[arrl-odv:21133] IN-News

IN-Newsletter Vol. 35, No. 43 October 24, 2012 -- Covers the period October 14-20. Upcoming Meetings and Events Director/Vice Director Elections November 16 Administration and Finance Committee: November 17 @ 8:30am - Newington CT Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND Several Volunteer Counsel / Volunteer Consulting Engineer records were updated. We continue to make frequent referrals to these valuable volunteers and can always use additional, qualified volunteers to these two programs. It appears that an antenna case in NY State that appeared dormant (since we had not heard from the amateur in many months) is in fact still ongoing. We are now working with General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, to provide information to Myles Landstein, N2EHG, of Lagrangeville, NY, and his attorney related to the classification of antenna support structures being of customary and incidental use. It is unfortunate that Landstein and his attorney - after their initial conversations with General Counsel and the Regulatory Information Manager - did not seek additional information and/or advice on the topic. We will continue to monitor this situation. The RIB office has received numerous questions regarding the FCC's NPRM 12-121A. At the request of General Counsel, we prepared a memo about concerns the NPRM raised to the RIB Manager. Also at Counsel's request, we are working with the VEC office to gather some information related to the number of exam sessions where improprieties have been reported. The 60-clock for comments has not started yet, as we are still waiting its publication of the NPRM in the Federal Register. The long-awaited response to the questions submitted first in March, then again in July to the FCC for a QST interview of FCC Special Counsel Laura Smith on the status of Amateur Radio enforcement was received, prepped and forwarded to production. The article will appear in the December issue of QST. In addition, the 2012 ARRL Field Day results article was finalized, edited and prepared for production. An expanded version for publication on the ARRL-web is still in progress. Leading to the Scouting "Jamboree On The Air" (held the third weekend of October), numerous phone calls and email queries on third-party participation in making Amateur Radio contacts were handled. Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD We are pleased to welcome DARA and Maurice Schietecatte, N4LZ as our 112th and 113th Maxim Society members. To date: Response from the second issue of Spectrum Defense Matters has been very good. In the past two weeks, almost 200 donors have contributed $15,000 toward this fund. To date, the Spectrum Defense Fund has received $166,869 from a total of 1,635 donors. The 10th Anniversary of the Diamond Club promotion is successfully producing increased and new Diamond Club giving. To date, the Diamond Club has received $177,444 in contributions from 963 donors. The W1AW Endowment Campaign has received $53,268 in contributions from 865 donors. The Education & Technology Program has received $58,228 in contributions from 612 donors. An additional $109,194 from six donors has been received in support of the Teachers Institute Program. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Members of the marketing team are contributing to planning involving the introduction of the new QST Apple "app" for iOS mobile devices. A staggered announcement introducing the new membership benefit is being prepared to email to over 100,000 members during the week of October 29. Some new graphic features have been introduced to the ARRL website home page, promoting the upcoming ARRL Auction, November Sweekstakes, and Division Conventions. A large membership campaign mailed to lapsed and "never" members is beginning to return applications. The next major campaign is planned for early November mailing. Additionally, a handful of targeted email appeals are being conducted to help augment other ongoing membership retention and prospecting efforts. Jackie Ferreira reports that a Holiday Gift Guide mini-catalog is being prepared to encourage orders for the upcoming holiday season. This direct mail piece is expected to go to the printer next week, and mail mid-November. A shipping schedule with cut-off-dates for in-time holiday delivery will also be added to www.arrl.org/shipping <http://www.arrl.org/shipping> before the end of the month. Diane Petrilli reports that there were 225 membership applications collected at the 2012 ARRL National Convention/Pacificon, with total dues of $19,102. There were 4 Life Membership applications (2 paid-in-full). National Convention Memberships Apps Total Membership Yrs. Dues Santa Clara, CA 2012 225 581 $19,102 Plano, TX 2011 237 435 $14,523 Dayton, OH 2009 945 1413 $49,546 Huntsville, AL 2007 155 - - Dayton, OH 2005 942 1364 $45,482 Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group (reported by Amy Hurtado): Week of Phone calls Per hour Average wait Complete without transfer 10/1 910 20.2 38 seconds 85% 10/8 934 20.7 1.03 minutes 83% 10/15 1,048 23.3 43 seconds 88% Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa): Week of Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 10/15/12 946 328 Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N W1AW On Saturday, scouts from Den 8 Pack 15 from Long Meadow Elementary School in Middlebury, CT and their parents were on hand at W1AW to participate in the 55th annual Jamboree On-The-Air (JOTA). All the scouts held the rank of Webelos II. After a brief tour of W1AW and the facilities, the scouts got a chance to get on the air. They spoke with hams from Canada, South America, Europe and the US. The parents of one scout even expressed some interest in amateur radio. The scouts were having such a good time that they didn't want to leave! Joe also worked the late afternoon/night shifts on Monday and Tuesday for the vacationing Scott Gee. Joe updated the web code practice files. He also created the 2013 W1AW/West Coast Qualifying Run schedules. Joe processed regular QSL card requests. He constructed some new coax baluns and phasing lines for W1AW's Cushcraft 416TB 70cm crossed-yagi antenna. The station's antenna contractor did this in anticipation of an upcoming visit. Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams received a petition from Montana Section Manager Doug Dunn, K7YD, to run for a new term of office that will begin on April 1, 2013. Petitions are due for this Section Manager election cycle on December 7, 2012. Steve Ewald compiled and edited Monthly Section News reports from this past year that will be included in the annual QST on CD that our Production Department staff is working on. The ARRL Emergency Communications Advisory Committee has prepared an on-line survey and has invited all Emergency Coordinators, District Emergency Coordinators and Assistant District Emergency Coordinators to participate over the next two weeks. Section Emergency Coordinators and Section Managers were informed about this survey, too. Chuck Skolaut returned from a successful Florida State Convention in Melbourne. He was able to meet with the Southeastern Division Director, Section Managers from North Florida, Southern Florida, West Central Florida, the Southern Florida OOC, and the former Southeastern Division Director. The convention provided a good opportunity for area amateurs to meet league officials and share information. Fifteen new or renewed memberships were received and a number of DXCC applications were brought back to headquarters. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Holiday 11/22-11/23 Holiday Holiday 12/24-12/25 Holiday Leona Adams 10/26 Vacation `` 11/2 Vacation Steve Ford 11/26 Vacation Scott Gee 11/9-11/15 Vacation `` 12/21-12/26 Vacation Joel Hallas 10/31 Vacation Dan Henderson 11/16-11/21 Indiana Section Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN / Vacation Amy Hurtado 11/1-11/2 Vacation `` 12/17-12/21 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 10/26 Vacation `` 11/21 Vacation Khrystyne Keane 10/26 Vacation Barry Shelley 11/20-11/21 Vacation `` 12/17-12/19 Vacation Dave Sumner 10/30-11/10 IARU Region 3 Conference & Administrative Council meeting.
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ