[ARRL-ODV:7739] Re: ARRL & Bandwidth

Amen. 73, Gary KI4LA on 8/29/02 10:18 PM, jmax@attglobal.net at jmax@attglobal.net wrote:
I agree with Jay.
No one has given us reason to hurry on this, at least not yet. Let's fully understand what we want to do, the ramifications of those wants, and then get it right the first time. January is early enough. And if we don't have a good concensus in January, then delay it even more.
73. Jim, W6CF
John Bellows wrote:
I have full confidence in the ability of Chris and Paul to craft an appropriate petition on this question. With each posting on this topic it is becoming more apparent that the allocation by bandwidth resolution has ramifications far beyond those discussed in July. More specifically there appear to be a variety of opinions as to what the petition is intended to accomplish and the specifics of what is to be included in the request to FCC. Without that information Chris and Paul are left to interpret what was intended.
Rather than risk an unfortunate encounter with the Law of Unintended Consequences we may prefer to wait until January to clarify what we intended to request and how to do that as narrowly as possible. The other option is to proceed, in which case the only Board wide guidance that Chris and Paul have is the language of the motion rather than our individual opinions of what was intended.
participants (1)
Gary Johnston