[arrl-odv:35749] Visalia Feedback

Good morning. We had a beautiful booth at this weekend's convention in Visalia, CA. Pacific Division Director Tony Marcin along with Bart engaged with members at our booth throughout the show. First VP Kristen McIntyre and Second VP Mike Ritz gave successful forum talks. Both President Roderick and I met with members, including donors and advertisers. A successful show from those points of view. As I became quite aware at our last company meeting, many of you consume social media posts related to HQ through Facebook, YouTube, and other venues - and expressed concerns about why I don't do anything to take action against it. Regrettably you may see social media posts related to Director Dick Norton's presentation this past weekend in Visalia. His presentation again illustrates how he defectively looks at the world and ultimately presents false statements to members to make his point. He did not at any time during his presentation spotlight anything ARRL has done or is doing that serves our membership, from Dubai to Washington, from regulatory to served agencies, from supporting elder members with LoTW to working with teachers and kids, or from creating news to being on the national news. Nothing. His intent was to tear down ARRL and its volunteers and staff. We routinely when speaking to groups of members begin by thanking them for being a member. That too is a concept completely lost on him. His presentation went to great lengths to cast ARRL in a very poor light under the guise of "Are We Meeting Your Expectations". He made outrageous claims about board politics and alleged lack of information and action by HQ. But he went way out of bounds by singling out our editorial staff and the Lab. Every single Director should take exception and take action to call out his behavior. That is what YOUR expectation as an employee of ARRL Incorporated should be. It is tempting to dig in and read the garbage that is sure to follow - I would encourage you to NOT engage with it and move on. His condescending comments have zero impact on you, your team, me, or ARRL at large. I am routinely attacked on MyARRLVoice as many of you have read and commented on. As I have told you, I never read that garbage and I encourage you to do the same thing. You well know my feelings about most of the people who post comments there that serve no real purpose to improve ARRL or amateur radio. Until directed otherwise you are requested to have no interaction with Director Norton. The pathology he routinely displays in twisting facts and statements from people is not something you want to become a victim of. Please politely refer him to my office. As I did in Visalia when reluctantly given the opportunity to answer a question, I apologized to the audience. I apologize to each of you that not every board member demonstrates support, respect, and appreciation of ARRL and its staff, but I can assure you the vast majority does and I am grateful for their kind support. If you are upset by any feedback emanating from Visalia, please do not let it fester. Come and see me or Diane so we can discuss your concerns. Thanks everyone. David
participants (1)
Minster, David NA2AA (CEO)