RE: [arrl-odv:16900] SO 19 - Elimination of US Mail Copies of Board Meeting Announcements

I must say I agree with Dick regarding USPS-mailed notices of Board meetings. Admittedly, the change to all-e-mail notices (when this is possible) would not save a bunch of bucks, it will save on upwards to $100/year on unnecessary postage and stationery expenditures. The savings in personnel effort depend largely on the degree of automation of the mailing process, but there certainly would be some saving in time investment. If my view of the issue is off-base, I will appreciate a discussion to provide me with correct alternate views. Jim Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director ARRL Great Lakes Division 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 E-mail: <>; Tel.: 513-459-0142 ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is! Members - The Reason ARRL Is! _____ From: Richard J. Norton [] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 4:56 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:16900] SO 19 - Elimination of US Mail Copies of Board Meeting Announcements Recently the Board was twice advised about the upcoming July meeting by E-mail. Shortly after each E-mail, we received copies of the same announcements which were sent through the US Mail. I was, and remain, uncertain about the value of sending duplicate copies by US Mail. In an attempt to annually direct a couple hundred dollars of our member's assets to more productive use, I started to write an E-mail to ODV suggesting that we change standing order 19 to eliminate the "by mail." It appears that we have already done this! I checked on the site, and noticed that Standing Order 19 had been revised as of January 2005. I then looked at my copy of the January 2005 Board workbook, and found the text of the communique from the EC which proposed the revisions. Surprisingly enough the words "by letter" were specifically lined out. I can't imagine that the Board's intent was anything other than the elimination of the postal letters, and notification by E-mail. At least that was my intent. The texts are at the end of this message. Do any of you still support sending out the US Mail letters? If not, do any of you have any ideas about what we need to do to stop them? 73, Dick Norton, N6AA Present form of SO 19, July 2008: 19) The Secretary is directed to inform all Directors at least two weeks before the formal call for the Board meeting, that such call will be made, giving the date, so that Directors have sufficient time to file notice to changes in Articles of Association and By-Laws before the formal meeting notice is mailed. [Amended January 2005] Form of SO 19 before January 2005: 19) The Secretary is directed to inform all Directors by letter at least two weeks before the formal call for the Board meeting, that such call will be made, giving the date, so that Directors have sufficient time to file notice to changes in Articles of Association and By-Laws before the formal meeting notice is mailed. [Amended January 2005]
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