a long way toward pacifying members who have always read their Section News, and is a perfect answer for those who have e-mail but not Internet access."
3) Members who do not have e-mail or web access may request that this monthly text be printed and mailed to them. Requests must be made via US Mail and sent to HQ (we'll have more details on this shortly). Note that will be able to print this information in larger, more readable type than we use in QST. There will be some limitations (based on what will fit on a sheet of paper) but the word count will be the same for all Sections and will not be less than what the largest Sections currently enjoy in QST. You may also wish to have your OBS appointees disseminate the postings each month.
4) A number of people have voiced concern about future access to Section News. The monthly highlights will be saved and included in the annual QST CD-ROM, readily available for future reference.
In the coming months, we'll share the details and tools as they are ready (and well before the January changeover to the new system). If uploading to the Web is a problem for you, or if you find once you try it that you have questions, please do not hesitate to call. We will work with you as much as possible. If you prefer, you can name a designee to post your monthly highlights.
An article about the changes to Section News and contest reporting is in preparation for in October QST to spread the word to ARRL members. A direct mail announcement will be sent via US Mail to all ARRL appointees who are not currently registered for the Members Only Web features or signed up for e-letters to encourage them to do so. We have now updated the letter that goes to new appointees, encouraging them to sign up for e-letters.
Please encourage your members to sign up for e-letters, and let them know that it's a great way to receive the latest news from the Section. It's easy to sign up:
First, you need to register for the Members-Only features if you have not already done so. To register, go to http://www.arrl.org/members/ and follow the instructions. You will need to supply your call sign and membership number and a password of your choice for future visits.
Members who are already registered may sign up to receive e-letters via the Member Data page at http://www.arrl.org/members-only/memdata.html?modify=1. Under the heading, "Which of the following would you like to receive automatically via email from ARRL?" the member would check the fifth box on the list that says, "Division/Section notices (Note: Some Divisions/Sections may not send notices.)"
When you prepare an Alert for the Web, please consider the benefit of also sending an e-letter on the same topic to your constituents to help spread the word. To send an e-letter, link to the following page via the ARRL Section Managers' Area: http://www.arrl.org/members-only/SM/email.html.
One SM made a particularly good suggestion: Ask your affiliated clubs to regularly publish the URL for your Web page in their newsletters. The clubs can help you promote the Section Web pages and e-letter service. To publicize that aspect, we will send a message along these lines to all ACCs and to the clubs that have e-mail addresses on file with us.
Steve, WV1X
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