[arrl-odv:17933] FW: Section Manager Letter to Dave Sumner

-----Original Message----- From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:46 AM To: 'Steve Early'; Bodson, Dennis (Dir, Roanoke); Sarratt, Greg (Dir,SE); Fallon, Frank (Dir, Hudson ); Craigie, Kay (1st Vice President); Roderick, Rick (Vice President); Frahm, Bruce (Dir, Midwest); Ewald, Steve, WV1X; Cox, Mickey, ( Dir,Delta); Norton, Richard (Dir, SW); Bellows, John ( Dir, DK); Fenstermaker, James (Dir, NW); Harrison, Joel (President); Isely, Dick (Dir, CL); Adams, Leona, W1LGA; Woolweaver, David ( Dir, WG); Mileshosky, Brian (Dir, RM); Vallio, Bob (Dir, PC); Frenaye, Tom (Dir, NE); Edgar, William ( Dir, AT) Subject: RE: Section Manager Letter to Dave Sumner Dear Steve: On behalf of the ARRL Board, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the joint letter you have sent on behalf of so many Section Managers. On first reading it is clearly a carefully considered and constructive document that sets out the group's recommendations and concerns. Thanks to you and to everyone who contributed to its drafting. On the eve of the Board meeting I am not certain exactly how the referral of the letter will be handled, but you may rest assured that it will be given serious attention in the coming weeks. Thanks again. 73, David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary, ARRL
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ