On November 10 I attended the Midwest Division Convention along with Director Bruce Frahm, K0BJ, Vice Director Cliff Ahrens, K0CA, and Missouri SM Dale Bagley, K0KY. Other notable radio amateurs in attendance were: Bernie McClenny, W3UR - QST How's DX and the Daily & Weekly DX editor Dave Anderson, K4SV - Peter 1 DXpedition Stan Stockton, K5GO - Contest Superstation K5GO The event was held at the Cowan Civic Center in Lebanon, Missouri. Lebanon is a town of about 12,000 and is conveniently located on I-44 with easy access from just about everywhere in the division. The Cowan Civic Center is quite an impressive, modern facility that easily accommodates a number of activities. Lebanon is only about a 4 hour drive from my home and the trip was uneventful. I arrived in Lebanon on Friday afternoon around 4 PM and checked in at the Civic Center where a number of pre-convention activities were taking place. The convention began Saturday morning and included a small flea market and a number of amateur radio dealers. A full round of seminars were scheduled throughout the day with excellent attendance. The ARRL Forum was attended by approximately 50 people. I spent most of the time during the forum speaking on a number of ARRL related items and Bruce and I fielded questions. The group was quite interested in the latest BPL news given our recent appearance before the D.C. Court of Appeals and the latest that was occurring at WRC-07. The group was friendly and very supportive of our efforts in all of areas. The convention began to wind down late Saturday afternoon. I departed and arrived home Saturday evening. I want to thank Bruce and Cliff for the invitation and hospitality during the trip. This was an excellent event with a focus on seminars that generated good interest among the attendees. The hot dogs receive an 8 out of 10.very good. I was also able to acquire a piece of vintage equipment in the flea market I had been seeking for a long time...the Collins matching speaker to go with my 75A4 and the best part was since I had driven up I had the means to transport it back! 73 Joel W5ZN p.s. for the new board members on the reflector, I like hot dogs and I always try to have at least one at each event I attend. I like to rate them as well, understanding that ranking hot dogs is like discussion religion. Everyone's opinion differs!
participants (1)
Joel Harrison