[arrl-odv:34717] CONFIDENTIAL

[Note please follow the thread from the bottom up] Thanks Mickey. I am not responding to Dave's outburst. Dave is going to learn that his aggression, rhetoric, and false statements in our forums will not be tolerated. His personal attacks against me, Bob, and others including Director Stratton are just not what our forums are for. His latest statements are that the Board authorized "waterfall development" of a new "complete re-write" of LoTW. Where did he dream that up? I checked the minutes. Not present. Bob has personal emails from other forum members who Dave has attacked, and who he has even banned from his own DXLabs forum because he doesn't want to be challenged! Toxic? ARRL today is an environment of truth - not the ridiculous notion of transparency. There are people, and they very well know who they are, who are headed for a heart ache if they bring that non-sense up with me. And if it is in a public forum, as it has been where I've been questioned about these things, our members will get the full story - all the relevant and material facts - not just the headlines filtered through opinion, self-interest or other causes that creates a misunderstanding of what the truth is. Let me tell you about the interest in LoTW on the board. I wrote the Radiosport Working Group an email on March 13th just to get a read on WHO should be on the working group including experts from outside ARRL HQ. I received only one response from the entire group. One. No one seems to want to take this on and I am not going to drag people through it kicking and screaming. It is a huge project. LoTW works, and works just fine. There's only so many cars you can get over a multi-lane bridge at a time. I know that from commuting into NYC for years. Just because the response time is slow during peak loads does NOT mean it is BROKEN, does NOT mean it is a PROBLEM, and does NOT mean it must be replaced. The REASON WHY LoTW MUST BE REPLACED: it was not designed as a real-time system. It was designed to handle batches of confirmations with no expectation in turnaround time. Those are not the expectations of today's users. These people are uploading every contact, in real time, and expecting to see their awards totals change, instantly, as they upload. Can't do it. Period. Full stop. I'd also suggest - strongly - that if you think you're serving ARRL by communicating with Dave, you're hurting the organization. He will use your words against you and ARRL. I would encourage you to stop, as we did in November 2020. Thanks. David From: Baker, Mickey, N4MB (Dir, SE) <mbaker@arrl.org> Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 1:08 PM To: Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> Subject: Fwd: ARRL-LOTW forum FYI. I'm not responding, don't know if anyone else is. Mickey Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef> ________________________________ From: Dave AA6YQ <aa6yq@ambersoft.com<mailto:aa6yq@ambersoft.com>> Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:06:15 PM To: Fred Kemmerer <fkemmerer@anita-fred.net<mailto:fkemmerer@anita-fred.net>>; Norton, Richard N6AA (Dir, SW) <richardjnorton@yahoo.com<mailto:richardjnorton@yahoo.com>>; Mickey N4MB <n4mb@arrl.net<mailto:n4mb@arrl.net>>; G Widin <gpwidin@comcast.net<mailto:gpwidin@comcast.net>> Cc: Bernstein, Dave, AA6YQ <aa6yq@ambersoft.com<mailto:aa6yq@ambersoft.com>> Subject: ARRL-LOTW forum W5OV has placed me on moderated status - with no cause, and with no explanation. None of my posts have come close to breaking the forum's rules -- which I established when I negotiated the transfer of this group from its original founder to the ARRL and re-affirmed when the "Communications with Members" Committee created additional online forums in the image of ARRL-LoTW. Sadly, the descent of the ARRL's culture towards complete toxicity is accelerating. It's getting close to the point of no return. de AA6YQ
participants (1)
Minster, David NA2AA (CEO)