[ARRL-ODV:7997] Blocked ARRL Forwarded Email

27 NOV, 2002 - 2335 CST Over this holiday weekend while you are eating your way through the turkey, give some thought about possible solutions to our growing problem with ARRL.NET email being blocked by ISPs. This problem is only going to get worse. Today, I floated a "trial balloon" with my Central division constituents who are signed up to receive email. I posted my experiences (in general) about spam and email transported viruses. My message went out at 1443 CST today. By 2218 CST, I had received 16 emails (all over the spectrum) on this topic. This is more than I have received to date, on any other hot button issue: Morse Code requirements, Novice Band Refarming, moving items out of QST, and the last dues increase. And this response was in less than 8 hours. I have no pat answers, but I believe something will have to be done in the near future. The choices may not be palatable, but I believe our continued status quo on ARRL.NET service is no longer an option. 73 - Dick, W9GIG ===================================================================== Delivered-To: grisely@speakeasy.net Received: (qmail 2472 invoked from network); 27 Nov 2002 21:38:40 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO mailer.remote.arrl.org) ([]) (envelope-sender <list-bounce@mailer.remote.arrl.org>) by mail17.speakeasy.net (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP for <grisely@speakeasy.net>; 27 Nov 2002 21:38:40 -0000 Received: (qmail 10935 invoked by uid 501); 27 Nov 2002 20:43:48 -0000 Date: 27 Nov 2002 20:43:48 -0000 Message-ID: <20021127204348.10934.qmail@mailer.remote.arrl.org> From: "ARRL Web site" <memberlist@www.arrl.org> To: grisely@speakeasy.net Subject: ISP Blocking Of ARRL.NET Emails CC: Subscribed ARRL Members: ; 27 NOV, 2002 - 1200 CST Fellow Central Division ARRL Members... Those of you who are using the "free" Hotmail, Juno, and "purchased" MSN email accounts may not receive this message because your ISP has unilaterally blocked receipt of ALL email messages coming through ARRL.NET. This is rather ironic because virtually all the really fraudulent emails I receive, come in decending order from the first two of these Internet Service Providers. Over half the email virus payloads appear to come from Hotmail accounts. Those of you using these three ISPs, who will receive this message, should seriously consider switching to an ISP that at least works to eliminate this misuse of the Internet by it's subscribers. ARRL.NET is not an ISP and the ultimate responsibility for combating this growing problem belongs to the ISPs. I also ask the rest of you to communicate this message to your friends who will not receive it because of the blockage. What we are seeing appears to be the opening round in a battle between responsibile ISPs and those who run cut-rate operations designed to make money only from advertising. In other words, you get what you pay for. Member email forwarding services, such as that provided by ARRL, AMSAT, Etc., are getting caught in the middle of this fight. Frankly, the best solution is to subscribe (pay money) to responsible Internet Service Providers. Thanks & 73 - George R. Isely, W9GIG Central Division Director -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Central Division Director: George Isely, W9GIG w9gig@arrl.org -------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is being sent to you via the ARRL Members Only Web site. If you do not want to receive further messages, go to the site at: http://www.arrl.org/members-only/memdata.html?modify=1 Log in with your username and password and change your email options. Unchecking the "Division/Section notices" box will prevent messages such as this one from being sent to you. -- webmaster@arrl.org
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