[arrl-odv:29467] Fwd: YouTube ARRL CEO Talk- Not Good.

If you only have time to read part of this, look at the bold text at the end. Bill sent this to the on-line blogger in response to his yammering YouTube video. 73, :-) - Dale WA8EFK -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: YouTube ARRL CEO Talk- Not Good. Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2020 17:34:04 -0500 From: William Pietschman <w8lvradio@gmail.com> To: wa8efk@arrl.org Dear Dale, So here's this guy on youtube talking about our CEO change... I'll spare you the details, and here is the link: (https://youtu.be/vfqJH6OaAqA) When I hear this kind of talk about CEOs and Boards in general, I am greatly saddened by our educational system in this country. They must not teach how organizations in business work. (I learned it from Elmer Fudd when I was about eight years old... Really! Link here : (https://youtu.be/NOX0_FUGM6k) Oh and we MUST NOT forget THIS ONE, either: (https://youtu.be/G3dpwxl4E18) Maybe you saw those too as a kid? Please send this to whom you may in our organization and this will as all of our communications are and always will be kept confidential. God Bless and Thanks to You and EVERYONE at the ARRL for what you do for Amateur Radio. 73 DE W8LV BILL (Finally, my Public reply for what it's worth to this Gentleman is here:) *"Dear Fellow Ham and YouTuber: SUPPORT THE ARRL. CEO's come and go from organizations based on closed board meetings everyday. There are confidential contractual agreements, and no CEO is King, he answers to the Board of Director in EVERY organization. Goals and Directions change. And if you don't think in a legislative environment there isn't anything to protect: I'll clear it up for you, because you MUST remember: We are VERY MUCH IN COMPETITION WITH COMMERCIAL INTERESTS WHO EYE OUR BANDS. We ALSO have a FEDERAL regulator who has an ear that is MUCH more attuned to those Commercial Interests than Little Old Us. We also have a small pie to cut, and what part goes to the lobbyist, what part to education, what part to publicity, etc. With the eye on both short term and long term goals and the constant surveillance of external commercial interests and the look at "ourselves" and how we are currently doing. Who makes the metrics? Who reads the metrics? Who interprets the metrics? Paying the salaries. The Printer.... Etc., Etc.!* *CEOs also leave organizations for personal reasons: Being Top Level Managers they are in high demand, but for VERY few "slots" (namely: One) in other organizations. Who might offer more in terms of Salary or Benefits. Or his wife might want to move out of Connecticut because she likes Florida weather better. Or health reasons... Or whatever!* *I've never heard of an organization that didn't have a BOD that didn't meet behind closed doors (even the YMCA) and I've never heard of a private employment contract of a CEO being made public. Nor have you, because that's not how it's done! For example, if you think that the CAI (the group that represents the Homeowners Associations) is going to tell you their CEO and Board of Director's goings on, not to mention how and what and to whom they are going to be opening their Financial War Chest to (which I'm guessing is a Hell of a lot bigger than ours) you are just kidding yourself!* *The important thing is that we have stability and continuity, and a National Organization that represents our Big Tent! 73 DE W8LV BILL"* * * * * Best Regards from Amateur Radio Station W8LV Station Info: www.hamqth.com/W8LV <http://www.hamqth.com/W8LV>
participants (1)
Dale Williams