[arrl-odv:35013] Norton Director's Motions - Please Process Them, Individually, to BoardEffect

Norton 1. Moved that staff be directed to contain the ARRL's relationship with the National Contest Journal to that of publisher and distributor, eschewing editorial control and selection of editor or columnists. Norton 2. Moved that staff be directed to promptly produce any information requested by Director Famiglio on matters relating to trademarks and intellectual property. Norton 3. Moved that staff be directed to assure that all members wishing to participate in ARRL-managed on-line discussion groups are able and encouraged to do so, and that no action is ever taken by staff in retaliation of suggestion of action or criticism. Institute a policy where no member of an ARRL-managed online group may be moderated, banned, or otherwise removed without their first being informed via that group that a cited post violates the group's printed rules. Norton 4. Moved that staff be directed to cease any efforts to stifle member suggestions or criticisms. Staff is directed to make no efforts to excise suggestions or criticisms made on both ARRL and non-ARRL forums. Norton 5. Moved that the Executive Committee review and approve all QST editorials before publication. Norton 6. Moved that the Executive Committee pre-approve any Executive Office or Human Relations legal expense estimated to be above $2,500. Cost of each motion - negligible if not zero
participants (1)
Richard Norton