[arrl-odv:30979] Fwd: [Special] [EOC2EOC] Fire/ Disaster support communications: Pactor 4 Authorization for Amateur Radio

FYI, the letter sent by Washington State EMD RE: the Pactor 4 STA Mark, HDX ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Scott Dakers, WA EMD Logistics Communications Unit Lead via groups.io <Scott.Dakers=mil.wa.gov@groups.io> Date: Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 2:00 PM Subject: [Special] [EOC2EOC] Fire/ Disaster support communications: Pactor 4 Authorization for Amateur Radio To: <main@eoc2eoc.groups.io> For Immediate Distribution TO: All Radio Communications Teams/ Amateur Radio Winlink Sysops FROM: Scott Dakers, WA EMD Logistics Comms Unit DATE: 17 September 2020 RE: Special Temporary Authorization (STA) from FCC to utilize PACTOR 4 for Emergency Communications in Disaster Relief for Wildfires and Hurricanes Background: The western US is currently experiencing unprecedented wildfires coupled with our ongoing response to COVID-19. In past fire incidents, critical communications infrastructure has been damaged and otherwise compromised. In such cases, the contingency communications plan is to (1) utilize Winlink for message traffic, (2) voice communications for tactical communications, and (3) voice communications for message traffic when Winlink communications is not possible. WA EMD has been advised that fire has damaged communications infrastructure in California and that Red Cross shelters have begun utilizing Winlink to pass message traffic. The fire situation in the western states is active, ongoing and constantly changing. As such, CalOES (The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services) requested the FCC grant a STA (Secial Temporary Authorization) to utilize PACTOR 4 for message traffic on the amateur service. In support of this, WA EMD requested that amateur RMS stations in WA state also be authorized under the STA in order to send and receive message traffic. PACTOR 4 communications have been granted by the FCC as of today, Thursday, September 17th, 2020 for a total of 60 days to provide contingency communications capabilities relative to the current declared emergencies/ presidential declarations. The Intent of the STA: According the STA: "We [the FCC] conclude that granting the requested waiver is in the public interest. The impending hurricane situation and ongoing wildfires have the potential to cause massive destruction to the southeastern and western United States, and communications services will likely be disrupted. Thus, to accommodate amateur radio operators assisting in the recovery efforts, we grant... the waiver request for the period of 60 days from the date of this order. *The waiver is limited to amateur radio operators in the continental United States and Puerto Rico using PACTOR 3 and PACTOR 4 emissions who are directly involved with HF hurricane and wildfire relief communications.*" The intent and purpose of the STA grants amateur radio operators directly involved with relief efforts the ability to operate on PACTOR 4 during the 60 days of the STA. This would include *all *amateur Winlink RMS stations, as any amateur RMS station receiving message traffic from an affected area would be providing support. The STA does NOT grant permission for experimentation or hobby communications. The FCC STA is very specific: it is specifically in support of relief efforts, both on the part of the sender in the affected area as well as the receiving station providing support in an unaffected area. Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Amateur radio message traffic is public and can be read in public. Stations passing message traffic must not pass any PII over amateur radio. This includes but is not limited to names of victims, medical information, or sensitive information (body counts in a mass casualty event). While the majority of the onus is primarily on the sender, the RMS sysop needs to monitor communications as per the standard operational procedures as Winlink RMS sysops to make certain their stations are being utilized properly. Order of Operations: We can expect to see Winlink communications through RMS stations in the following order: 1. SHARES Winlink (for sensitive communications). Unlike Winlink in the amateur service, SHARES Winlink can be encrypted and can send PACTOR 4 communications at all times. Because SHARES Winlink can be secure, it may be the first choice for Winlink communications. 2. Amateur Winlink for general message traffic. Winlink messages on the amateur spectrum cannot be encrypted or obscured in any way and one must assume that all messages are being "read in the clear." Amateur Winlink remains a vital message service, as amateur radio can go places that SHARES communications cannot. It would be reasonable to expect to see message traffic from shelters, fire stations, etc. that are not authorized for SHARES. We ask that all amateur RMS stations capable of operating on PACTOR 4 please enable this capability. Typically, HF communications between California and Washington State are very good. Tests run by CalOES and WA EMD have shown this to be the case. If you have any questions regarding any of the above or have a question that is not addressed by the above, please feel free to contact me at the email address or phone number below. Thank you. Best regards, -- Scott Dakers Washington State Emergency Management Division Logistics Department Communications Unit Email: Scott.Dakers@mil.wa.gov Cell: (559) 804-1851 _._,_._,_ ------------------------------ Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. 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Mark J Tharp