21 MAR, 2002 - 1045 CST I believe that some simple math has to be used to explain the physics underlying the following topics that must be included in the Technician question pool: 1. RF propagation: take-off angles and skip distances. 2. Simple wire antenna design & basic SWR analysis. The more technical material in the General and Extra class licenses should/will, of course, contain a lot of math. But eliminating math from the Technician license pool means eliminating a basic understanding of how RF energy gets from one station to another. And this lack of understanding will lead to ham radio equipment difficulties, and a greater potential for RFI problems with the neighbors. Amateur Radio cannot be reduced to a "paint-by-the-numbers" hobby. One does not have to be an RF engineer, but I do think a technical knowledge level quite a bit above "plug and play" is a requirement - even for Technicians. 73 - Dick, W9GIG
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