[arrl-odv:17276] IN-News

<<101508.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 31, No. 42 October 15, 2008 -- Covers the period October 5-11. Upcoming Meetings and Events United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) October 13-17 - ARRL HQ Executive Committee Meeting October 18 @ 9:00am in Chicago, IL Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections November 21 in Newington, CT Administration &Finance Committee November 22 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Joel Hallas hosted Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ, one of the developers of the K3 and a founder and principal of Elecraft on October 15. While at HQ, he met with members of the Lab and editorial staff. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No. 40, for October 10, 2008. She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for October 10. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R The 70,000 piece mailing featuring the 2009 Handbook was mailed on Friday October 10. A 50,000 piece membership solicitation (a follow-up) mailed on the same day. A feature touting a selection of ARRL Benefits and Services is being prepared for the December issue of QST. The page includes our newest benefit, ARRL's QST Archive and Search. Jackie Cornell attended the Melbourne Hamfest, which was held October 11-12. She gave a presentation about ARRL Headquarters and helped out at the ARRL membership exhibit throughout the weekend. Gail processed 47 hamfest and 8 convention packages for October events and completed the "Coming Conventions" and "Hamfest Calendar" columns for the December issue of QST. She coordinated travel for HQ support/representation for several upcoming conventions and prepared a package of 8 new convention applications going to the EC meeting being held this weekend. The fall publication catalog is at the printer and due to mail in the next week. The Warehouse crew fulfilled 866 packages for publication and product orders, shipped 211 free book membership premiums, and sent October QST mailing supplements. They fulfilled backorders for the new hardcover edition ARRL Handbook and General Class Exam Course. A selection of ARRL publications will be availableat Makers Faire in Austin, Texas this weekend. The Faire is produced by MAKE magazine, and our publications will be found at the Makers Shed Store. Attendance may approach 65,000. We're excited about this budding partnership! Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Contest Branch Sean's trip to the PNWVHFS Conference in Moses Lake, WA October 3-5 was a huge success. He was able to meet with over 100 VHF+ operators and discussed all sorts of contest-related topics. Of particular interest to the attendees was a proposal Sean put forward to streamline the June VHF plaque program. Currently, June VHF plaques are awarded for 1st through 10th place, regardless of geography. VHF contests are severely affected by regional propagation, and it makes sense to award VHF Contest plaques based on Division, just like all other plaque programs. We continue to heavily promote November Sweepstakes in various contesting forums on the Internet, including my contest blog on arrl.org. Weekly news flashes of one variety or another will go out until the event is over. We are especially trying to generate activity from "rare" sections, in the effort to make a Clean Sweep easier to pull off this year. Sean gave a presentation on Friday, October 10th to some of our newly-elected Section Managers that came to ARRL as part of their orientation. He was able to show the value of contesting as a training ground for on-air and technical skills, which are important to all operators, especially those interested in EmComm. The Year of the State QSO Party was also well-received by the League's new SM's. W1AW Thanks to Chuck Skolaut, KØBOG, for his hosting at W1AW a number of Section Managers who were involved with the new SM workshop. (After the workshop, a number of SMs wanted to operate from W1AW.) Joe updated the web code practice files and the FMT web page. He processed all the current regular QSL card requests and those for the 2008 US Power Squadron operation from this past June. He installed a brand new Icom IC-7700 in Studio Three. (It takes the place of the old Icom IC-765 that was in service. This '765 is now part of the ARRL Online auction.) Joe updated the firmware in the two (2) Kenwood TS-480SAT transceivers in use at W1AW. He also constructed and installed a new Harris antenna bulkhead patch panel. And, he setup a brand new PC in preparation for a new Flex-5000 Software-Defined Radio that will be coming to W1AW in late November. He also worked the early afternoon/night shift on Monday for the vacationing Scott Gee. Field Organization/Public Service Team The Field Organization Team hosted the Workshop for fourteen new Section Managers from October 10-12. Initial reports from participants and coordinators indicate that it was a very fine success. Thanks to everyone that helped by making presentations and/or met with the Section Managers as they visited HQ. Those attending the Workshop were Jay Isbell, KA4KUN (Alabama), Jim Larsen, AL7FS (Alaska), Jim Latham, AF6AQ (East Bay), Ed Stuckey, AI7H (Idaho), Gary Stratton, K5GLS (Louisiana), Don Wood, W5FHA, (New Mexico), Joe Giraudo, N7JEH (Nevada), Lynn Nelson, WØCQ (North Dakota), Paul Eakin, KJ4G, (Northern Florida), Rich Krohn, N2SMV (Northern New Jersey), Steve Early, AD6VI (San Diego), Glenn Clayton, W4BDB (Tennessee), Jim Pace, K7CEX (Western Washington), LeeAnne Allen, WY7DTW (Wyoming). Chuck Skolaut returned the previous week from a successful convention in Buffalo, NY, and had the opportunity to meet with Atlantic Division Director Bill Edgar, N3LLR and Vice Director Tom Abernethy, W3TOM. A report of Spanish speaking stations on 5375 kHz was received and OOs are investigating. An announcement was made that the nomination period is open for the International Humanitarian Award to several e-mail lists. Several repeater problems were brought to our attention and various regional Official Observers are investigating. We were contacted by the new person handling amateur radio monitoring requests at the FCC HF direction finding station who assured us of their continued assistance of their services. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List Kathy Allison 10/27-10/31 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 10/17 Vacation `` 10/24 Vacation `` 11/24-11/26 Vacation Steve Ford 10/31 Vacation Norn Fusaro 10/20 Vacation Scott Gee 12/8-12/9 Vacation `` 12/23-12/26 Vacation Joel Hallas 10/17 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 10/15-10/20 Pacific Division Convention Debra Johnson 10/31 Vacation `` 11/3 Vacation Joel Kleinman 10/24 RR Donnelley, Pontiac, IL Kim Mancuso 10/21-10/24 Sick Leave Bill Moore 11/24-11/26 Vacation Allen Pitts 10/31 Vacation `` 11/3 Vacation Dave Sumner 10/17-10/20 Executive Committee Meeting, Chicago, IL Perry Williams 10/16-10/22 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ