[arrl-odv:18186] Re: ARRL Board: Old

Birthday greetings from the Isle of Jersey, Brian. We've arranged a UK vanity callsign to honor the occasion: G33ZER 73, Marty MJ/N6VI (GJ2A this coming weekend) ---- Brian Mileshosky <n5zgt@swcp.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone --
After enduring many years of "check that kid's ID!" during attitude adjustment at Board meetings, I wanted to let you know that the ARRL Board as a whole has officially become OLD...tomorrow I will have departed the twenties and have been dragged, kicking and screaming, into the thirties. Older than the hills, I say!
(Not that this will stop the "hey, check his ID!" requests)
Alright, now that this therapeutic outburst is off my chest, back to JOTA. See many of you in November for committee meetings!
73, Brian N5ZGT ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org
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