[arrl-odv:31413] Advance Notice of 2021 Annual Board Meeting

ADVANCE NOTICE OF Annual MEETING - November 30, 2020 ALL OFFICERS, DIRECTORS and VICE DIRECTORS: In compliance with the requirements of the Articles of Association and the relevant provisions of the Bylaws, the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of The American Radio Relay League, Incorporated, is hereby called for 9:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Friday, January 15, 2020. Given the current limitations imposed by the Governor of Connecticut due to the COVID-19 situation, an in-person meeting in Connecticut is not possible. The meeting will be held as a virtual meeting as voted upon by the Executive Committee at their October 22 meeting. Vice Directors are authorized to attend this meeting. The tentative Agenda for the meeting will be circulated with the formal meeting notification later in December. To qualify for the two-thirds voting standard to approve changes or amendments to the Articles of Association and By-Laws, any proposal to do so must be received by the Secretary 30 days prior to presentation at the meeting. For this first session, that would mean by Tuesday, December 15, 2020. Any proposals received within 30 days of presentation will be subject to a three-fourths majority vote for approval. It is requested that insofar as possible, motions to be submitted at the meeting be prepared in advance in writing so that a copy can be handed to the Secretary at the time of presentation. It is important that the motion as handed to the Secretary be the same as that submitted for Board consideration. Given the circumstances of this meeting, we will not have word-processing and duplicating capability at the meeting. Advance preparation will be more important than ever before. If you wish to have a proposed motion circulated in advance, either send it to me as soon as possible or post it on the Board's reflector. Please also note Standing Order 30: "Each Director offering a motion requiring the expenditure of funds for implementation shall include with the motion his [or her] estimate of the costs involved and the suggested method of funding those costs." Also note Minute 42 of the 2004 Annual Meeting: "Any motion to create or substantially modify a program or activity shall include documentation of the expected revenue and expense generated by the proposed program or activity." Finally, meeting attendees are advised that the proceedings will be recorded electronically. Respectfully, Carla Pereira, KC1HSX [cid:image003.png@01D6C732.554FBE70]Carla Pereira, KC1HSX Executive Manager ARRL Newington, CT 06111 860-594-0242 http://www.arrl.org/
participants (1)
Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX