[arrl-odv:19996] IN-News

<<060811.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 23 June 8, 2011 -- Covers the period May 29-June 4. Upcoming Meetings and Events ARRL National Convention June 10-11 -- Plano , TX Programs & Services Committee: June 18 @ 8:30am -- ARRL HQ Administration & Finance Committee July 14 @ 8:30am -- ARRL HQ Annual Board Meeting July 15-16, 2011 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP For a short week, it was a very busy week. The June CONTACT! was written and published. A new Now Hear This audio was created and posted. The annual report went up on the web and hardcopy is expected back from the printer any time now. Over the past weeks it has been frustrating not to get timely information from PIOs in recent tornado operations. But on June 1, the tornado came to New England and I was able to listen to the hams' response first hand from my home VHF radio systems. While there was still no PIO working the event, information was gotten from the EOC and ARC chapter and contact was made with CNN who were actively reporting the Springfield situation. In the end, aside from the excellent SKYWARN® work done, there was little more need for the hams, and no follow-up story evolved. But it was good to finally get information in a timely way. Then, still back to a previous tornado site, I spotted SA reports from Maj. Pat McPherson that he needed help in Joplin. Discussions led to our offer of help to them and the resultant successful weekend call for volunteers. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH Revenues for the Diamond Club have climbed to $137,703 or 49% of the 2011 target. Revenues for the Spectrum Defense Fund have reached $143,835 or 41% of the 2011 target. The prospect file for the Second Century Campaign has been completed. A full day of training at ARRL will take place on Thursday, June 16. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for June 2, 2011. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Branch Credits Applications 2010 Carryover 155,716 1,148 2011 Received 409,300 3,595 Cumulative Total 565,016 4,743 2011 Processed 442,842 3,680 Remaining 122,184 1,063 Processing Time 8 Weeks Logbook of the World Category May 2011 % Change Jan - May 2011 QSO Records Entered Into System 348,375,314 8% QSL Record Matches 41,377,375 12% Logs Processed 2,182,369 16% Active Certificates 62,491 8% Registered Users in System 41,557 8% Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries May 2011 Maintenance 981 Initial Setup Inquiries 1,146 Award Related Concerns 373 Customer Usage Issues 498 Phone Calls 240 Total 3,238 W1AW Joe created the texts for the June W1AW Qualifying Runs. He also updated the web code practice files and web Qualifying Run schedules and weekly QST source web pages. Also, Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for early June. Field Organization/Public Service Team In advance of the Friday, June 10, receipt deadline for Section Manager nominating petitions, incumbent Section Managers Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV (San Francisco), and David Greenhut, N6HD (Los Angeles), have submitted petitions to run for new terms of office starting on October 1. Verne Fowler, W8BLA, of Cumming, Georgia, has been nominated to run for Section Manager. Incumbent Georgia SM Gene Clark, W4AYK, has previously been nominated so there will be a Section Manager election in Georgia this summer. Leona Adams has been corresponding with all the candidates in regard to these matters. Steve Ewald edited and turned in the August QST Public Service column to the Production Department. Steve also helped the Emergency Preparedness Team's response to the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network's (SATERN) request to call for and assemble additional Amateur Radio operator volunteers for their communication efforts in Joplin, Missouri. The SATERN effort will continue until June 10. Chuck Skolaut returned from attending the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) convention in Kansas City. Attendees totaled 550 with several service projects taking place including construction of a house for Habitat and a food packaging exercise. Also during the convention, tornadoes were sited nearby and everyone was sent to shelter for a time. No damage occurred, however. The convention took place right after the tornado struck Joplin, MO. Jim Andera, KØNK, gave an excellent presentation at the about Amateur Radio and its use for disaster communications during the NVOAD convention. Radio amateurs from Ohio, Western Pennsylvania and Nevada successfully completed certification to become Official Observers this week. The FCC followed up on a report of intentional interference to a large net but reported none was observed. Official Observers in North Florida and Arkansas reported good feedback from the use of Good Operator reports. One recipient said it was his most valued award in 63 years of hamming! Education Services Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ Nathan McCray K9CPO and I represented the Education Services programs at Dayton Hamvention. A steady stream of visitors to the booth had questions about educational outreach to schools, the Teachers Institute, curriculum materials, online courses and licensing instruction. We made several contacts for educational collaboration and opportunities for hosting Teachers Institutes and were able to provide information and advice for clubs and individuals interested in working with local schools. Nathan gave two forum presentations: one on "How to Approach Schools with Ham Radio" and another for the teachers' forum on "How to Integrate Electronics and Ham Radio in Your 3rd - 5th grade Classroom." Both were met with engaged and enthusiastic audiences. Continuing Education Program We developed a new mentor familiarization course and began re-enlisting and recruiting mentors to support the new Intro to EmComm course. The first two sessions of the new course with 25 seats each were filled by the end of the month. We received the Word files of the course content from the course instructional designer and began scrubbing the files to consolidate them into printable format in preparation to produce a course transcript. Education & Technology Program We finalized the rosters for all 5 TIs scheduled for this summer and notified all participants. Jennifer Knapp made hotel reservations for all sessions and distributed information to participants. Instructors contacted participants with a welcome and introduction. Jennifer has been handling a high volume of phone calls and emails related to travel logistics. We ordered, packed and shipped resources for the June sessions. Seven grant applications were received for the May round. Miguel Enriquez KD7RPP reports that Pueblo HS Radio Club received over 180 requests for the free fox transmitter units the club is offering to hams and clubs who plan to use them for work with youth. The radio club decided to extend this offer as a way of giving back to the amateur radio community. You can review the news story announcing the offer at: http://www.arrl.org/news/high-school-radio-club-to-offer-free-foxhunting-tra... ARISS On May 19 NASA announced the new process for proposals for ARISS school contacts. Two windows of opportunity per year will open for schools and education groups to submit proposals. The windows will be open for two months, and will correlate to specific ISS expeditions the schools can be scheduled within a 6 month time period. School proposals must meet very specific criteria regarding educational plans and goals. We are very pleased that the new planning guide that NASA will provide to schools who want to submit a proposal integrates recommendations for use of ARRL ETP resources. ARRL, NASA and AMSAT will all be involved in the proposal review process that will evaluate the strength of the educational plan as well as logistical considerations. The announcement about the new process was distributed to over 18,000 schools on NASA's various contact lists. We updated the ARRL website to reflect these changes in process. On May 5, Greenville (IL) Elementary School had an ARISS contact as the capstone of a series of science, technology, mathematics, and geography lessons. The school partners with NASA in having been selected as a NASA Explorer School, and teachers developed curriculum and activities promoting these subjects. The lead teacher for ARISS was Donna Carlson, KC9LEG, who earned her Amateur Radio license after submitting an ARISS education proposal. Local radio operators provided in-service studies and demonstrations on radio, as well as training and support for faculty and students who developed an interest in radio. The school created an Amateur Radio group, and has 5 students who passed their ham radio exams and were excited to be able to communicate to an astronaut through Amateur Radio. Other US ARISS contacts in May on May 9 with St. Michael School in Schererville, Indiana and astronaut Cady Coleman, KC5ZTH. on the ISS took part in an ARISS contact. The school partners with the Challenger Learning Center in Hammond, Indiana and provided students with this ARISS contact to highlight its science curriculum. A local news story and video are at http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/lake/schererville/article_1a1b5c1d-0f5d-5... Mount Carmel Academy students from Houston, Texas participated in an ARISS contact with on-orbit astronaut Ron Garan, KF5GPO on Tuesday, May 10 via telebridge station ON4ISS in Belgium. The contact complemented lessons on the International Space Station as well as amateur radio. Clear Lake Amateur Radio Club provided follow-on educational support. News of the ARISS contact reached approximately 580,000 households through the Comcast Channel 18 simulcast of Houston Independent School District news and through KUHF, the local PBS radio station. See: http://app1.kuhf.org/houston_public_radio-news-display.php?articles_id=13050... May was also a busy month for outreach activities for the ARISS team. They sponsored an ARISS educational day at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum (NASM) on Space Day, May 6. AMSAT volunteers and the NASM Education Division worked with young people during the all-day event. NASM set up a stage and A/V equipment, including a large screen, so that thousands of museum-goers could hear the ARISS contact and a presentation prior to the contact about Amateur Radio, how radio works, and how the contact with space works. The volunteers engaged the youth with activities involving satellites, space, and Amateur Radio. The ARISS team had a multi-faceted presence at Dayton Hamvention. Astronaut Doug Wheelock, KF5BOC attended as ARRL's guest. He was very engaging and made a big impact with convention attendees. In addition, Barry Baines, WD4ASW, gave ARISS highlights at the AMSAT Forum, Lou McFadin, W5DID, spoke on a proposal for ham TV in the ISS Columbus module, and Dave Jordan, AA4KN, gave a presentation about ARISS at the teacher's forum. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 7/4 Holiday Leona Adams 6/22 Vacation `` 7/1 Vacation `` 7/22 Vacation Joe Carcia 6/17 Vacation `` 7/1-7/8 Vacation `` 7/15 Vacation `` 7/22 Vacation `` 7/29 Vacation Steve Ford 8/8-8/12 Vacation Mike Gruber 7/11-7/15 Vacation Dan Henderson 7/5-7/8 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 8/8-8/12 Vacation Khrystyne Keane 6/10 Vacation Joel Kleinman 6/14-6/15 Vacation Zack Lau 6/16-6/17 Vacation Rose-Anne Lawrence 6/20-27 Vacation Diane Petrilli 8/8-8/12 Vacation `` 8/31-9/2 Vacation Allen Pitts 6/15-6/17 Vacation `` 7/1 Vacation `` 7/20-7/22 Vacation `` 7/28-7/29 Vacation John Proctor 6/22-7/8 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 6/13-6/16 Vacation Dave Sumner 6/27-6/28 Vacation Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings Dan Henderson 6/2-6/12 Wyoming State Convention, Cheyenne, WY/ARRL National Bob Allison 6/8-6/11 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Steve Ewald 6/9-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Jackie Ferreira 6/8-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Mike Gruber 6/9-6/10 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Dan Henderson 6/9-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Mary Hobart 6/9-6/11 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Amy Hurtado 6/8-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Bob Inderbitzen 6/8-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Harold Kramer 6/9-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Diane Petrilli 6/8-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Allen Pitts 6/9-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Barry Shelley 6/9-6/12 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Dave Sumner 6/9-6/13 ARRL National Convention, Plano, TX Chuck Skolaut 6/10-6/12 Tennessee State Convention, Knoxville, TN Brennan Price 6/13-6/22 ITU-R Working Party 5A, Geneva Dave Patton 6/23-6/26 Friedrichshafen, Germany Brennan Price 6/23-6/27 Friedrichshafen, Germany Brennan Price 7/13-7/16 BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT Brennan Price 8/5-8/6 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ