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Regulatory Information An error was reported in the Report and Order on 04-140 that inadvertently imposed a 200-watt limit for Technician class operators on all bands. This error was verified and was reported to Bill Cross at the FCC. He has verified that it is in error the 200 Watt limit for Technicians should only apply to the Novice HF bands. It was also discovered during the course of this that an entire page of changes resulting from the 05-235 R&O was omitted from the changes submitted to the Federal Register. The FCC will be making these corrections in an upcoming Report and Order. The furor over the error in the RM-11306 ex parte letter has significantly died down and things are back to normal on that front. The Arkansas State Senate bills SB-6 and SB-7 have been successfully changed to specifically pertain to sell phones only. The Arkansas House bill HB-1589 on BPL has passed the House and is headed towards the Arkansas State Senate where Arkansas SM David Norris, K5UZ and SGL KD5LBE continue to work for its defeat. A technical error made by the Clatsop County, OR Commissioners on the Larkin tower situation has caused the Commissioners to withdraw their approval and require an additional appearance by the Larkins. While they should prevail, this case continues to be drawn out for a variety of reasons. Dan had a lengthy conversation with the legislative assistant to the Chairman of the AZ State Senates Government Rules committee that is considering the PRB-1 Bill approved by the AZ State House. They discussed some basic antenna height issues and why different kinds of communications needs require different types of antenna set-ups. He was provided with the Dean Straw and Gerald Hall white paper. They also discussed the issue of balancing interests and reasonable accommodation principles. On Friday a meeting was held with CTO Paul Rinaldo, CEO Dave Sumner, Lab Manager Ed Hare, Mike Gruber and Dan Henderson to discuss what assistance we might be able to make available to provide to the Massachusetts and California 70cm repeater owners that are facing possible shut down because interference with the military PAVEPAWS radar systems at Otis and Beale Air Force bases. This will remain a high priority item for the next weeks. Media & Public Relations Application being made to FEMA/DHS advanced PIO school 4 days of classes in Emmitsburg, MD. Annual report in progress with target of all parts in by April 17, (including financials). A new 30 sec video PSA emphasizing EmComm operations is being worked on and should be ready soon as well as explorations into an identifying sound branding the ARRL in future PSAs and audio work. CONTACT! published for April plus the fulfillment of many requests for materials and information. Development As March came to a close, Development took the opportunity to look at progress through the first three months of the year. This year, the financial results for March 2007 put Development revenues for each fund raising program ahead of results for March 2006 and ahead of plan. For Spectrum Defense, the carryover from the fall campaign in 2006 reached $44,807 from 258 donors. For the same period in 2007 the carryover has reached $127,002 from more than 670 donors -- a 183% increase in revenues. For the Education & Technology program, funding received through March 2006 totaled $ 119,000, while results for the same period in 2007 total $124,867 -- a 5% increase. Included in the 2007 results are contributions dedicated to the summer Teachers Institute in Wireless Technology totaling $65,000 so far with another $25,000 pledged. The most dramatic results have been in the ARRL Diamond Club where total revenues for March 2007 total $39,701, compared to March 2006 results of $16,749 -- an 81% increase in gross revenue. Other significant number show an increase in the total number of March contributions at 215 - a 12% increase over March 2006; an increase in net dollars from new Diamond Club members at $31,297 compared to $13,444 in March 2006 - a 132% increase; and revenue from Diamond Club renewals totaling $26,073 compared to $10,560 for March 2006 - a 146% increase. An average of contributions from all categories of Diamond Club members are up by $30 - $40 per gift. The Diamond Club now stands at @100 donors -- 101 more than at the start of 2007, and 86 more than at the end of March 2006. Total revenue for the Diamond Club through the end of March 2007 has reached nearly $89,000 -- 19% more than 2006 for the same period. The growth of the Diamond Club is due in part to the launch of the Diamond Terrace project, which now has nearly 100 bricks requested. Three granite garden benches have been requested -- two for contributions of $10,000 each, with one upgrade gift of $5000. The Terrace will continue to be promoted through 200, at Dayton, at hamfests and conventions and with membership and Diamond Club renewal letters. A decision will be made shortly on the landscaper to prepare the Diamond Terrace site and lay the blank bricks. Personalized bricks and the replicas will be ordered within the next month and should be in place by the end of June at the latest. Production/Editorial Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 26, No. 13, distributed to 65,409 members on Mar 30. That's up by 861 from March 2. Since HQ is closed Friday, the April 6 editions of The ARRL Letter and ARRL Audio News will distribute on Thurs, April 5, and Rick will be at HQ that day and will work off site Tues and Wed this week. Rick prepared/edited news items on ham radio response to tornadoes in NM, ARISS school contacts in Japan and Belgium, South African Hamnet on standby for strike duty, Iraqi ham radio shutdown update, Maine ham radio EmComm volunteer credentialing bill dead, European Parliament ham radio exhibition, Colvin Award grants to DXpeditions, plans by ISS crew member Suni Williams, KD5PLB, to "run" Boston Marathon in space, ARRL to be represented at NAB convention and several news briefs/announcements. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for Mar 30. Sales and Marketing Katie Breen offers, we are very pleased to report closing March with 150,653 members. Of those members, 1,391 are new members nearly twice as many than typical. March publication and product sales are still being tallied, but topped $280,000significantly exceeding plan. Bob Inderbitzen attended Superfest at Amateur Electronic Supply (AES) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 30-31. He organized ARRLs exhibit for the in-store show. Also attending was President Joel Harrison, Central Division Director Dick Isely and Wisconsin Section Manager Don Michalski. Joel offered an ARRL presentation to a couple hundred Superfest attendees. The local examining team administered tests to 100+ candidates. We also signed a record number of memberships at the event over 120. AES manager Ray Grenier, K9KHW, was pleased with the crowd size at this 13th annual eventover 1,000 attendees. Bob made a presentation to approximately 60 members of the Milwaukee Radio Amateurs' Club on the evening before Superfest. The Spring/Summer 2007 publications catalog is being assembled. Display items for our exhibits at Dayton Hamvention and Huntsville are being prepared. May QST is mailing on schedule (this week). Aprils Technician online course begins on Friday with 63 students enrolled. An Emergency Communication Level 1 course begins on Friday with 95 students enrolled. These are exceptionally high enrollments for both courses. The warehouse crew processed 1,399 packages of fulfillment orders in this last week of March. In addition, 350 free books membership premiums were processed. Many new titles were received in the last two shipping days of the month, including the 2007/2008 ARRL Repeater Directory (pocket-sized and desktop editions). Pre-orders were quickly fulfilled. Some notable news from the US Postal Service: The Forever Stamp featuring the Liberty Bell image and the word forever, goes on sale at retail outlets on April 12 at 41¢. When they say forever, they mean forever. The stamp will be good for mailing 1-ounce First-Class Mail letters anytime in the futureregardless of price changes. Business Services Business Services has completed work on the ARRL Dayton Expo Passport we have achieved our goal of selling enough advertising space to pay for the printing of the booklets (and then some). Working in concert with Bob Inderbitzen, some very nice prizes have been donated by manufacturers, ensuring that the ARRL Expo prize drawing will be successful. Solicitations sent during the month to both our mainstream and traditional publications dealers contributed to the higher than usual Dealer segment (50.8%) of total gross publication sales for March. Repeater Directory sales were a factor but our mainstream clients focused heavily on ARRL Handbooks. Staff is beginning work on advertising calls for June 2007 QST and Ham Express 411. Lab Ed Hare reports that he has been busy since his last write-up for the In News, being out of the office just about as much as he has been here. Zack Lau has been training Antony Nesta in TIS reprint, phone, and email procedures in Eds absence. Eds multi-state saga started on February 23 at the ARRL Vermont Section convention. BPL isnt much of an issue in Vermont, so Ed did presentations on antenna-related topics. He reports that he noticed a lot of real kids at the event, just after the new rules changes. From there, Ed hopped on a plane to Denver, CO. Ed was an invited speaker to the 2007 International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies, held February 26-28 at the NTIA facility in Boulder. The event sponsors asked Ed to provide an update on BPL. His presentation described the problems that have been seen with BPL systems operating using the limits in the FCC rules, but also outlined the ways that some BPL manufacturers and operators are designing and implementing systems that avoid interference by using designs that sufficiently filter emissions in the Amateur bands. Ed also participated in a lunchtime panel discussion on BPL. The panel consisted of Ed; Alakanda Paul, the NTIA engineer who provided the technical leadership for the NTIA Phase I BPL study; Jim Mollenkopf of Current Technologies and Dale Hatfield, former FCC OET Chief. Ed did a quick hop to the IEEE P1775 BPL EMC committee meeting in Las Vegas, NV the next day. The standard covers test methods for measuring BPL emissions and describes test methods and levels for the immunity of BPL systems to radiated signals, conducted noise and electrostatic discharge. The working group is nearing the end of its work, although Ed reports that the IEEE EMC Society, a co-sponsor of the standard, may have some serious concerns about some of the provisions of the standard. After a few days back in the office, Ed drove to Red Bank, NJ for a meeting of the IEEE EMC Societys Standards Development Committee (SDCom). (SDCom is essentially the EMC Societys standards board.). Ed serves as the elected SDCom Secretary. The discussion on the P1775 BPL standard was lively, and Ed reports that EMCS will be providing considerable guidance back to P1775 on needed changes to the standard. As co-sponsor, EMCS appoints the Vice Chairman of P1775, subject to their vote of approval. At this meeting, SDCom voted to put Ed forward as the new Vice Chair of P1775. This should not be publicized until confirmed, but it will be a major feather in ARRLs cap to serve in a leadership role on this standards effort. Certainly this will help undermine any position taken by the BPL industry that ARRL is unilaterally opposed to BPL. Ed recently attended the ANSI accredited C63 EMC-committee meetings, hosted this time at the IEEE headquarters in Piscataway, NJ. This is the consensus committee developing American standards on EMC. The FCC relies heavily on these standards, incorporating many of them by reference in FCC regulations. Ed serves as the Chairman of C63s Subcommittee 5, Immunity. At this time, thanks in part to ARRLs decades of participation, there are no major C63 actions that could adversely affect Amateur Radio. While in Piscatway, Ed paid a call on Oleg Loginov, the President of Arkados Systems, also located in Piscatway. Oleg serves on the HomePlug Board of Directors. He is the HomePlug liaison to ARRL. Although the visit was mostly social, Oleg broached the possibility of ARRL and HomePlug working out a formal Memorandum of Understanding, focused on the value of HomePlug. Mike Tracy also traveled to NJ, to visit Ulrich Rohde of Rohde & Schwarz and update the software on the very high end XK2100 transceiver. Ulrich also shipped us two line impedance stabilization networks, or LISNs. These networks have allowed Mike Gruber to test AC powered devices for conducted emissions. Mike Gruber has tested a rodent repeller, as well as the energy saving CFLs or compact florescent lamps. The tested devices have more than met the FCC standards for conducted emissions, and neither type of device is likely to cause widespread interference problems for Amateur Radio. Mike Gruber is working on arranging a June 12/13 EMC Committee Meeting and a power-line RFI workshop with Mike Martin later this year. The RFI book that Mike Gruber put together is now availablecomments have been favorable. Membership & Volunteer Programs Contest Branch November Sweepstakes cups and pins should be arriving in a week or two. The contest results columns for Sweeps Phone and 160 Meters are off to Production. The June VHF plaque order is in the works. Were waiting on a plate sample with the M2 logo before we place the full order. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system125,377,517QSL records have resulted 8,161,436Logs Processed351,125Active Certificates23,583Users registered in the system15,588Hybrids Pending Mail237 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 6 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 173 pounds of cards were received from members. This past week, we mailed 139,200 QSL cards which brings the year-to-date shipped total to 264,900. W1AW Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He also created the texts for the April W1AW Qualifying Runs. Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate. He also replaced the aging Ten-Tec Omni VI transceiver that was being used for the 20-meter broadcast transmitter with an Icom IC-756ProII transceiver. (The Omni VI was handed over to headquarters station W1HQ for use there.) Joe also fielded what can be considered an inordinate number of inquiries from members not receiving W1AW bulletins through either the W1AW ListServer or Members Only. All the inquiries came from COMCAST.NET users. It appears Comcast installed new filter software thats preventing some W1AW bulletins (and other automated email from ARRL) from reaching Comcast.net users. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the early part of the month of April. He hosted a number of scouts on Saturday who visited the station to learn about radio and communications. Scott also assisted the DXCC department with checking 299 (database-inputted) cards against DXCC applications. Field Organization/Public Service Team Thanks to the Mailroom Staff, the New Hampshire Section Manager ballots were mailed from HQ ahead of the April 2 mailing deadline. New Hampshire ARRL members will have until May 18 to return their filled-out ballots. Jim Brooks, KY4Z, started his term as Kentucky Section Manager on April 1, and Roberto Jimenez, KP4AC, also begin his term as the new Puerto Rico Section Manager on that day. Outgoing Puerto Rico SM Victor Madera, KP4PQ, announced the transition this past week. Leona Adams has been in touch with these new Section Managers, and has also processed 20 new Field Appointments. Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 Coordinator. This report contained numerous notes on the South American PUN beacon which has been checked on by the FCCs Direction Finding station. We learned that the FCC has taken action on several long-standing problems that OOs have assisted with. They are actively continuing an investigation on two other cases, and the OOs continue to provide valuable assistance. Citizen Corps hosted a Web-based seminar/teleconference that introduced plans for the 2007 National Preparedness Month in September. ARRL will sign up as coalition member organization once again. We kept in touch with New Mexico radio amateurs following the rash of tornadoes that struck that state. Steve Ewald prepared to attend the Amateur Radio Session at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans on April 3 along with other ARRL Section and Field Leaders. ARISS PR: Rosalie compiled 13 items for a new ARISS Web site that we hope will be developed under NASAs sponsorship. Thanks goes to Rick for his story about funding needed for the Columbus ISS module antennas; the fund raising for the first half of what is due for the antennas has really picked up. For ARRL Members: The Houston ARISS Team trained ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA, on how to make QSOs with the Kenwood and the Ericcson radios. Nespoli is slated to fly on space shuttle mission STS-120, which will deliver the Harmony module to the ISS. ARISS News Update: Boulder Hill Elementary School Radio Club received over 40 emails of congratulations, including a letter from a nearby town's mayor, after their ARISS QSO. The club sponsor said: "We seem to have really touched a lot of people from outside the school." ARISS Effect on Students: Rosalie assisted a scoutmaster who wanted ARISS-related lesson plans so as to teach his troop about ARISS and ham radio during an Amateur Radio demo. The ARISS Team is working with the Russian schedulers and with Space Adventures to ensure four schools get good passes and good hours for their QSOs with Space Civilian Charles Simonyi. International Aspects: Due to a change in the crews sleep schedule, we will have good passes next week over Australia to schedule a number of Australian schools waiting in the queue. At the Tatsuno Juvenile Space Club in Japan, media reps included 4 from newspapers and 2 from TV stations. Rosalie networked with the Hungarian hams to get their plans settled for their school QSO with Simonyi. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer There are two slots at the Spokane teachers institute left to fill. I will be asking participants to start coordinating transportation to their assigned TI. There will be some changes as schedules shift and replacements will come from a building waiting list. Text materials and robotics kits have been ordered and being delivered to my depots on both coasts. The report is early this week because I will be traveling to SoCal to participate in the M^2 BBQ and meeting with some satellite enthusiasts over the weekend. Web/Software Development Work continues on Web credit-card processing and membership applications. A development version of the membership application system has been made available for in-house testing and review. A test version of our on-line catalog check-out script that includes customer selection (US only, at present) of specific FedEx shipping options, with pricing, has also been made available for in-house testing. Hugh Brower identified some virus-laden fake e-mails that purport to be from the "arrl.net user support team." He provided information to Rick Lindquist so that a warning could be posted on the ARRL Web site. At present, Micah Murray is handling most of the Web site update and addition requests. This frees up Jon Bloom to work on Logbook of the World (LoTW), with the immediate goal of getting LoTW running on the new hardware purchased for it. Volunteer Examiner Coordinator Test session activity and Exam fee revenue remain brisk. We have already received and processed over 725 sessions in March (normally we conduct about 450 sessions a month). March exam fee revenue is approximately $119,000 and the year to date total is over $200,000. Rick Palm, K1CE has completed the rewrite of the VE Training Manual. I am very excited about having the VE training manual to the caliber of other ARRL training books and material. This new manual will be much thinner and more concise than its predecessor. We are hoping for a late May or early June release. The below stats show our accomplishments so far this year. I included information from the same period last year for a comparison. ARRL VEC Stats January 1 through March 31, 2007 1,838Test Sessions Held (Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2006 = 1,342) 16,552 Candidates Served (Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2006 = 7,392) 19,071 Exam Elements Taken (Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2006 = 9,007) 613 New VEs Accredited (Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2006 = 284) 12,161 New and Upgrade License apps. forms transmitted to FCC (Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2006 = 5,083) 2,152 License Renewals & Changes transmitted to FCC (271 were Vanity license renewals) 364 Club License apps. transmitted to FCC (78 were Club Vanity license renewals) (133 new clubs) 5,375VE Newsletter Subscribers 9Donations collected by VEC Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 4/6 Holiday Leona Adams 4/18-4/20 Vacation John Bloom 4/16-4/20 Vacation LouAnn Campanello 4/16-4/20 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 5/7-5/11 Vacation Joe Carcia 5/25 Vacation `` 6/28-7/6 Vacation Steve Ewald 4/2-4/10 Hurricane Conference, New Orleans, LA/Vacation Steve Ford 4/16-4/18 Vacation Scott Gee 4/9 Vacation `` 4/20 Vacation `` 5/17-5/18 Vacation Mike Gruber 4/23-4/27 Vacation `` 6/4-6/8 Vacation Ed Hare 5/2-5/3 Vacation `` 5/16-5/20 Dayton Hamvention `` 5/21-5/22 National Spectrum Managers Association, Arlington, VA `` 7/8-7/13 EMC Society Symposium Committee Meeting, Honolulu, HI Dan Henderson 5/3-5/7 South Carolina Section Convention, Spartanburg, SC `` 5/17-5/20 Dayton Hamvention `` 8/16-8/27 ARRL National Convention, Huntsville, AL/Vacation Mary Hobart 4/16 Citizen Corps event, Washington DC. `` 4/19-4/20 Vacation Tom Hogerty 4/2-4/6 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 4/16-4/20 Vacation Zak Lau 6/21-6/22 Vacation Rick Lindquist 4/9 Vacation Maryann MacDonald 4/9 Vacation Jodi Morin 4/5-4/6 Vacation Micah Murray 4/9-4/13 Vacation Allen Pitts 4/23-4/27 Vacation Dave Sumner 4/11-4/23 IARU Reg.1 EC Meeting, Cavtat, Croatia/IRTS 75th, Cork, Ireland Mike Tracy 5/23-5/30 Vacation Janice Wytas 4/9-4/13 Vacation "TUVWab # $ % NQâã皺ýþÿvúòëàëÕòÍÈÀµÍ°šÕzumbWh²&h²&CJaJh²&h.êCJaJh²&h²&5 h²&5h|vCJaJh²&h|vCJaJh.êCJaJh'?CJaJh.êh.êCJaJh.êh.ê5 h.ê5h]ähÈ ïCJaJh]ähÈ ï5 hÈ ï5hÈ ïCJaJh.êhQ!CJaJhQ!5CJ\aJhQ!5\hQ!CJaJ hQ!5! !"TUVWbc $ % hiMNABýþÿ÷òòòòòòòòòííííòòòèèèèèèèòòògd.êgdÈ ïgdQ!$a$gdQ!»býþÿ VWéêwxyÜÝ!!!%!&!Ì!Í!úõõúììììììììììúççççççúââââgd@zgd]ä 7$8$H$gd/gd²&gdQ!vxÒÔ€þÿ#$¬abqríîwxyŠµº»ÂÃñòETYiÛÝÐ Ñ ò !!øíøíøßíÔÉÁɹɹɹɹɹɹɮŠ }}}} }} h]äCJaJh âh]ä6CJ]aJh âh]äCJaJhDh]ä5h@zCJaJh@zh/CJaJh/CJaJh/h/5h/h/CJaJh]äh²&CJaJh²&h²&6CJ]aJh²&h²&CJaJh²&CJaJ/!!!%!1!2!|!}!Ë!Ì!;"<"©"ª"Ý"Þ"\#]#š#©#é#ê#/$0$z$|$ $¡$%%\%]%Ž%µ%º%œ%0&1&&&Â&Ã&"'#'c'd'((&('(Ô(Õ(ÿ()v)w)y))I*J*Ž+õíåÚÒÚÒÚËÚËÚÒÚÒÚÒÚÒÚÒÚÒÚ¿ÚÒÚËÚËÚËÚ³ÚÒÚÒÚËÚÒÚÒÚÒÚËÚÒÚÒÚËÚ« hA0CJaJhA0hA0CJaJhA0hA05h@zh@z6CJaJh@zh@zCJH*aJh@zh@zh@zCJaJh@zh@zCJaJh@zh@z5h]äCJaJh/h]äCJaJ<Í!<"="%%]%^%µ%¶%â%ã%Ã&Ä&'(((w)x)y)))ë*ì*,,p,q,r,úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúõõììììììììõ 7$8$H$gdA0gdQ!gd@zŽ+µ+p,q,r,v,..;.>.116272ü2ý266©6ª6è7é788-9.9;;;;==#=$=È=è=é=ø=>>?>>>À>Á>?øíâ×Ï×Ç×»×Ç×Ç×Ç׳׳׳׳׳׳׳׳׳׮£zzh.êCJaJh]äCJaJh.êh.êCJaJh.êh.ê56CJaJh.êh|vCJaJ h.ê5hdtCJaJh*Qh*Q6CJaJh*QCJaJh*Qh*Q5h*Qh*QCJaJh*QhA0CJaJhA0hA0CJaJhA0CJaJ,r,v,w,l-m-|.}.Õ1Ö1É3Ê37799::ã<ä<k=l=Æ=Ç=È=è=é=ðððððððððððððððððððððëëâë 7$8$H$gd.êgdQ! 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Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ