Good Morning All I'm looking for someone with experience in setting up D-Star and specifically call signs for various installations owned by one person or clubs, to give me some advice. I know there are several areas that are heavy into D-Star, but it is fairly new and limited here in the Northwest. 73 and good Hamming Jim Pace K7CEX Director ARRL Northwestern Division

Jim, John Davis, WB4QDX is an excellent contact for ALL THINGS D-Star. He lives in Lawrenceville, GA and was instrumental in getting things setup in the South East. He was so effective that ICOM America hires him to visit hamfests about the country and represent them in D-Star demonstrations. He is a friend so feel free to say that I told you about him. His email address is WB4QDX@arrl.net [1]. Good Luck, Dwayne Allen, WY7FD On 2014-03-14 10:01, Jim Pace K7CEX NW Division Director wrote:
Good Morning All
I'm looking for someone with experience in setting up D-Star and specifically call signs for various installations owned by one person or clubs, to give me some advice. I know there are several areas that are heavy into D-Star, but it is fairly new and limited here in the Northwest.
73 and good Hamming
Jim Pace K7CEX Director ARRL Northwestern Division
Links: ------ [1] mailto:WB4QDX@arrl.net
participants (2)
Jim Pace K7CEX NW Division Director