[arrl-odv:25631] Appeal of Ethics & Elections Committee Ruling

Bylaw 21: Decisions of the Ethics and Elections Committee may be reviewed by the Board of Directors upon the written request of any candidate for that office or five or more Directors. Review shall be limited to the materials submitted to the Ethics and Elections Committee. A majority of the Board of Directors is required to change any decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee. I hereby request review of the decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee concerning the campaign flyer of Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, by the full Board of Directors. I also request that any votes taken be roll call votes. All communications and materials submitted in this matter are contained in the attached PDF file. Doug Rehman, K4AC

Doug- As a result of your appeal of the recent E&E ruling, I read with much interest your campaign statement on QRZ.COM. Your message, which is addressed to all of the ARRL membership, impugns the integrity of the other members of the ARRL Board of Directors. You paint yourself as the whistle-blowing savior of the ARRL as you claim to be the one who will “pull the curtain back” to expose all sorts of ills with the Board and the ARRL. Your message that members of the Board are not servicing their Divisions is, quite frankly, a bull$h!t claim as you wouldn’t know what any other Director is doing in his Division. When you cull through the crap that you spout what I believe is found is someone who is crying over spilt milk. Your campaign statement on QRZ is electoral politics at its worst. Since we’re talking in house here, let’s look at why you feel it necessary to attack the Board. It’s easy to decry the majority and declare that only you have the vision to correct life as we know it. But that frustration stems from your inability to get anything of import done on the Board. Simply put, you are consistently unable to create a consensus. You alienate your colleagues, you work against them, you are hostile, and your contentious campaign tirade is the perfect example. Instead you attack the Board and claim that most of us are “purveyors of backroom politics,” an attack that oozes sleaze from your mighty pen. The only charge against the Board that hasn’t been made would be to claim that we’re receiving graft as well. Get real! By the way, backroom politics – or politics in any form – is the art of consensus building. The fact is you are incapable of ever convincing the majority of the Board to follow your ‘leadership.’ Instead, you insist that those who don’t see life your way are the problem, that we’re spreading a disease that is “slowly killing the League.” But you’re guilty of the very ills that you rant against in your statement. It was you who went to the E&E Committee to ask for permission to get involved in another Division’s election by publicly endorsing a fellow Director’s reelection campaign. Isn’t that backroom politics? Isn’t that the worst of “old-boys” politics? Isn’t that self-serving? Isn’t that conspiring to maintain your “self-serving grasp on power.” When you bring your proposed ethics changes to the Board in January will you take that attempt at manipulating into account? Disgusting! Let’s take a quick look at what you call “purposefully cryptic Board minutes.” According to Robert’s Rules of Order “In the meetings of ordinary societies and of boards of managers and trustees, there is no object in reporting the debates; the duty of the secretary, in such cases, is mainly to record what is "done" by the assembly, and not what is said by the members.” The minutes aren’t cryptic. They’re simply minutes. Is it okay to follow the rules only when they suit your needs? You claim you “have already been told that members of the Board have been communicating privately with members in the Southeastern Division to lobby our members to replace me.” Two issues here. First, your statement reeks of McCarthyism (“I have a list”). No names. No proof. Just hearsay and sensationalized statements. Second, you already went and asked for E&E permission to do that yourself. Why is it ok for you but not ‘them’? Is that not a double standard? You’re guilty of the very things you decry! In case you haven’t put two and two together, let me say this plainly. You’re running a dirty campaign, and I think that if anyone should be disqualified by E&E it should be you. I don’t know who has ‘communicated privately’ with anyone in the Southeastern Division. It isn’t me. But I understand why they would, and if I thought it was ethically allowable, I’d offer my services to run your opponent’s campaign. If I haven’t made myself clear, feel free to let me know. Mike N2YBB From: Doug Rehman Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 8:23 AM To: ''arrl-odv'' Subject: [arrl-odv:25631] Appeal of Ethics & Elections Committee Ruling Bylaw 21: Decisions of the Ethics and Elections Committee may be reviewed by the Board of Directors upon the written request of any candidate for that office or five or more Directors. Review shall be limited to the materials submitted to the Ethics and Elections Committee. A majority of the Board of Directors is required to change any decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee. I hereby request review of the decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee concerning the campaign flyer of Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, by the full Board of Directors. I also request that any votes taken be roll call votes. All communications and materials submitted in this matter are contained in the attached PDF file. Doug Rehman, K4AC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv

Got it, Doug. All, let us review things and then we'll set up a vote. 73 Rick - K5UR Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 1, 2016, at 7:23 AM, Doug Rehman <doug@k4ac.com> wrote:
Bylaw 21:
Decisions of the Ethics and Elections Committee may be reviewed by the Board of Directors upon the written request of any candidate for that office or five or more Directors. Review shall be limited to the materials submitted to the Ethics and Elections Committee. A majority of the Board of Directors is required to change any decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee.
I hereby request review of the decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee concerning the campaign flyer of Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, by the full Board of Directors. I also request that any votes taken be roll call votes.
All communications and materials submitted in this matter are contained in the attached PDF file.
Doug Rehman, K4AC <K4AC Ethics Appeal Complaint 2.pdf> _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv
participants (3)
Doug Rehman
Mike Lisenco N2YBB
Rick Roderick