[arrl-odv:20786] Many To Blame In LightSquared Mess

15 MAY 2012 - 1330 CDT The attached PDF is the third time that Aviation Week & Space Technology (AWST) has published an article on the LightSquared Debacle. I know this is not a direct concern for the ARRL. But the clash of RF technologies, the growing demands on the RF spectrum, and particularly how the FCC has failed to do its job should be of interest to all of us on this reflector. I also see FCC political similarities between this mess and our long running struggle with FCC PRB-1 limitations, the BPL fight, and the total failure of the FCC to enforce power line RF interference problems. It doesn't make any difference which political party controls the federal executive branch. Both sides kowtow to corporate money at the expense of the individual RF spectrum users and the voters. For those of you going to Dayton this year, have a boring trip both ways and I look forward to see you there. - Dick, W9GIG
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