[ARRL-ODV:9745] Executive Committee Minutes

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Present were the following committee members: President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, in the Chair; First Vice President Joel Harrison, W5ZN; Executive Vice President and Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ; and Directors Tom Frenaye, K1KI, Bernie Fuller, N3EFN, and Rick Roderick, K5UR. Also present were Vice President Fried Heyn, WA6WZO, International Affairs Vice President Rodney J. Stafford, W6ROD, Directors Frank M. Butler, W4RH, and Greg Milnes, W7OZ, General Counsel Christopher D. Imlay, W3KD, and Technical Relations Manager Paul Rinaldo, W4RI. Mr. Heyn, Mr. Butler, and Mr. Milnes had attended a meeting of the Volunteer Resources Committee in the same place on the previous day. Executive Committee member Dennis Bodson, W4PWF, was unable to attend but had arranged to join the meeting later by telephone conference. 1. The following agenda was agreed: 1. Consideration of agenda for the meeting 2. Review of progress on plan of work for the committee for 2003 2A. Review of Memorandum of Understanding with National Frequency Coordinators Council (Minute 59, July 2003 Board Meeting) 3. American Radio Relay League, Incorporated v. Federal Communications Commission and United States of America, Case No. 03-1370, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Decision whether to pursue this appeal. 4. Consider policy recommendations for FCC filing to implement the results of WRC-03 (Minute 60, July 2003 Board Meeting). 5. Possible partnering with NPSTC looking toward greater integration of amateur operation in the bands 902 MHz to 24.25 GHz in Public Safety and Homeland Security Communications; status and determination of policy limitations on Negotiations (Minute 33, July 2003 Board Meeting). 6. ET Docket 03-104, Inquiry Concerning Carrier Current Systems Including Broadband over Power Line Systems. Discussion and determination of further strategy regarding Inquiry. 7. ET Docket 03-201, Modification of Parts 2 and 15 of the Commissions Rules for Unlicensed Devices and Equipment Approval. Decision required as to possible ARRL comments. 8. WT Docket 03-187; Effects of Communications Towers on Migratory Birds. Decision required as to possible ARRL comments. 9. Selection of strategies from September 13-14 Strategic Planning session to be included in 2004 operational plan. 10. FCC Vanity Call Sign practices. The FCC is dismissing applications for vanity call signs in certain blocks that previously were being issued; consideration of possible ARRL action. 11. Review of status of other pending FCC matters 12. NTIA Docket No. 031016259-3259-01; Request for Comment on Improvements to the U.S. Preparation Process for World Radiocommunication Conferences. 13. Legislative matters status of ARRL Legislative Agenda for 108th Congress 14. International matters 15. Antenna and RFI cases 16. 2003 National Convention report 17. Review of applications for Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program 18. Recognition of new Life Members19. Affiliation of clubs 20. Approval of conventions 21. Approval of minutes of March 15, 2003 meeting 22. Date and place of next EC meeting23. Other business 2. Progress on the plan of work agreed at the March 15 meeting of the Executive Committee was reviewed. A review of the Articles of Association and Bylaws has been completed, with the exception of whatever amendments may arise from a study of standing committees on which Board action is pending. Article 4 and Bylaw 23 cleanup revisions were adopted by the Board at its July 2003 Meeting (Minutes 52 and 53). A review of ARRL Standing Orders is underway. The Standing Orders that the full Executive Committee agreed were obsolete had been deleted at the July 2003 Board Meeting (Minute 31). On motion of Mr. Fuller, it was voted to recommend to the Board the deletion of the following 22 Standing Orders: 4, 16, 18, 73, 78, 87, 95, 97, 103, 109, 110, 120, 123, 84-2.36, 84-2.39, 85-1.49, 88-2.68, 89-1.127, 92-1.76, 96-2.25, 97-1.51, and 98-2.33. A chart drafted by staff to track progress on implementation of Board actions was reviewed, and amendments were offered by attendees. It was agreed that the revised chart will be included with the committees report to the Board in January. The completed items then will be removed from the chart and additional details, including budget and anticipated completion date, will be added for the remaining items. A study of standing committees completed in response to Minute 52 of the July 2002 Board Meeting was distributed to the Board on June 13. No action was taken by the Board in July. The recommendations contained in the study were affirmed and the Secretary was requested to draft the amendments to the Bylaws necessary to implement them, for Board consideration in January. 2A. The Board had requested that the Executive Committee review the 1996 Memorandum of Understanding between the ARRL and the National Frequency Coordinators Council, Inc. The request was the result of problems that had arisen in the course of collecting information for the 2003-2004 edition of The ARRL Repeater Directory. It does not appear that the problems will recur. At the present time, NFCC is in transition to new officers. Mr. Heyn left the meeting at 10:14 AM. 3. The pros and cons of proceeding with an appeal of the FCCs decision to permit expanded Part 15 operations in the 24.05-24.25 GHz band were discussed. In the course of the discussion Mr. Bodson joined the meeting by telephone conference at 10:25 AM. On motion of Harrison, it was voted not to proceed with the appeal. 4. In response to the charge given to the Executive Committee at Minute 60 of the July 2003 Board Meeting, Mr. Harrison had prepared a draft report and policy recommendations with regard to the domestic implementation of the revised Article 25 of the international Radio Regulations and possible changes to the amateur licensing structure in the United States. Mr. Roderick had prepared an alternative draft with regard to the licensing structure. After extensive discussion, during which the Committee was in recess for luncheon from 11:55 AM to 1:22 PM, it was agreed (with Mr. Roderick dissenting on one aspect of the recommendations) to submit recommendations to the Board by November 15 reflecting the results of the discussion. Mr. Bodsons participation by telephone conference ended at 3:00 PM. 5. With regard to the possible partnering with NPSTC called for at Minute 33 of the July 2003 Board Meeting, Mr. Haynie reported that the matter was not yet ripe for consideration but could be discussed at the next meeting of the NPSTC Amateur Radio Subcommittee. Without dissent, it was agreed to move to agenda item 14 in order to permit Mr. Stafford to leave the meeting. 14. Mr. Stafford reported that the nominating process for IARU President and Vice President for the 2004-2009 term was completed in September with Larry E. Price, W4RA, and Tim S. Ellam, VE6SH, nominated for the respective offices. The nominations have been presented to the IARU member-societies for ratification. He also reported on the IARU Region 2 Executive Committee meeting, held in October in San Jose, Costa Rica. Region 2 is preparing for its September 2004 Conference in Trinidad & Tobago and is emphasizing program features to attract participation by member-societies throughout the region. Mr. Stafford left the meeting at 3:55 PM. 6. Mr. Rinaldo provided a report on the status of technical investigations of the Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) issue. A meeting of parties concerned with the potential for BPL interference to over-the-air radiocommunication services was held in Washington, DC on November 7 and drew 25 attendees representing a wide range of private and government interests. Mr. Sumner reported that in response to an ARRL solicitation, a good proposal to conduct measurements of interaction between BPL and amateur stations had been received and a contract would be signed soon. In order to accommodate Mr. Roderick, who had to leave the meeting shortly, agenda item 9 was next taken up. 9. At their September 13-14 strategic planning session, Board members had agreed that the selection of strategies to be incorporated in the 2004 operational plan would be done by the Executive Committee. In future years, the selection will be done by the full Board. On motion of Mr. Fuller, it was agreed that the following strategies are to be included in the 2004 operational plan: A9. Pursue a cooperative working relationship with the congressional research service to promote ARRLs role as a call first resource. A10. Develop a grassroots lobbying kit for ARRL members to use in their congressional home districts. B3. Develop additional online courses and evaluate the existing ones. Add an online license-training course using the existing model (Mentor = Elmer) that may be bundled with ARRL membership. C4. Survey served agencies to identify their present and future emergency communications requirements and identify areas of amateur radio performance that may need improvement. D3. Operate profitably to insure the organizations future well being. D5. Develop a Board policy that states all new programs and services must have a business plan and minimally break-even financially. During the course of discussion, Mr. Roderick left the meeting at 5:05 PM. 7. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in ET Docket 03-201, Modification of Parts 2 and 15 of the FCCs Rules for Unlicensed Devices and Equipment Approval, was discussed. On motion of Mr. Fuller, the General Counsel was authorized to file comments generally supportive of the proposals and possibly suggesting technical improvements. 8. A Notice of Inquiry in WT Docket 03-187, Effects of Communications Towers on Migratory Birds, was discussed. The General Counsel was asked to review the comments filed in order to determine whether the filing of reply comments will be appropriate. 10. Recent FCC practices in dismissing applications for certain vanity call signs were reviewed. FCC staff will be approached in an effort to explain why such applications should be granted. 11. The status of other pending FCC matters was reviewed: 11.1. The ARRL filed comments in ET Docket 00-258 and WT Docket 02-55 acknowledging the possibility of sharing 2390-2395 MHz between the amateur and certain government services on a co-equal, coordinated basis. Reply comments will be required. 11.2. Without explanation, SAVI Technology, Inc. has withdrawn an interference study that it had submitted in ET Docket 01-278 concerning the possible relaxation of restrictions on Part 15 devices in the 425-435 MHz band. FCC staff remains interested in finding a mutually satisfactory resolution of this proceeding. 11.3. ET Docket 02-380, concerning possible additional spectrum for unlicensed devices below 900 MHz and in the 3 GHz band, has been reviewed. The proceeding poses no problems for the amateur services. 11.4. In ET Docket 02-305, the ARRL has done what it can to question the need for new restrictions on the use of the 420-450 MHz band in parts of Texas and New Mexico. 11.5. In ET Docket 03-122, the ARRL has sought to protect the 5650-5670 MHz amateur and amateur-satellite band from interference from RLANs. 11.6. In ET Docket 03-65, the ARRL has urged the FCC to adopt receiver interference immunity standards but not to use that as a premise for overlaying incompatible new services on incumbent licensed spectrum. 11.7. While FCC action on a so-called Omnibus Part 97 rulemaking proceeding had been expected earlier in the year, no action has been forthcoming. 11.8. Some additional work has been done in response to Minute 64 of the July 2002 Board Meeting, regarding the regulation of amateur subbands by signal bandwidth rather than by mode of emission, since an interim report was delivered to the Board in July 2003. Mr. Imlay and Mr. Rinaldo are preparing a draft petition for rulemaking for review by the Board or Executive Committee. In response to questions regarding whether it is legal to send pictures over data systems, ARRL staff is providing interim guidance that pictures are acceptable as an incidental element of a data transmission. 12. The NTIA has requested comment on possible improvements to the U.S. preparation process for World Radiocommunication Conferences. The proceeding is being reviewed by staff to determine if ARRL comments are appropriate; if so, a recommendation will be prepared for Executive Committee consideration. 13. Reviewing the status of the ARRL legislative agenda, Mr. Sumner reported that including original sponsors, there are now 67 cosponsors of HR 713, 9 cosponsors of S 537, and 30 cosponsors of HR 1478. Mr. Butler left the meeting at 6:07 PM. 15. The status of antenna litigation was reviewed briefly. Requests for ARRL funding support are referred to the Antenna Defense Committee chaired by Director Jay Bellows, K0QB. 16. Mr. Haynie reported that the ARRL National Convention, held in the Dallas area on June 20-22, was a success. 17. Consideration of applications for grants under the Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program was deferred to permit more time for review. 18. On motion of Mr. Fuller, 242 recently elected life members were recognized and the Secretary was instructed to list their names in QST. On motion of Mr. Fuller, the following clubs were declared affiliated: Category 1 Giles SKYWARN, Pulaski, TN Heartland Amateur Radio Association, Lexington, NE Magnolia Amateur Radio Club, Mississippi State. MS Nellis Radio Amateur Club, Las Vegas, NV Northeast Tarrant Amateur Radio Club, Southlake, TX Russell County Amateur Radio Club, Lebanon, VA Shawnee County Skywarn Amateur Radio Club, Topeka, KS West Desert Amateur Radio Club, Tooele, UT Category 2 Amateur Radio League of Wisconsin, Inc., Racine, WI The following clubs previously had been affiliated by mail vote: Category 1 Alameda County Sheriffs Communications Team, Dublin, GA Amateur Radio Club of Anderson, Anderson, CA Association of Silicon Valley Amateur Radio Organizations, Sunnyvale, CA Avaya Lincroft Amateur Radio Club, Lincroft, NJ Bay Area Relay League, Green Bay, WI Chief Anderson Amateur Radio Club, Anderson, IN CorTek Radio Association, Wauconda, IL Dave, Jim and Kens Pretty Good Ham Club, Madison, WI DeKalb County Amateur Radio Club, Rainsville, AL Dominion DX Group, Richmond, VA DX Contest Club, Leonard, TX Edge of Space Sciences, Littleton, CO Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club, Fallbrook, CA Galveston County Amateur Radio Club, LaMarque, TX Grand Mesa Repeater Association, Grand Junction, CO Hidden Valleys Amateur Radio Club, Cuba City, WI Hillsdale County Amateur Radio Club, Reading, MI Hollywood Hills QRP Contest Club, Hollywood, CA Homeland Radio Organization, Richmond, TX IBM Austin Amateur Radio Club, Georgetown, TX Juneau County Amateur Radio Club, Mauston, WI Laurel Highlands VHF Society, Inc., Mt. Pleasant, PA Lehigh PSK31 Club, Lehigh Acres, FL Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club, Syracuse, NY Manchester Area Radio Club, Manchester, NH Mesa Verde Area Amateur Radio Club, Cortez, CO Mighty Wonderful Repeater Association Auxiliary, West Hills, CA Mile High Radio Club, Idyllwild, CA Monroe Amateur Radio Society, Sweetwater, TN Nevada Amateur Radio Repeaters, Inc., Las Vegas, NV North Port Amateur Radio Club, North Port, FL Ocean County Amateur Radio Emergency Service, Bayville, NJ Pembina County Amateur Radio Club, Cavalier, ND Permian Basin Amateur Radio Club, Midland, TX Putnam County Amateur Radio Club, Greencastle, IN Radio Punks, San Rafael, CA South Hill Contest Club, South Hill, WA Southern West Virginia Amateur Radio Association, Caldwell, WV Stafford Amateur Radio Association, Inc., Stafford, VA Super System, Fullerton, CA Tecumseh Amateur Radio Club, Tecumseh, OK Toledo Radio Amateur Club, Perrysburg, OH Trilogy Radio Club, Rio Vista, CA Washington Area Amateur Radio Club, Riverside, IA Waterville Area Wireless Association, Winslow, ME Wynmoor Radio Club, Coconut Creek, FL Young County Amateur Radio Club, Graham, TX Category 2 Independent Repeater Association, Inc., Byron Center, MI South Mountain Contest Club, Shippensburg, PA The Auto State Young Ladies, Lake Odessa, MI Category 3 Amateur Radio Society at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Cedar Crest Village Amateur Radio Club, Pompton Plains, NJ DePauw University Amateur Radio Club, Greencastle, IN Freed-Hardman University Amateur Radio Club, Henderson, TN Tennessee Technology Amateur Radio Club Hohenwald, Hohenwald, TN Category 4 Colorado Council of Amateur Radio Clubs, Denver, CO Hamcon Colorado, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO The ARRL now has the following numbers of active affiliated clubs: Category 1, 1,943; Category 2, 53; Category 3, 122; Category 4, 21; Total, 2,139. 20. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, the holding of the following ARRL conventions was approved: 2004 SWOH Digital Symposium, January 10, Middletown, OH New York City/Long Island Section, January 18, Oyster Bay Byam Caravan Operating Specialty, February 10-15, Christmas, FL Vermont State, February 28, Milton San Joaquin Valley Section, May 1, Fresno, CA Iowa State, June 11-12, Sioux City West Gulf Division, June 18-19, Arlington, TX Arizona State, July 1-4, Williams Oklahoma State, July 16-17, Oklahoma City West Virginia State, August 28-29, Weston Kentucky State, September 10-11, Louisville W9DXCC, September 17-18, Rolling Meadows, IL Nebraska State, September 24-25, Norfolk Eastern Washington Section, September 25, Spokane 2005 Southwestern Division, September 9-11, Riverside, CA The following conventions previously had been approved by mail vote: 2003 Wyoming State, May 23-25, Casper EMCOMMWEST, May 31, Reno, NV Montana State, July 18-20, East Glacier New Mexico State, August 22-23, Albuquerque Eastern VHF/UHF Conference, August 23-24, Enfield, CT Illinois State, September 19-21, Peoria Virginia State, September 20-21, Virginia Beach Microwave Update/Pacific NW VHF Conference, September 25-28, Everett, WA Eastern Washington Section, September 27, Spokane W0DXCC, October 18, Bloomington, MN West Central Florida Section, December 6-7, Palmetto (Tampa) 2004 Mississippi State, February 6-7, Jackson Florida State, February 7-8, Miami North Carolina Section, March 13-14, Charlotte Oklahoma Section, March 19-20, Claremore Maryland State, March 27-28, Timonium North Carolina State, April 4, Raleigh Southeastern VHF Conference, April 23-24, Atlanta, GA Midwest Division, April 30-May 1, Lebanon, MO Wyoming State, May 29-30, Casper Atlantic Division, June 4-6, Rochester (Henrietta), NY San Francisco Section, July 9-11, Ferndale, CA New England Division, August 13-15, Boxboro, MA Kansas State, August 15, Salina Georgia State, November 6-7, Lawrenceville Indiana State, November 13-14, Fort Wayne 2005 Dakota Division, September 9-11, Fargo, ND 21. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, the minutes of the March 15, 2003 Executive Committee meeting were approved in the form in which they had been distributed. 22. The Executive Committee is not expected to meet again until after the January 2004 Board Meeting; accordingly, no date or place was selected for the next meeting. Other business Mr. Imlay noted that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Alaska is increasing its power. 23.2. Field organization affairs were discussed briefly. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 PM. Respectfully submitted, David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary ARRL Executive Committee Minutes Page PAGE 5 Number 472 November 9, 2003 Q~òô¢,-fñ=a1&€&º&»&Œ&$'%''®'œ'è'é'((è(ê(r)å) +%+,õ46Ç8È8P9S9©9ª9WG]G×IÝIZJ`J^LcLçNíNÉQÊQÐQÑQÒQÓQñQòQôQ÷Qýû÷ûïûïëèèâèèèëâèèèèàààûëëëëëëëÙÖÙÎÙÖÖ0JmHnHu0J j0JU] 6]aJaJ6]6CJOJQJ6H*65=$/PQYZ~©êg M È á? º /è¯þ2V¢úúúúøøøîèèèîèèèèèèèèèèèèèèÐ^Ð Ð7$8$H$^Ð$a$£QöQýý¢ßû-fgϹSÇÈ¢£äå Þ!ß! 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participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ