IN-Newsletter Vol. 26, No. 24 June 18, 2003 Development The final report on the United Technologies Connecticut grant has been submitted. A progress report on the 3-year $150,000 national grant will be submitted by the June 20 deadline. The Spectrum Defense special campaign for WRC-03 has generated $33,984 from 751 donors for an average contribution of $45.25. These figures reflect a correction of inaccurate results present in the June 4 In-News. The Education & Technology Fund campaign for 2004 has produced $76,655 from 1435 donors for an average contribution of $ 53.42. The campaigns for Historic Preservation and Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) have not yet produced responses. The Historic Preservation campaign was mailed last week and the BPL mail will be sent out next week. The Diamond Club has received a boost from the test mailings coordinated with member renewals. The Diamond Club now numbers more than 614 supporters who have produced $92,489 in revenue since the program's inception in late September 2002 for an average contribution of $150. The average contribution skews lower due to the number of Life Members who have taken advantage of the special $50 entry level contribution. Other donors to the program number 308, contributing more than $77,000 for an average of $250. The Diamond Club renewal process will begin in July 2003 for those donors who first contributed in September 2002. The renewal program will include an incentive gift for donors who increase their annual support for the next year. Copies of the 2002 Annual Report were mailed to donors whose annual contributions total $1000 or more in 2002. Media Relations With input from the PR staff at the Department of Homeland Security, Jennifer prepared a media advisory to publicize the upcoming SoA signing between ARRL and DHS at Ham-Com. The advisory was sent to the two major newspapers in the Dallas area, and three television affiliates. We've already received interest from the CBS station in Fort Worth, including the possibility of preliminary interviews before the event. ARRL member Bill Cunningham, N5VVS, has been assisting with the PR effort on ARRL's behalf at the FOX station where he works. The 2002 Annual Report has been mailed to all members of the ARRL Board, and is available to members upon request. It's also available online as a PDF document at http://www.arrl.org/announce/annualreport/02ar.pdf. Jennifer was interviewed by a Detroit Free Press reporter who is working on a local Field Day story. Jennifer assisted a ham in Indiana whose club repeater is no longer welcome on a local radio station antenna tower. Efforts to keep the repeater in place may come down to educating the new station owners about the benefits of ham radio, and the contributions the club has made to the community. She also provided PR materials to a member who was making a presentation to his city council about the benefits of Amateur Radio in his city. We received three nominees for this year's Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award. The nominations have been duplicated and sent to members of the PR committee for judging. Final details for the upcoming PR forum at Ham-Com are being worked out. Production/Editorial The 2002 Annual Report has arrived from the printer. Congratulations to Sue Fagan on a nice layout. Dave Hassler was among those who reviewed the text as it was being produced. Shelly Bloom and her team got the July/August issues of QEX and NCJ off to the printer. Rick Lindquist collaborated with President Haynie and General Counsel Imlay to develop remarks for President Haynie's delivery June 11 before the US House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet (in support of our Spectrum Protection Act legislation--HR 713). He also assisted Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM, the new Web youth column editor, in preparing her first column, which will be posted this week. In addition to writing a story on President Haynie's testimony (and that of others who spoke in favor of HR 713), Rick also compiled The ARRL Letter, Vol 22, No 24, which circulated to 65,726 (up 183 from a week earlier), and, with voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy, produced ARRL Audio News. Brennan Price submitted the Product Review column for August QST and spoke at the Convention in Sioux City, Iowa, over the weekend. Sales & Marketing The Advertising crew continued to work on insertions for the August QST. We already have several new and returning advertisers lined up: Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society; Nantenna; Fallfest (a ¼ page Hamfest ad); Better RF, a returning advertising and The Mast Company. TMC planned ran a one-time run ad but the results were so good they are running again in August. Deb Jahnke spent time teleconferencing with our Donnelley rep to procure pricing for a yet another exciting specialty ad for one of our regular advertisers. She also worked with advertisers and ISD staff to produce an invoice that properly depicts the various fees and charges. This has been a problem since the change-over to Siebel. In addition, detail reports for May publication sales and royalty payments were produced. Backordered Technician Video Courses came into stock. Fulfillment staff shipped them via 2-day shipping to ensure customers would receive them as quickly as possible as the current course is valid through June 30, 2003. At the request of the Development Department, QST delivery for five Maxim Society members was upgraded to overnight status. ARRL's standard membership application and renewal notices meet postal requirements as designated in the Domestic Mail Manual after months of working with the USPS. If you use the standard application (this is the two-sided application with the antenna on the front side), these will be reprinted soon. You may contact Kathy Capodicasa or Mark Dzamba for new forms. In addition to our printed applications, the postal changes have been made to our on-line applications. These changes included our US, International and Canadian forms as well as .pdfs for our life and standard applications. On a suggestion made by Mike Tracy, we're considering a special reprint of the L/C/F and Single-Layer Coil Winding Calculator offered by ARRL quite a few years ago (around 1969). Janet has been in contact with the original manufacturer, and she's presently studying costs and retail pricing schemes. Janet Rocco has submitted details for our most current conference proceedings to InterDok for their Directory of Published Proceedings (www.interdok.com <http://www.interdok.com>). Diane Szlachetka is developing a comprehensive document that details QST advertising specifications. Once complete, the document will help our advertisers and advertising agencies take advantage of our present production and graphic design capabilities. Di also compiled a list of the time requirements for July QST advertising--allowing our group to audit the production and graphic design requirements necessary to assemble the month's-worth of advertising. Bob Inderbitzen prepared drafts to update a handful of ads for August QST. Included among these is an ad covering all of the current RSGB titles carried by ARRL, and a second ad featuring ARRL offerings produced by third parties. He also distributed an email solicitation to boost subscriptions of NCJ and QEX magazines during the week. Our "product announcement" email distribution list is around 45,000 members. Results from our recent survey of 2003 Handbook buyers contributed to a constructive planning meeting for the 2005 Handbook. Dennis and Bob gathered with members of the Book Team for the discussions. Now available via the ARRLWeb catalog: QRP Basics (RSGB) <http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9031> Microwave Projects (RSGB) <http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9022> RSGB Prefix Guide--6th edition <http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9046> Ham University--Technician Edition <http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=8956> Membership Services Awards Branch WAC Certs. (72 QSLs ES/C) 12 5-BWAC Certs. (30 QSLs ES/C) 1 L/T Member Inquiries 15 A-1 Operator Noms. 4 VUCC Initial Apps. 3 Grids 318 VUCC End. App. 2 Grids 147 Awards Mailed 39 Also compiled the latest VUCC award recipient list for August QST. Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming week-WAS and WAC QSL card checking, WAS Specialty awards, Extra Class certificates, and continued filing chores associated with all LTMA correspondence from this year to date. Contests Final additions to the 2003 RTTY Roundup Web report were made and opened to Members. The QST version of the 2003 January VHF Sweepstakes was received from the author, prepared and sent to Production. The September VHF QSO Party announcement for QST was prepared and sent to Production. The 2003 Field Day message was written, edited and sent to W1AW for preparation. Numerous Field Day requests and questions continue to be handled. The databases for the June VHF QSO Party, Field Day and IARU HF World Championships were copied and initialized for 2003. The robot was updated and tested for June VHF and IARU. 2003 DX Contest pins arrived and were shipped. 2002 November CW Sweepstakes certificates were printed and mailed. DXCC Branch Weekly Report June 15, 2003 Beginning Cards 97,430 Cards Received 6,066 Cards Processed 13,990 Ending Cards 89,506 Applications Pending 727 Processing Time 6 Weeks Year-to-date (2003) Cards Received 240,328 Cards Returned 354,104 QRPs Issued this week 1 QRPs Issued total 296 DXCC is currently mailing applications received on May 2, 2003. DXCC is currently entering cards received on May 8, 2003. One (1) card checker was appointed this week representing Switzerland and Liechtenstein. QSL Bureau QSL Service Status: Current. Cards mailed as of 06/15/003: 681,400. No cards were mailed this week. Heather Dzamba spent 5 hours conducting tours around HQ. W1AW Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the month of June and continued work on the K2 transceiver. W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2003): $12,193 Field & Educational Services Rosalie gave material to FEMA for inclusion in a summary of emergency response to the 2002 tornadoes in La Plata, MD. She participated in a meeting to discuss updates for the Instructor Manual. She prepared a form for use by tellers in the Oregon SM Recall count. (Ballots will be opened and counted the week of June 23.) NASA is working with ARISS in yet another way -- the leader of their NASA Explorer Schools (about 50 in the USA) are looking at ways to incorporate ARISS into their program. This week saw two successful ARISS QSOs. Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams worked with SMs starting their term October 1; there were no contested elections. Incumbents are: Jettie Hill (Sacramento Valley); Hal Turley (West Virginia); Ray Taylor (South Texas); Phineas Icenbice (Los Angeles); Jeff Ryan (Colorado); Susan Swiderski (Georgia). Those who will be SM for the first time are: Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV (San Francisco); Ed Bruette, N7NVP (Western Washington); Mark Tharp, KB7HDX (Eastern Washington). Leona handled SM expense forms and 30 appointments and initial supply packages. We completed cleanup to much of the data in the Field Organization database. Steve Ewald reported this to the SMs via their reflector. Steve wrapped up the Public Service column for August QST, and prepared for travel to the Tennessee State Convention. Chuck Skolaut caught up on work after his vacation; he logged OO reports and handled grading a few OO exams. He received more information regarding possible illegal 2-Meter operations in the New Jersey/New York area and also in California where unlicensed hang glider pilots have been heard on the air. Chuck has collected reports of intruders on 10 meters, 30 meters and 2 meters. Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program Mark Spencer developed a scope and sequence for The Big Project curriculum, and began work on more hands-on lessons that are needed. He prepared a commemorative album for Joe Walsh to thank him for his generous contribution. Mark participated in an ARISS USA teleconference meeting. Field & Education Support Team Mary Lau notes that the ARRL Foundation has received a bequest from the estate of Richard Keller, W7TWU, an avid ATVer who passed on in December of 2002. Margie Bourgoin reports one new SSC, and 4 new affiliated clubs have been added to our programs this week. She also worked with Tom Hogerty to get the "Active Club Online Primer" on a beta area, and thanks Tom for his progress with formatting on this project. She participated in a NASA telecon. Gail Iannone wrote 43 hamfest and 9 convention announcements for the August issue of QST. She also sent 3 hamfest approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Directors' approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, processed 1 label request and co-coordinated travel for Mark Spencer, WA8SME, to be the HQ rep at the Georgia Section Convention, November 1-2. Linda Mullally updated 63 club records. She also registered 8 Volunteer Instructors and 2 schoolteachers, and sent out 25 Exhibit kits and 2 JOTA Kits. Linda also compiled the May Field Organization Reports for August QST. Jean Wolfgang has been working on the beta youth page called "HARMONICS." She received free original clipart, developing links, puzzles, and educational coloring pages. Although these pages are targeted at youth who don't know anything about ham radio, there will also be a link for young hams (under 17) to write about their experiences as a ham. Eventually these comments can be read by other young people who visit "Harmonics." C-CE Howard Robins reports that Ward Silver has completed the drafts of the very first two learning units for the Antennas 101 course. Ian Poole continues to work on the RF Propagation course. Howard sent reminders to interested students of the Level III course. Jerry Ellis and Howard revised information posted on the Web about how in-person C-CE classes and field exams should be conducted. They are trying to provide direction to ensure procedures are consistent. Jerry processed results from field exam sessions received recently. CNCS, UTC, and field exam grads were mailed their printed certificates, ID cards and refund checks (where appropriate). EmComm Grants Dan Miller prepared materials for his emcomm course seminar at the SeaPac convention. SeaPac always has seminars, so we expect a good crowd. Regulatory Information John Hennessee received a number of questions about 60-meter operation. John worked with Rick Lindquist, Ed Hare and Dave Hassler on 60-meter primer and FAQ that will appear on the Web page as well as in August QST. John assisted an amateur in Munster, IN (W9MAQ) with a local government zoning problem, and several amateurs facing covenant restrictions. John received questions on the recent arrest of a Northern New York ham stopped for possessing an amateur transceiver which can receive police frequencies; he was taken to court despite the FCC preemption for amateurs with "receive only" capability and the New York state statute specifically preempting amateurs from scanner statue. John referred the amateur to volunteer counsels in his area. VEC Department Explosion reported in VE Session (the good kind); Our ARRL VE Team in Tucson AZ recently tested had a blind candidate who needed Braille tests in order to be assisted for taking the Amateur Extra class license exam. All other efforts of accommodation had failed. With the Brailling assistance HANDI-HAMs, we were able to provide Braille test booklets to the VE Team. ARRL VE team liaison Virgil Pattin, K7VP sent us an e-mail message noting that the candidate "was so excited we could not contain her; when we told her she passed, she exploded (the good kind). Honore "Nonie" Madone has completed her first course in American Sign Language. As her course final, Nonie did a demonstration of the alphabet through "finger spelling" giving the phonetic alphabet used in the Amateur Radio service. After a very enthusiastic and animated presentation of "The ABC's of Ham Radio", her instructor noted that, while the sign language that she was learning was for use in America, the phonetic alphabet is worldwide in its usage--to make letters of the alphabet more understandable. Great going, Nonie; we think your adaptation was "Bravo Romeo India Lima Lima India Alpha November Tango"! ARRL "ExamWin" VE software will be duplicating at the vendor shortly for VE dissemination. An update will also be available (without our unique grading templates {answer patterns}) on the ARRL VEC page at http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examwin/. ARRL VEC new Technician class printed test booklets are at the printer this week for (distribution to VE team before July 1). 73, Sincerely, Mark Wilson, K1RO Chief Operating Officer MW: lk Staff Absentee List Name Date(s) Reason All Staff 7/4 Holiday Dave Sumner 6/3-7/6 WRC 2003, Geneva Mary Hobart 6/20-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat'l Convention Jennifer Hagy 6/20-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat'l Convention `` 7/7-7/11 Vacation `` 7/18-7/22 Vacation Rick Lindquist 6/20-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat'l Convention `` 6/27 Vacation Dan Miller 6/19-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat'l Convention Steve Ewald 6/16-6/20 Vacation Jon Bloom 6/13-7/7 Vacation Monique Levesque 6/30-7/3 Vacation Kristy Perillo 7/7-7/18 Vacation Rosalie White 6/18-6/23 San Francisco Convention/Vacation AnnMarie Pinto 6/26-7/8 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 6/19-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat'l Convention `` 6/24-7/1 Friedrichshafen, Germany `` 7/2 Vacation Dennis Motschenbacher 6/19-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat'l Convention `` 6/24-7/1 Friedrichshafen, Germany Debra Jahnke 6/30-7/3 Vacation Jo-Ann Arel 6/18 Vacation Wayne Mills 6/20-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat'l Convention 6/25-6/30 Friedrichshafen, Germany Margie Bourgoin 6/18 Vacation Jean Wolfgang 6/30-7/1 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ