[ARRL-ODV:9780] Reply Comments, Docket 00-258, re 2390-2395 MHz

Greetings again. Attached are as-filed reply comments in the above docket, dealing with the 2390-2395 MHz segment of the 2390-2400 MHz band. We had filed comments indicating that we could accept Federal government uses displaced from 1710-1850 MHz, which is to be used for 3G wireless. FCC proposed not only government aeronautical mobile there, but also flight test telemetry. We filed comments indicating that this could be done if AFTRCC, the flight test telemetry folks, agreed to coordinate with us. Our "olive branch" was rejected by AFTRCC in their initial comments, but we subsequently talked with them, and they now agree to work with us rather than attempt to fight us. We will see what their reply comments look like, but this should work out well. 73, Chris W3KD
participants (1)