[ARRL-ODV:7981] Re: National Journal Article

Mary Can excerpts from the article be used?? Or the entire article?? 73/Greg W7OZ ----- Original Message ----- From: Hobart, Mary K1MMH To: arrl-odv Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:38 PM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7979] National Journal Article The following article appears in the Nov 23 edition of the National Journal, a weekly publication in Washington focusing on politics and government. The readership is mainly on the Hill in Washington. The article came as a result an interview I did with author Jonathan Rauch about a week ago. He told me then that when he interviewed Leslie Lenkowsky of CNCS and learned about all the grantees, he felt Amateur Radio was the most interesting. Mary, K1MMH
National Journal
Copyright 2002 by National Journal Group Inc. All rights reserved
Saturday, November 23, 2002
America's Secret Weapon in the War on Terror: Americans by Jonathan Rauch
As everyone knows, today's Americans are pampered, cynical, and
self-absorbed. The Greatest Generation served nobly, but then the mold
broke. After 9/11, the government asked Americans to give but little, and
little is what they gave. As everyone knows.
Suppose what everyone knows is not actually true. Suppose President Bush
called for volunteers in the war on terror, and thousands of people came
forward. Suppose they created volunteer networks for disaster relief,
emergency preparedness, and civil defense. Suppose they did most of this
work at the community level, under the radar of the national media. And
suppose it all happened not in the massive, militarized, top-down mode of WWII but in
the networked, decentralized, bottom-up manner of WWW.
Well, brace yourself. Americans have heard the call.
WASHINGTON-In his office a few blocks from the White House, Leslie
Lenkowsky waves a magazine editorial lamenting America's post-9/11
complacency. Then he fills me in on things the editorialists probably did
not know.
Lenkowsky heads the federal Corporation for National and Community
Service, a dinky (by government standards) agency that runs the AmeriCorps
national-service program and makes grants for volunteerism. Two months
after 9/11, Bush gave a speech challenging the public to volunteer "in our
own communities" to make the homeland more secure. The national-service
agency responded by rummaging through its budget and coming up with $10.3
million in grant money for 9/11 volunteerism. Five worthy proposals poured
in for every one that the agency could fund. Nonetheless, by July the
corporation had approved 43 three-year grants to nonprofit and public
agencies in 27 states.
Some of the programs, Lenkowsky explains, are relatively conventional:
money to place AmeriCorps workers with the Red Cross or to enlist
volunteers in cities' homeland security efforts. Some, however, break new
ground. Milwaukee will teach public-housing residents to patrol for
suspicious goings- on, use two-way radios, coordinate with police, and so
forth-skills that, not coincidentally, will also be useful against
ordinary crime. A program in Manhattan's Chinatown will create an
immigrant network to communicate with non-English-speakers in time of
Then there are the hams. "If you had told me we'd be giving a grant to a
ham- radio group," Lenkowsky says, "I wouldn't have believed it."
NEWINGTON, Conn.-America boasts 650,000 licensed ham-radio operators.
About 1,500 of them are certified in emergency communications and are
prepared to rush to the scene of a forest fire, flood, or hurricane with a
"jump bag" full of portable radio equipment. "Amateur radio has been doing
this for decades, with their own equipment, at no cost to the government
or any corporation or community," says Mary M. Hobart, of the American
Radio Relay League. When there is a major train wreck or chemical spill,
"sometimes hams will show up and not be needed, but hams will show up."
That can be crucial. When phone lines, radio towers, and even satellites
go down, hams-broadcasting each to each, and operating self- sufficiently
on batteries or generators-stay on the air. After September 11, when New
York's cell phones turned into paperweights (remember that giant antenna
atop the World Trade Center?), hundreds of hams, some from as far away
as Texas and California, turned out to provide radio lifelines for
emergency workers and relief agencies.
Not all of those people had been trained, and, says Hobart, "during an
emergency is not the time to train someone." So, with its government grant
and some private money, the Relay League has embarked on an effort to
increase the country's supply of emergency-ready hams from 1,500 today to
at least 6,500 in three years. Just since last month, 600 hams have begun
the training.
"We have the ability to create a national platform for emergency
communications," says Hobart. "If, God forbid, something were to strike in
both Virginia and California, we have the mechanism to connect those two
On 9/11, of course, all commercial air travel halted. If that happened
again, how could hams, and other urgently needed personnel, be rushed to
the site of an attack?
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.-You may have heard of Angel Flights. Under the
auspices of a national nonprofit called Mercy Medical Airlift, 4,500 or so
private pilots around the country volunteer themselves and their planes to
fly patients long distances for specialized medical care.....
FALLS CHURCH, Va.-Those people swarming around the Pentagon after 9/11?
Many of them were volunteers, too. The American Red Cross, according to
Susan Aarhus, is 97 percent volunteer......
One could go on. Maryland's Frederick County-home to Camp David and the
army's Fort Detrick biowarfare lab, among other potentially juicy
terrorist targets-is readying an Alpha Squad of police, fire, and medical
units to respond to a bioterror attack. I missed their joint
decontamination drill a couple of weeks ago, but later I caught up with
Alan E. Imhoff, a retiree who is helping organize hundreds of the county's
retired doctors, nurses, and other health personnel into a volunteer
medical-reserve corps. "Basically," says Imhoff, "our whole focus is on
what we do locally for the first 72 hours, until state and national
assistance reaches us." He adds that preparedness programs are sprouting
in Maryland so fast it's hard to keep up with the acronyms.
The jihadists of militant Islam are reported to believe that as they
toppled the Soviet colossus, so, in time, they can topple the American
one. What they do not understand is that the Soviet state made war on
civil society for most of its 70-year rule. Americans, meanwhile, have
nurtured their churches, charities, and clubs. The Soviet Union fell
because it was brittle as well as brutal. America, with its countless
nodes of activity and authority, is somewhat more vulnerable than the
USSR, but it is infinitely more robust. More robust than Al Qaeda
realizes. More robust, even, than many Americans realize.
"Through this tragedy," Bush said in November of 2001, "we are renewing
and reclaiming our strong American values." So we are. This Thanksgiving,
Americans have much to be thankful for-beginning with each other.
participants (1)
Greg Milnes