[ARRL-ODV:10696] BPL Struggle Continues

8 JUN, 2004 - 1120 CDT Fellow ARRL Board Members... Below is the message exchange between the Indiana SM, Jim Sellers, and an Indiana State official who made an inquiry about BPL. Obviously we have no way of knowing how the BPL struggle will play out in Indiana. But it's nice to be able to get the word to government officials before the problems start. 73 - Dick, W9GIG ========================================================================= Delivered-To: dick@pobox.com Received: from colander (localhost []) by kelvin.pobox.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 221F31757EB for <dick@pobox.com>; Mon, 7 Jun 2004 22:20:20 -0400 (EDT) Received: from out002.verizon.net (out002pub.verizon.net []) by kelvin.pobox.com (Postfix) with ESMTP for <dick@pobox.com>; Mon, 7 Jun 2004 22:19:49 -0400 (EDT) Received: from k9zbm ([]) by out002.verizon.net (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-106-20030910) with ESMTP id <20040608013559.HDIF9273.out002.verizon.net@k9zbm>; Mon, 7 Jun 2004 20:35:59 -0500 Message-ID: <000c01c44cf8$f301d340$d93ec843@k9zbm> From: "James S. Sellers" <k9zbm@verizon.net> To: "Keen, Ronald" <rkeen@oucc.IN.gov> Cc: "Dick Isely" <dick@pobox.com>, "Ewald, Steve, WV1X" <wv1x@arrl.org> References: <A3230F6062EB1B4F82AC35B51CA37A866EF686@exchmail03.shared.state.in.us> Subject: Re: Broadband Over Powerlines Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 20:35:54 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0008_01C44CCF.07E1DB40" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Dear Mr. Keen, Regarding Broadband over Power Lines, this technology is bad technology. Its proposed implimentation is of great concern to me and all Indiana Amateur Radio Operators. This technology affects not only amateur radio operators, but all users of the High Frequency and Low VHF radio spectrum. Quite simply, the commercial power lines were designed and built to transmit 60 Hertz(Hz) electricity to private consumers and commercial businesses. These power lines were never designed or constructed to transmit digital signals in the 2 Megahertz to 60 Megahertz region. Essentially, these digital signals are radio frequency signals. The basic physics of electricity has proven that these signals will radiate from single conductor wires very much in the same manner as a radio antenna. I have attached a .pdf file describing the concerns of amateur radio operators here in Indiana and throughout the U.S. This document was produced by the American Radio Relay League(ARRL), and is publicly available. Please take the time to open and read its contents carefully. Thank you for writing me regarding this BPL issue that is of great concern to me and all Indiana Radio Amateurs. Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or comments. Sincerely, James S. Sellers K9ZBM Indiana ARRL Section Manager 54676 County Rd. 8 Middlebury, IN 46540-8710 (574) 825-5425 <mailto:k9zbm@arrl.org>k9zbm@arrl.org cc/Dick Isely W9GIG, Central Div. Director Steve Ewald WV1X, ARRL Hq. ----- Original Message ----- From: <mailto:rkeen@oucc.IN.gov>Keen, Ronald To: <mailto:k9zbm@arrl.org>k9zbm@arrl.org Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 07:24 AM Subject: Broadband Over Powerlines Mr. Sellers -- The debate on Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) has become more focused in Indiana with the recent announcement by Cinergy of an intent to potentially deploy BPL in Indiana. I've also heard some arguments against such a deployment from the amateur radio operators. While I'm familiar with the BPL technology, I'm not up to speed on the interference issues. Can you help? Thanks. Regards, Ronald L. Keen Director, Telecommunications Division Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor 100 N. Senate Avenue, Room N501 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 PH: 317-232-2751 FAX: 317-232-5923 RKeen@oucc.state.in.us <file://d:\eudora\attach\BPL-leave-behind2.pdf> 18c8b5.jpg <file://d:\eudora\attach\BPL-leave-behind2.pdf> BPL-leave-behind2.pdf
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